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Massachusetts looking at possible 'vax ID'

As growing numbers of entertainment venues and other places require patrons to show proof of vaccination, WGBH reports Gov. Baker is eyeing some sort of system that would let people prove they've been vaccinated, possibly similar to New York State's "Excelsior Pass" phone app.

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That we're just starting to consider the possibility of maybe doing to something to begin the process of this. We've only known this moment has been coming for months now. Another "triumph" for Governor PleaseDon'tMakeMeDoAnyWork

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You're right, it's totally shameful. And it's 100% because Gov. "what MSP scandals?" Baker clearly thought having a vaccine passport would knock him out of the Republican primaries, should he decide to run for president in 2024. I guess now he thinks he could be the anti DeSantis? And yes, it's totally shameful shit like this is why a state as pro-vaccine & tech-friendly as MA doesn't have vaccine passports yet

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Considering that we *know* the vaccine does not stop transmission of the virus, what good does requiring proof of vaccine accomplish?

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just like masks do.

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Cloth ones, that we all wear, don't.

Vaccines were shown to reduce transmission of Covid, but not the Delta variant.

Remember, FoLlOw tHe ScIeNcE!!!!

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Different types of masks reduce transmission to varying degrees, but all reduce transmission. Stop lying.

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just to different degrees.

And even cloth masks help.

Don't lie.

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Credentials please

Amazing how many losers who failed high school science are now such experts!

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Considering that we *know* that properly working brakes do not prevent car accidents, what good does requiring annual safety inspections do?

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That's a technically true but very misleading statement.

We know that the vaccine greatly reduces transmission. Vaccine passports make sense partly because it's not 100%. If the vaccine 100% guaranteed that I wouldn't get sick, and that I wouldn't pass the virus on without getting sick, I could interact with unvaccinated people and not worry.

If you take any kind of medicine, ever, you're taking something that doesn't work 100% of the time, because bodies are complicated and varied.

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Unless you let your cell phone connect to MIIS, what's the point of a phone passport over a CDC card?

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is something everyone already carries with them everywhere.

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… one of them doesn't run out of battery.

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But that one is a piece of paper that can fall apart or be misplaced easily.

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And the other one is a piece of glass and plastic that can break or be misplaced easily.

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Can you buy a new vaccine card (legally)..

Tag you're it

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Who's going to tell him that not all the data you view on a phone is stored on that phone (and, if it is, it is possible to copy it to another phone)?

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My man walking around thinking a phone works like damn Viewmaster

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The objective here is to give people a way to present reasonably convincing evidence that they have been vaccinated. The CDC card, which was intended as a personal record for the benefit of the holder and not as a means of proving vaccine status to anybody else, is barely more convincing than a handwritten note saying "I've been vaccinated."

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I already carry my VAX ID card just about every time I leave the house. I have never owned a cell phone, so the paper card (in a plastic sleeve) suits me just fine.

I wish we didn't have to do any of this, but this is the Covid hand we've been dealt, and this is the best way to play the hand.

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…to find a plastic sleeve for a vax card?

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Get a badge holder. It's the right size.

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It's the same size as a badge holder. Just to be sure I taped it shut.

You probably already have one that's the right size.

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It’s the right depth, just too long, so you could trim and tape one edge to fit and still get the card in and out through the ziploc side if you wanted a better fit.

Probably wouldn’t fit in a wallet, but then again, generally neither would the card. But ziploc works well if the card is just going to wind up dumped in a purse or backpack.

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Now this is a content-rich discussion that doesn't annoy anyone.

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but I have to put it in the "bills" section.

(Really bad design there, CDC)

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and it doesn't store too much personal information, seems fine to me.

(I don't have a smartphone.)

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Like, wood shavings?


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I assume we'll call it something else here, like the "Masshole Card".

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"Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem"

Which is roughly "By the sword we seek a quiet peace under liberty". I think both fervent pro- and anti- vaxxers could find something about this motto that they like - the implied threat of violence!

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...as well as the Governor's Council and the Governor's office about this very issue, and how people who need to travel at a moment's notice (hello our tech and life-sciences moneymakers) will be seriously delayed if not fully prevented from travel without a vax-id system. And how our neighbors (NY, Maine) already had systems in place.

I got ONE response back.

This was months ago.

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Apple (and likely Google) are adding it and other government IDs naively to iOS soon.

I got a real laugh when MA finally supported contract tracing like a year and a half later.

Just get on board early and don’t waste extra tax dollars on shit consulting apps. The state apps are trash any way, leave it to the experts.

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1. More than half of whites are vaccinated
2. Fewer than half of African Americans are vaccinated
3. Let's ban unvaccinated people from public spaces

It's gonna be a white Christmas this year!

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...for the kind of sprain you get from reaching so far.

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