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Finally, a barber shop where local anti-vaxxers can feel at home

Anti-vax stickers on South Boston barber's door

SociallyRemoved spotted this anti-vax front door at LoGrasso's Barber Shop, on West Broadway between D and E streets in South Boston.

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and set up the GoFundMe page now so his family won't have to in a few weeks.

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Two things:

1. Statistically, he'll he fine. Which in this case is a bit unfortunate. (Not that I wish him harm, just that he's wise up to what other people experience.)

2. Even if he does get sick or even die, he'll claim it was something else and/or it's still preferable to getting the shots. It's not hard to find people who continued to deny COVID even as they lie in a hospital bed.

There's a long history of people who refuse to accept their actions are related to their illnesses.

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Refusing to accept the consequences of your actions is indeed stupid.

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But fifty seven guns to protect you against the monsters under the bed and the scary black urban bogeyman mythology of crime is freedom.

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Why do you assume I’m a gun owning Republican? In case you forgot, it was Donald Trump’s operation warp speed that helped get this “vaccine” out in record time. You know, the one that all of you are blindly taking along with most idiotic Trump supporters? I actually worked for Bernie Sander’s campaign in 2016. I’m PRO CHOICE. I cannot be a danger to you if the “vaccine” is so “safe and effective”. Most children today get vaccines that their parents never got and they have never been considered dangerous to their children. THE RELENTLESS PROPAGANDA SPEWED BY THE MEDIA IS MAKING YOU INCAPABLE OF RATIONAL THOUGHT. You know, the same media with gigantic conflicts of interest. (LIKE FAUCI)

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You seem very emotional, that's pretty much the opposite of rationality.

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How would you feel if a bunch of people that don’t know you and have never stepped foot in your business started leaving 1 star ratings because they disagree with you on an issue that has nothing to do with my business???I am fighting for body autonomy and so should you for your children’s sake!! Once you aren’t allowed to decide what goes into your body, FREEDOM IS DEAD!! It doesn’t take a genius to understand how wrong it is for big Pharma bullies to force a medical procedure on people who don’t need it!! Wtf is wrong with you people? Are you THAT BRAINWASHED? Are you really defending the criminal pharmaceutical giants who are responsible for 83% of adults having a chronic illness? 53% of children have a chronic illness!! This is the sickest population we’ve had in centuries and the criminal pharma conglomerates are responsible! Have you heard of the OXYCONTIN SCANDAL BY THE SACKLER FAMILY? If a person committed a fraction of the crimes that pfizer commits they would get a life sentence. Pfizer just pays BILLIONS IN FINES but are still allowed to force their medical procedures on an unsuspecting public. Is this the hill you choose to die on?? REALLY!?? The only countries that have forced vaccines on their population are the most totalitarian regimes of all time. You are defending giant pharmaceutical bullies with an abysmal human rights record. Let me know how that works out for you.

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Just shutting up about it and going about your business? YOU made the choice to post a mural of insanity on your front window, YOU have to deal with the consequences having the impulse control of a 3 year old.

The alternative would have been to keep your mouth shut about your grossly ignorant and uninformed opinion on vaccinations, continue to cut old racist Southie resident’s hair, and not receive one star reviews for your business

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While I don't prescribe to his thinking, I have to defend his ability as a barber.

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You let this unbalanced individual stand behind you with sharp objects? And you pay for it?

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Florida Radio Host Who Warned Against Vaccine Dies of COVID-19 Complications

A Florida radio host who was vehemently outspoken about vaccinations died from COVID-19 complications on Friday.

Dick Farrel, of West Palm Beach, Florida, was beloved by many listeners and supports for his right-wing opinions. Farrel was also known for his thoughts on the COVID-19 vaccine, which he was opposed to taking himself.

Prior to his death, the radio veteran made a number of comments on Facebook regarding Dr. Fauci and the COVID-19 vaccine.

Texas GOP Official Mocked COVID Five Days Before He Died of Virus

A GOP official from Texas who regularly espoused anti-vaccine and anti-mask views online has died from COVID-19, five days after posting a meme on Facebook questioning the wisdom of getting inoculated against COVID.

LA man who mocked Covid-19 vaccines dies of virus

Stephen Harmon, a member of the Hillsong megachurch, had been a vocal opponent of vaccines, making a series of jokes about not having the vaccine.
"Got 99 problems but a vax ain't one," the 34-year-old tweeted to his 7,000 followers in June.
He was treated for pneumonia and Covid-19 in a hospital outside Los Angeles, where he died on Wednesday.

Anti-vaxxer dies of Covid nine days after saying virus is ‘nothing to be afraid of’

A healthy man who died of Covid after refusing to get the vaccine made a “terrible mistake”, his partner has said.

Leslie Lawrenson, 58, died at his home in Bournemouth on 2 July, after downplaying his symptoms and declining to go to the hospital.

This shop owner may be a lost cause, but to any of you reading this, there is still time to make good decisions about vaxing and masking, take down your anti-vax propaganda, and prevent yourself from being a punchline.

3 of these stories are from the last 3 days, one is from 2 weeks ago. And these are only the stories noteworthy enough for the news.


In 10 days, 6 members of Jacksonville church die from COVID-19, pastor says

In the last 10 days, we have had six members of our church who passed away from COVID. Four of them were under the age of 35. All of them were healthy, and the only thing they had in common was they were not vaccinated,” [Senior Pastor George Davis] said.

He says 15 to 20 members are now in the hospital, another 10 or so are at home with the virus and three to five vaccinated members also tested positive.

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Dude, YOU are the one who involved your business in this when you posted your Mural of Crazy on your business front door. You basically put a big F-YOU sign up as the face of your business and you're surprised and upset you're being called out for it. You brought this entirely upon yourself. Personal responsibility, man.

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Stay out of pronouncements of "truth" about things that you are completely ignorant of and too inexperienced to even discuss with adults.

Or, put more simply: stop trying to pretend that you understand epidemiology, or I will come cut your hair.

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$*#@ mRNA gnomes replicating things ...

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Chris C.’s Yelp! review from Jan 15, 2021

I called to ask if they take walk ins and the guy said they do so I showed up and there was one guy in the chair and one waiting. I walk in and notice that none of the other people in the shop are wearing masks. No big deal, I've had Covid and I'm newly immunized so I figure I'll just wait. The place is a mess with junk piled up everywhere but I have a seat anyway. The guy is playing a projector screen with a YouTube video on it all about how the pandemic is fake and is actually a ploy by Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and the Democratic Party in order to "consolidate" power. Still I stay, thinking that I'm sure he'll notice soon that this is an inappropriate video to be playing in a place of business but instead he puts on a new video with 2 guys talking about how 9/11 was and inside job, the capital riots were actually a very patriotic thing to do, and how it's time for a revolution to remove the "democrats and pedophiles" from power. At this point I got up and left voicing that these were some pretty crazy videos to play in a place of business. I figured it was over but then 2 hours later the guy gets my phone number off of his caller ID on the business phone and texts me from his personal phone calling me a coward and asking if I wear my mask to bed at night. Somewhat less than professional behavior. I'm sure the fades are tight but I'd have to recommend that anyone with two function brain cells avoid this business at all costs.

Bwahahahahahahhaha. I mean, I shouldn’t laugh; this guy sounds like he’s one huff of Barbicide away from shooting up a pizza parlor in search of an imaginary child sex dungeon…but gee-zus.

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Uh huh, whatever you say.

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I cannot be a danger to you if the “vaccine” is so “safe and effective”.

Sounds just as well thought through as “my driving drunk cannot be a danger to you if your ‘airbags and seatbelts’ are safe and effective.”

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You are not.

You are a scared and sad delusional person with a conspiracy theory mind set and serious impulse control problems.

Nobody who is thinking rationally ever has to put that in all caps like a mantra.

I would hate to see how much leaded gasoline exhaust you were exposed to. You might want to check with your doctors on your nascent symptoms of dementia.

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and if you're not smart enough to dig a ditch, at least there's cutting hair

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Sundowning Grandpa quite like ALL-CAPS.

Breathe while you can, you pitiful knot-head. You're going to get yourself, your family, your friends and your customers dead or afflicted with lifelong debilitating health problems.

The virus is not the real pox on American society, but the soaked-into-the-bones ignorance and utter lack of critical thinking skills of fuckwits like you.

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In case you forgot, the pandemic was last year. I made it through the “pandemic” without wearing a mask and without getting sick. Don’t forget I had to touch every client who came in. But now I’m going to die? From the “delta variant”? Even though there is no way to test for the delta variant so the cases are completely made up to scare people into being injected with this “vaccine”?

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That is false. The virus can be sequenced to determine the variant.

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Don’t forget I had to touch every client who came in

All three of them?

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Owner, you're completely unhinged. Please get some help.

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Adam, you might want to consider stopping this flow of dangerous misinformation.

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This guy is saying things that are verifiably false.

If he seemed a little more sensible to me, I would offer to put him in contact with my colleagues that could actually show him first hand how testing and sequencing works. But I doubt that would be a productive use of their time and a waste of a favor on my part.

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You should have gone to college instead of beauty school.

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-signed, an epidemiologist

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...that viruses can recognize dates and come to terms with the fact that they are so, y'know, last year. And they never wear white after Labor Day.

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that he is better at cutting hair than he is dealing with reality...

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I'm sure his place appeals to customers who want their reality trimmed.

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Where can I get that image printed on masks?

Barber shop talk here must be interesting.

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It bothers me when people say that everyone who hasn't gotten the vaccine is stupid. I hear that sentiment a lot. There are a lot of intelligent people that understand a decent amount about disease and vaccines that have legitimate concerns. There are very real risks involved. I think they have weighed the risks incorrectly, but they deserve respect. I also think there is room to discuss under what circumstances the government has a right to mandate action to combat disease. I support the lock downs we had, but it is an important thing to discuss.

This is person is stupid and I will not have a convo.

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There are very real risks involved.

For way over 99% of people, the risks posed by COVID are far more dangerous than a possible day or two of feeling under the weather from the shots.

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I would argue fully on track. If there is a serious risk for even 0.00001%, that's still a serious risk. When weighed against the higher risk of Covid, it makes sense to take that risk. Pretending it doesn't exist is disingenuous.

A family member of mine spoke to their doctor and was told to hold off for a while due to heath issues they have that could have been exacerbated by the vaccine. Since they are able to stay isolated, they waited. Recently their doctor said they were confident enough that there was no longer enough of a risk to worry and they are now vaccinated.

There's a risk with everything. You weigh the risks. Covid is a much bigger risk than the vaccine so you should get the vaccine. That doesn't mean there aren't risks.

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... and crazy people have doors like this one.

My mom was advised to wait by her medical team because of her autoimmune condition and the extant issues caused by it; she was cleared for a vaccine in early June and sent off to her local CVS for a shot. And yes, fully vaxxed now.

I have a friend just finishing a round of chemo; they want her to get her first vax two weeks after it finishes, because they don't think her immune system will take up the vaccine under its current stress.

I figured out in a brief conversation with the crazy parent from my kid's class that there is NO magic spell or sequence of words that I can invoke that will convince someone to act sane. They've chosen the crazy; let's hope they don't kill someone with it.

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This is a point of confusion that I have seen repeated many times lately, by otherwise intelligent and vaccine-supporting people. Last spring there was a time when some people with suppressed or compromised immune systems (from a very wide range of causes) were recommended by some sources to delay getting the vaccine because of concerns about its efficacy. I did not hear of any cases where safety was a concern. In the cases that I had personal knowledge of, the patient's immunosuppression was a temporary condition that was expected to improve: a cancer patient getting treatment with immune-suppressing drugs, as in FlyingToaster's example, or an organ transplant recipient who was currently receiving strong immune-suppressing drugs to avoid rejection of the organ, but who would not always be taking them at such a high dose. So, the advice in some cases was to delay -- not decline -- the vaccine until taking it would have the best effect. I don't know if the relative scarcity of vaccines at the time had something to do with this, and if the advice would be the same now that they are plentiful (plus, six months of additional data). I never knew of a case where there was a safety concern, so I'm asking that if you know of one, you present it here. And if you don't, please reconsider repeating vagueisms about how people with suppressed or compromised immune systems shouldn't get the vaccine.

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That’s just pure BS. Nothing is more stupid and more dangerous than blindly trusting giant Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer. (Which are described as “habitual offenders” at bribing doctors and lying on drug trials).

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Pfizer isn't just throwing this vaccine out there without any scrutiny, that's pretty much not possible with something so high profile as a treatment for a virus causing a global pandemic. There has been a lot of oversight, and I'm sure the millions dead worldwide from this virus would have welcomed the opportunity to have it. Most will not die from the virus, but many families have been affected and any tool we can use to reduce this human suffering should be welcomed.

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Covid has killed over four million people. How many has Pfizer killed?

Of course it’s useless asking this, because you no doubt believe that Pfizer has killed millions, and Covid isn’t real. This is not because you see things that others don’t see; it’s because you see things that aren’t there. Your critical faculties are not functioning correctly.

You have made a lot of mistakes, but it all comes down to one. It’s good to hear that you aren’t a Trump supporter, but you share with him one fatal flaw; you think you’re a smart person, and you’re not. This is where you go wrong. You propound on subjects of which you are completely ignorant. There is practically nobody here who doesn’t understand these matters better than you, and yet you’re giving lectures.

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You don't have to trust Pfizer, or Moderna or Johnson and Johnson, to wear a mask. Masks are a non-pharmaceutical way of protecting yourself, and of protecting other people if you do get sick.

Bonus: that mask doesn't only protect you from CovidID, it will also protect you from the flu. The flu isn't as dangerous as Covid, but in a normal pre-pandemic year it kills tens of thousands of people. In the winter of 2020-2021, it killed almost nobody, because masks and distancing were that useful.

My wearing a mask, on the other hand, hurts you not at all. Maybe I'm putting a little extra money into the pockets of a mask maker on Etsy, or CVS for medical masks, but that's just capitalism in action.

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I know very little about cutting hair

You know even less than that about epidemiology.

Stay in your lane, dude. I don't want you giving public health advice and you don't want me cutting hair.

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I don't trust the big banks, not a bit. But I have a bank account and I use banking services all the time. Fortunately, we still (to some degree) operate in a framework with some (admittedly compromised and dwindling) government oversight and regulation over the banks, to curb the worst of their predatory instincts.

I don't trust big oil. But I drive a car and buy gasoline. As with the banks, I'm grateful that we have what regulatory oversight that we have, and I wish for more.

And, I don't trust big pharma. But I have some confidence in the regulatory and oversight framework in which big pharma operates, imperfect though it might be. And I buy and consume big pharma's products when, in consultation with my own doctor, I need them to treat or prevent some disease condition. Antibiotics for infections. Blood pressure meds when diet isn't quite enough. And the COVID vaccine, which to my eye is nothing short of a masterpiece of biomolecular engineering.

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Fortunately, we still (to some degree) operate in a framework with some (admittedly compromised and dwindling) government oversight and regulation over the banks, to curb the worst of their predatory instincts.

I have some confidence in the regulatory and oversight framework in which big pharma operates, imperfect though it might be.

The irony is that Mr. Don't-Trust-Big-Pharma would probably be the first guy to kvetch about damn gub'mint regulation interfering with his business and ruining just everything.

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This conversation has been going on since January. When is it time to move past conversation? How long do you allow someone to keep their head in the sand and put the rest of us at risk because of their stupidity. It is stupidity and the time for leave society or get vaccinated (unless you have a medical reason you can not).

The precedent has been set for many years. This is not a new conversation.

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Should someone who has recovered from COVID be required to get the vaccine?

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The natural immunity from having been infected may not be sufficient, and should be boosted by vaccination.

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"may not be sufficient" according to whom, and for whom?

On one hand ("to whom") there appears to be little tracing and research into the outcomes of people with natural immunity. How resistant are they to Delta+? How often are they dying from it? I'm pretty sure if those answers existed, it would have made it into the headlines by now.

And on the other hand ("for whom") there's a huge disparity in risk tolerance among people. A large population supports a laissez-faire attitude: everyone owns their own risk. Don't force other people to wear masks and get jabbed if they choose not to. Another large population supports a categorical imperative; everyone must sacrifice to minimize the COVID risk for everyone else. It's hard for people on opposite sides of that issue to agree-to-disagree over their differences, especially because it's a partisan issue.

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" I'm pretty sure if those answers existed, it would have made it into the headlines by now."

Your mastery of statistical epidemiology is formidable.

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A published study. Seems that those who have had COVID already will generate the level of antibodies after their first dose of an mRNA vaccine as those who never had COVID will generate after two doses of an mRNA vaccine.

There's really no good way to determine absolute, individual sufficiency in immune response to be able to completely prevent, or at least readily fight off an infection, largely because dose/duration/frequency of exposure are still a large factor in infection potential. But if the level of observed protection by antibody levels is any indication, those who have recovered from COVID but have not received any vaccine doses have less protection than those who never had COVID but are fully vaccinated.

Pal, once I had the notification from the state that I could book my first vaccine appointment at one of the big sites, it was the easiest f'in process I've ever gone through. A couple of mild side effects for each dose, which were all things I can experience on any random day of the week anyways.

If anyone is concerned about their own safety with regards to receiving a vaccine, or any medical intervention you are being offered, I implore you to speak with your own healthcare provider, who will be able to inform you based upon your specific medical history.

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A large population supports a laissez-faire attitude: everyone owns their own risk.

We’ve been at this a year and a half, you know damn well that, with infectious diseases, it’s not your own risk. Going maskless in crowded public places directly endangers other people. This is not speculation or conjecture or opinion; it’s established epidemiological science. You can be infected and not know it, and being maskless vastly increases the amount of virus that you spread.

You also know damn well that being unvaccinated increases the risk to others also. Being unvaccinated increases the chance that you will harbor and spread the virus, and adds to the resource pool that the virus can use to thrive and mutate.

We don’t take a “laissez faire, everybody owns his own risk” approach to driving on public roads with shitty brakes, or storing toxic chemical waste in a dense residential neighborhood, or driving drunk. How is masking in crowded public spaces any different?

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BTW, what do you do for a living?

I bet I could massively mess it up if I tried to do it - every bit as badly as you are showing your whole ass here when pretending to understand public health.

That's how foolish you sound.

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Having recovered is like having the first of two shots - you still need the booster.

Some countries have actually looked at doing a single vaccine for those with verifyable recovery, but it was ultimately decided to be way too much of a headache to keep track of it.

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Sounds like having and recovering from Covid isn’t much different that being vaccinated. Which goes to my point, anyone who hasn’t had Covid should get the vaccine.

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And that actual research says that anyone who has had COVID needs a booster to keep their immunity current, and boost it to a much higher protective level.

Try to read carefully next time. Citations were supplied, above. COVID survivors still need to get vaccinated.

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And that actual research says that anyone who has had COVID needs can use a booster to keep their one possible indicator of immunity current, and boost it to a much higher protective level.

FTFY to not confuse science with engineering. Science/research can try to answer what will make your immunity go up/down and by how much. Research does not establish how much immunity is "enough", because how much is "enough" is an engineering question. Engineering is a game of making assumptions, setting thresholds and boundaries, and playing with tradeoffs.

Also, the current research has not directly proven that vaccinating the naturally-immune yields better outcomes. Higher levels of antibodies is not an outcome, it's merely a possible indicator.

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You caught one variant, you are still susceptible for another. There are even cases of people getting more than one at the same time. Vaccination works with all the variants.

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There's no question that it is legal to compel a vaccine. The question is when should a vaccine be compelled.

Since the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, I'm not sure there's really a strong argument for compulsory vaccination, but I think it's better to be safe and fully support it for anyone working with an at-risk population. That includes teachers, police, firefighters, and EMTs IMO.

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especially if it prevents you from getting infected in the first place (which is not guaranteed, but is more likely than if you aren't vaccinated)

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General Washington required troops to be inoculated for smallpox before being sent to secure Boston after the British Troops evacuated. No exceptions.

The first high court cases on lockdowns, quarantines, and the like date to the early 19th century. This isn't the first virodeo in the US - that was in the 1790s with yellow fever. But epidemic zero was smallpox and it raged all during the revolution.


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General Washington required troops to be inoculated for smallpox before being sent to secure Boston after the British Troops evacuated. No exceptions.

The lesson learned from George Washington's strategy that is that we should expose everyone to the milder original variant of COVID-19, so everyone develops natural immunity against the more severe delta variant.

That's literally what Washington did with smallpox variants. Vaccines weren't yet invented back then.

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Oh, you mean the one that killed 600,000+ Americans and over 4 million worldwide? Gotcha.

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Vaccination and variolation (which is what you are referring to) are forms of inoculation against a disease. There are reasons we don't do it the old way anymore, but it was the best means possible at the time to accomplish the goal of people not getting sick and dying from a disease, particularly when they were needed most. In this context, when they were needed to not be sick from smallpox so they could be available to die from a musket shot or cannon ball.

20 years after the decisions you are referring to, Edward Jenner gave the world the first smallpox vaccine. That was 225 years ago. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1200696/

Back to Washington and the foundations of our great country, he took the risks of smallpox extremely seriously, as it was a serious health threat to his soldiers and the effectiveness of his army. The same folks back then decided that the nation we would build would ensure that the government that would serve the people of this land would guarantee a common defense and promote the general welfare of the people. I don't really think I need to wonder who Washington would stand with today. https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/...

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Unless you want me to come mess up your job with utter incompetence, stop pretending to be competent with public health issues.


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What’s with people simply not understanding the basics of probability?

Since the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, I'm not sure there's really a strong argument for compulsory vaccination,

“Since fire escapes don’t fully prevent people from dying in fires, I’m not sure there’s really a strong argument for the building code requiring them. Since seat belts don’t fully prevent people from dying in car crashes, I’m not sure there’s really a strong argument for mandating them”

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How will your body develop a natural immunity to car crashes if you keep using a seat belt?

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Then they should learn to do some efffing legitimate math and learn to read some effing legitimate science.

If they aren't stupid, it shouldn't be too hard to put down that natural law tome or economics "but SWEEEDENNNN" piece and, you know, learn something?

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It is bad enough the anti mask people will not wear one even when in crowded mixed indoor environments in hot zones. I do not get the logic behind going after those who wear a mask. Even if you fully believe Covid19 is a hoax why does my wearing a mask hurt him? I think it because they are very insecure in their own position and need peer pressure to help them. That my wearing a mask makes him uncomfortable because he knows in the back of his head he should be too. I got the same feeling this summer walking into a store without a mask on and came across a family that was wearing masks. I chose to put mine back on for that trip. It was my choice at the time, I do not blame the family for making me feel this way but instead of yelling at them I thought about how they must feel right now. I did feel that sense of shame and doubt. I guess some of us just handle it differently.

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Old fashioned Italian barber in Southie.
Ottavio's Barber Shop
377 West 1st St
Boston, MA 02127

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Thank you for plugging my uncle’s shoo.

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I went to this barbershop once after I first moved to Southie. In the span of a 15 minute trim, the barber referred to Mattapan as Murderpan multiple times, expressed his belief that Obama was born in Kenya, that he was super excited that a "regular guy" like Trump might become President and that we should have nuked the "towel-heads" out of existence. I barely spoke, tried to change the subject a few times, but nope. Racist rant after racist rant. No tip from me and I will never go back.

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Is there really enough business these days from people who enjoy listening to this crap, or at least tolerate it?

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People watch hours of this spew on television and listen to it on the radio, and they don't even get a haircut out of it. So, yeah. For all too many people, this is a feature, not a bug.

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Is reminiscent of slave days.
Everyone has an opinion.

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Most of what this jackass is saying "prove me wrong" about is extremely easy to prove him wrong about.

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Great! Now I may need to find a new barber.

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...to bait strangers into a conversation by debating facts that were scientifically established prior to your own birth? Suicidally lonely, or merely pathetically lonely?

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is the fact that shitheads like this are being gentrified out of it daily and have to move to places like Tewksbury. Just great. I hope the church his grandma's funeral was held at gets turned into a yoga studio.

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Only if it’s goat yoga

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Thanks for posting. We will be giving this barbershop our business. I hope this helps their business. Support local businesses

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...your petty spite is showing. You might want to cover that up in substantive conversations if you want to be taken seriously.

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What's the deal with $1992812 in RRF monies for Bella Luna in 2021?

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It's strictly your demonstrated lost revenue, assuming you would have earned the same during the pandemic as you did in 2019, the last full year before the pandemic impacted our economy.

So that amount is the amount they didn't earn in 2020 that they had earned in 2019. Unless they committed fraud, they are lawfully entitled to that amount and that is exactly how the program was designed to operate.


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Does the restaurant have to stay open to get taxpayers bailout?

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What does this have to do with the anti-vax barber shop?


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I gave you the link to the program info. I'm not involved with any commercial restaurant operations so I only read so far into it. But I'm feeling generous so I'll download the RRF program guide and flip through it.

No, but I don't know, so maybe. I guess it depends on if they consider businesses operating through their closure date as acceptable. It's really not my problem, I'm not involved with any for-profit/commercial food service operations.

Covered Period: The period beginning on February 15, 2020 and ending on March 11, 2023. If the business permanently closes, the covered period will end when the business permanently closes or on March 11, 2023, whichever occurs sooner. Recipients that are unable to use all of the funds received on eligible expenses by the end of the covered period must return any unused funds to Treasury.

If you think they've done something wrong, go ahead and call up the Treasury, perhaps they'll send out Eliot Ness to go do some food.

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To take a break from uhub and the internet…?

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Maybe they don't recognize your authority to be telling them what to do. Something to keep in mind ...

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You're the one who came with the salt. Maybe sweeten yourself first.

edited to add: Also, Pete, it's "Lighten up, Francis." If you're gonna post snotty dismissive bullshit, at least get it right.

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It's a component, sure, but I'd go for something broader along the lines of "nutter".

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Anti -vax being a subset of nuts...

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