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With thousands of people attending a convention, the odds were pretty good somebody might test positive for Covid-19

If you visited the Pandemonium Books and Games booth at Pax East at the South Boston convention center, you might want to consider getting a Covid-19 test.



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I’m glad they announced it and thank you Adam for reporting because at the end of the day it is such a horrible contagious virus. no matter the degree someone may personally experience from it.
- nurse

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I'm glad they announced it, too.
FWIW, this convention also required all attendees to show proof of vaccination & still wear masks. I was very happy to see they went far above-and-beyond current covid requirements...which will hopefully also limit exposure.

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It's not the South Boston convention center. It's the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC). Get it right for once and for all.

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And what neighborhood is it in?

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would be the neighborhood.

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part of South Boston.

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what "South Boston convention center" means. The important thing is to distinguish it from "the Hynes", which, by the way, most people do not refer to as the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center.

What are you, the BCEC's brand ambassador? Maybe find something better to fill your wee hours of the morning with.

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…who go further back still refer to the War Memorial Auditorium, which gave the Hynes T stop its previous recent name, Auditorium

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I remember hearing Green Line drivers announce "Auditorium!", and I might be misremembering seeing an Auditorium sign at a disused entrance?

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became Auditorium in the 60s when the Hynes opened, became Hynes/ICA in the 90s, then just Hynes Convention Center when the ICA moved to the Waterfront in the 2000s. There was a surviving Auditorium sign indoors near the (now-closed, I think) pedestrian exit to Boylston Street for a long time.

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Call it by its proper name - the South Boston White Elephant Patronage Center

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I know Pandemonium zealously pursues mask-wearing in their establishment and models good behavior for the gaming crowd. But even good faith precautions can fail, so don't throw shade on them.

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I wonder how many vendors there didn't take this level of responsibility. Always good to have someone sharing information so we can see how this plays out.

Same goes for airlines lifting their mask mandates. The public has an interest to know how many of their employees get sick after the mask mandate is lifted so we can make informed choices about where we go and what we can do to protect ourselves.

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While this might look like a reason for “return masks, and generally make covid policies harder” type of comments, I would say that it’s great that organizers of this event actually give covid exposure a visibility. I can only imagine how many events happening now that help spread covid these days with no visibility of that or whatsoever.

I for instance got my covid from someone of 3500 visitors at a show in one of Boston music clubs - no news about that were posted ever and shows run in that place at least couple times a week for last couple months

That said - with all the protection we got from vaccines my personal opinion is that we have to finally relax and get over with covid. For those who require additional protection - there is always a choice to wear a mask or generally be more cautious and selective with going places.

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... there's plenty of people without any known risks that developed covid and died, and far, far, more that developed covid and now live with something on the spectrum of long covid injuries. Hard to parse that into a simple "for those who require" nonchalance. To say nothing of the fact that even nonsymptomatic courses still generate new variants.

Certainly not possessed of the perfect answer, myself, but it ain't as simple as would be nice.

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