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Natick couple terrorized in eBay pig-mask campaign sue auction giant


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Nice reporting Adam! Any idea - even in general terms - what the Steiners had posted on their site about eBay to get them SO pissed off?

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But what really got on the thin-skinned eBayistas' nerves were the sort of anonymous comments their site allowed on articles, in particular one guy who commented a lot under the name FidoMaster, who often posted criticisms of the company and its internal policies, both on the site and on Twitter.

From the affidavit by the lead FBI agent on the case:

The anonymous comments were sometimes critical of eBay and its executive leadership team. At other times, the comments amounted to name-calling. For example, a May 2015 comment called eBay executives “liars” and “thugs” who should be jailed; a May 2017 comment called Executive 1 the devil; and an April 2018 comment stated that Executive 1 was “delusional.”

So when they began harassing the Steiners:

On or about June 8, 2019, Gilbert scribbled the word “Fidomaster” on the fence in front of the Victims’ home.

And, at first, the campaign seemed targeted at finding out who Fidomaster was and how he or she was connected to the Steiners.

But then, on Aug. 1, 2019, the Steiners reported on an article in the Times about eBay suing Amazon for allegedly poaching its sellers. Their story had this line: "[Executive 1] has been unable to stop a decline in market sales, but trying to dissuade sellers from turning to Amazon (and trying to get Amazon to stop recruiting sellers) may not be the best tactic." Executive 1? Wenig, the CEO.

Just half an hour later, at 2:19 p.m., Executive 1 texted Executive 2: "[Victim 1] is out with a hot piece on the litigation. If you are ever going to take her down..now is the time."

Executive 2 responded shortly afterward by text message: "On it."

Victim 1 is Ina Steiner, and that's when things started getting really disturbing.

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Sounds like a real BostonDog.

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But doesn't Section 230 , which is the law that prevents websites from being held liable for user-created content, such as comment sections apply here?

I get Section 230. I sure would hope eBay execs would too. Why go after the Steiners? Other than the fact that they have moderator access to **remove** comments. But why go to such extent, why not just sue for that instead of taking this to a whole new level?

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As for why eBay did this? I'm not a lawyer, or a psychologist or anything, but if I had to bet, you're talking about a troubled man who thinks he is a god running a $47-billion corporation. Some people like that build giant penises that burst into the sky. And others decide to focus on crushing little people for sport.

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giant penises that burst into the sky

That was great.

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I don't think the mindset of the eBay people is that they were pissed off. I think they decided the Natick people were like a rival fraternity, and the eBay people got such a kick out of pulling pranks that they took it way too far.

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the eBay people got such a kick out of pulling pranks that they took it way too far

The actions described are those of sociopaths. If you think they were "pranks", that's cause for concern.

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LOL criminal threats and intimidation is so much harmless fun


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You have access to the internet... go forth voyager and find the answers to your questions. I know, it may take 7... 10 seconds... but persevere!

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The end product of achievement and meritocracy, talent and intellect selected by the perfection that is the corporate capitalist system!

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Plus the Natick police had a nice hand in bringing the "masters" to heal.

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but the Natick police are part of Big Government, the enemy of capitalism. Except when it's subservient to it.

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When is Big Gov't not subservient to capitalism?

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government was very, very big, and was not subservient to capitalism, of which there was very little. Neither was it subservient in China between 1949 and the 1980's. Since then the two have become nearly indistinguishable there, so that it is hard to say which is subservient to the other. In 1930's Germany, the Big Capitalists expected the Nazi government to be subservient to them, but were surprised to find themselves servants instead of masters. The welfare states of many western democracies, particularly in Europe, have a close but uneasy relationship with Capital. They are certainly influenced by it, but are only occasionally subservient to it.

Money can buy political power, and such power can be used to make more money, but there are other sources of political power, and other motives for its use.

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I thought we were discussing the U$A.

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Those are the guys who got hired through connections at the frat house.

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I sometimes toss a side eye at some of these lawsuits that ask for money when a company makes a mistake that wasn't intentional and didn't cause that much harm.... But in this case yikes! This was a conspiracy that went right to the top and dealt directly with critics of the company. An example needs to be made. How does a company "know" something, doesn't it know when senior executives including the CEO know? If this stopped at some middle manager I would buy that but clearly this frat house er I mean company thought they were above the law.

Give the Steiner's a huge lump of cash. Half goes to them for putting up with this bullshit and half goes towards a fund for them to build up their reporting so they can focus on other tech companies too.

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A *large* number of shares, enough to influence who is on their Board of Directors at the next election.

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Normally, when I write about a lawsuit, I throw in a lot of caveats, like "alleged," "charged," "claims," etc.

But not this time. The complaint closely follows the FBI affidavit, which most of the people who were sued have admitted was true by pleading guilty to criminal charges.

It's kind of amazing that the facts are simultaneously horrifying and surreal. It would make a hell of a movie - it's too bad that Peter Falk is no longer around to play one of the ring members.

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After walking away with a $57m package, Wenig is now on the board of GM making $300k+ a year.

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Its somewhat comforting to know that executives can act like pendulant children sometimes.

But seriously, what kind of special person do you have to be to go after these folks.. AND have minions do it.. AND to do it such an extent. OMG these people are loons.

I mean regardless of what is said.. its eBay. The largest online auction site (and the first). I don't think they had much to fear over a website that writes eCommerce news, even if it it is bad.

I mean anyone I know who buys or sells on eBay has their fair share of complaints about eBay itself. Any big company gets them and brushes them off most of the time.

These folks really had it out for the Steiner's (and really without merit, see my comment above to Adam). People need some serious help to take it to this level.

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To know that sociopaths act like sociopaths? Your comment assumes that these monsters are better than us—why do you think that? Because they’re rich? Living on the Cape has taught you nothing.

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You musta missed reading comprehension day at school.

That was a bit tongue & cheek. Not meant to taken literally.

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deserves heavy penalty for this. corporations are not sovereigns--and ebay should be made an example of.

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