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Racists, misogynists and Howie Carr fans - but we repeat ourselves - discover Boston has 311

The Globe reports the dregs of the suburban earth have discovered Boston has a 311 system and so are taking a break from making death threats against Rachael Rollins to typing racist and misogynist "reports" about the mayor as fast as their stubby little fingers can race across their spittle-flecked keyboards - when they're not calling the number to yell at call takers.

Note: Balsam also created an interestingly shaped word cloud of the complaints - but two days ago, before Carr wrote about 311; since then the complaints have gotten way worse.

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That goes off when one of these morons crosses into Boston City Limits and sends them an electric charge from the phone they used to call these "complaints" into the city. Hey, if you are say you are "boycotting Boston" then stick to your beliefs.

There are people from Montana on Facebook saying they are "boycotting Boston".

I am going into the City today and drop cash in a local restaurant and other places like I have been doing through all of this. You should too.

I supported AEG online because I knew the two core platforms of the Wu campaign were not doable and also because of the anti-Native Bostonian rantings of many, many, many of her supporters, but leave the racist, misogynist crap out of this when if comes to her governing.

Masks work. Old, fat, out of shape people like me have not gotten sick through all this because masks work. That's that.

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I agree with a Costello take.

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“I supported AEG online because I knew the two core platforms of the Wu campaign were not doable and also because of the anti-Native Bostonian rantings of many, many, many of her supporters IN THIS COMMENTS SECTION, but leave the racist, misogynist crap out of this when if comes to her governing.

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Voting based on a candidate’s platform isn’t a thing?

Unlike Costello, I actually voted for Essaibi George, and it had nothing to do with Wu’s race (and certainly not her gender). I was a Wu supporter from the time she first ran for City Council until she decided that the most important thing city government could do was to fund a state agency to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. I would have done the same if Michael Flaherty made “free the T” his campaign rallying cry.

To return to the point, it is possible to oppose a policy without denigrating the politician who champions the policy by resorting to racism, sexism, or any other ism that might present itself. Shame on these people for doing that to Wu.

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a mythical beast, never seen or heard from in the real world.

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OR Anti Boston Nativism?

Big difference.

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Probably their intention besides getting attention.

I once made a 311 report to thank a late night traffic person for writing a ticket on a double parked monster pick up that was blocking busses and creating a dangerous blind spot at an intersection. As the worker placed the ticket on the windshield, the driver and the owner of the business he was patronizing came running and screaming out of the shop towards the late night ticketer who calmly went on about his business. I couldn’t let that go unrecognized so sent a pic via the app thanking the worker and 311. I got a nice response from the team. They do a lot of good and it’s not always easy for them.

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In a week they'll get board and go back to chanting Let's Go Brandon at school board meetings.

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I can only imagine what dealing with entitled criminal drivers like that all day is like. I hope the ticket writers are paid decently to put up with those crazy losers.

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… I’d do their job for free if I could pick my hours. I wish the city could ticket per 311 photos of license plates. I’d take the time to go to court as an eye witness, if the morons tried to contest it.

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go to NYC and file some complaints about idling vehicles. Not only do they get tickets, but you’d also get some of the money!

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311 is an anonymous service. You could take a photo of your neighbor's car in their driveway and then submit it with the GPS readings of a no parking zone. It's rather easy to do and I am sure some people have already done that as a way to take revenge on someone or just to be a n A__hole. This is one good reason for 311 to not take such calls and transfer them (when ever) to BPD. Tell people to call BPD direct at 911. It's a felony to make false police reports. Make people responsible and the fake and butt hurt complaints will drop dramatically.

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Got a feeling it's just really, REALLY bored people.

And if that is the case then the IP addresses should be pretty easy to track.

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anymore. How do they know these complaints originate from the suburbs?

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I did. Proof? Look at last month's election results.

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How does that constitute proof?

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A bad name.

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I think it's rotten that you have to respond to nitwit "anons" on your own site. Tell them to piss off and do their own homework.

Hope you have a happy holiday and great 2022. Thank you for all you do Adam.

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4 complaints out of 98 complaints is not "many". It is "a few".

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Strikes again.

Read that tweet again and then go do your own counting. You can do an in-page search and it will give you a count number.

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The short of it is, when a candidate gets beaten by almost thirty points in a two person race, it is a strong indication that candidate is not popular.

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I'd be surprised if more than half of them come from this state.

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a mouse breaking wind? Or an anon posting on uHub? I can't tell: they all sound about the same to me.

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Happily subscribing to, and reading the Globe.

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We know that Asian Americans have been subjected to cruel and sometimes brutal hate crimes the past year which many have never been reported. The Attorney General should initiate a hate crime investigation and charge any individual who sent racist and threatening texts. By doing so other members of the Asian community will come forward to report hate crimes once the mayor sets the example showing that there is no place for hate in the city of Boston

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There was a recent article how the Geoff Diehl official campaign Facebook page is infested with user comments regurgitating the all-too-common abusive racist, and threatening anti-Chines/ “go back to China” hate propaganda about Michelle Wu and her administration’s recent Covid response. When reached for comment, the campaign said they were “not obligated to” remove the racist rhetoric.

Diehl is appealing to the same white nationalist scumbags that anchor the core of MAGA nation; a vote for Geoff Diehl is a vote supporting white supremacy.


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...from a party that cast that many votes for Scott Lively.

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Months ago Baker said he would implement a vaccine passport in MA, which was airway very late compared to nearby states like Vermont, NJ and NY. He could have joined their excelsior program, or started a new one like many other states. Instead he is doing what he always does, dithering instead of action and letting others brave enough to do their job like Wu. This makes the most sense as a state program, so Frontline workers like my friends and I don't have to be constantly telling suburban people the rules are different in Boston. It's great he finally acknowledged he isn't up for hard decisions and is leaving, but unless he is ready to work on hard things he should quit now.

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unless he is ready to work on hard things he should quit now.

Agreed, but Polito doesn't have any more spine than Baker.

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I would not blame this on Lexington, Newton, or Quincy. It's likely coming from much further away.

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Real moms of Dedham?!

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Yeah and Quincy and Newton aren’t suburban.

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We had a pack of knuckledragging fascist racists running for school committee because their white feels are hurt when their little shitheads get sent home for parroting their racist bullshit at school.

Somerville still seems to have some of the same lead-poisoned elders that it always did who hate anything not of the 1970s and think that a city with only 2/3rds the population it had post ward is "overcrowded". West Roxbury seems to have their fair share of these, too.

It doesn't matter that the progressive tickets are gaining strength - in fact, that is more "evidence" for idiots stuck in high school mentalities that they are being oppressed.

Don't think for a minute that this is all coming from Western NY or Montana - we do have to keep an eye on our own fascist crazies in these parts!

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Is there a way to sort these for phone numbers and IP addresses associated with Howie's homes in Wellesley and Trump's rear end... I mean, Florida?
I could believe that it was some lame attempt on Howie's part to stir up a story to prove he's still alive... errr, relevant - but it seems too labor-intensive for him. Unless he found some Dickensian orphans somewhere to make the entries at a penny each.
Beyond the general ill-will towards Wu, what does it matter to so many that the complainers are from out of town? Is 311 (and any other city service) meant only for whatever group of "our people" that live here, and not for people who only work here or tourists?

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Yes, 311 can be used by out-of-towners, to report problems that can be fixed by Boston agencies, i.e., stuff in Boston.

People who live well outside the city limits but who read Carr or Turtleboy reflexively obeying the orders to complain on 311 about a vaccination requirement when they have no intention of actually coming to Boston? And adding a giant helping of racism on top?

If nothing else, it matters because there are decent city employees, who answer the phones at 311 or who have to read this online who have to put up with this crap.

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Out of state jackhole's racist yammering about nonsense and bullshit gumming up the lines? Bad.

I don't live in Boston proper, but I do work in Boston and I do report infrastructure failures like road holes and broken/clogged grates and dead rats and birds while in the city. I don't use 311 to play keyboard culture warrior games.

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overwhelmingly chose Wu with 64% of the vote, knowing that she would implement policies such as this one. We have to live here - not just hang out M-F or during a weekend evening.

Suburban voters can move back into the city en masse and vote for change if they really want to.

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This is fucked up. However, I do have to admit Howie Carr makes me laugh.

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…or at him?
It makes a difference.

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Howie Carr is a despicable excuse for a human being. Not a decent, honest or kind bone in his body.

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are only boycotting us until such time as one of their psychopath ("Christian") demagogues gives them the green light (re: dog whistle) to kill us.

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