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Baker vows to keep abortion legal in Massachusetts


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Say what you want about him, but I think he does a fantastic job as governor of MA and we need more people like him in politics. He actually uses his brain and logic before speaking/making decisions unlike a lot of politicians.

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I’m glad he’s on his way out so we can elect a change agent, instead of this classic white moderate (whose version of protecting abortion is vetoing abortion protections, as cited below).

I am however a fan of this: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/05/05/opinion/bakers-housing-law-is-ruf...

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He would easily win re-election against anyone in the current field.

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While Baker is widely popular across all demographics, he is hated in the current MAGA-fied Mass. GOP. Las year he was underwater in favorability at something like 22% and his unfavorability in the party was close to 70%.

The Mass GOP cannibalized the most popular governor in the country in favor of extremism and Geoff Diehl.

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I lean right now a days because dems have run so far left (I didn’t change). I would never vote for Geoff.

Both parties unfortunately have their fringe minorities show up in masses during primaries.

Voting should either be a holiday or held on weekends so both extremes stop dictating who the finalists are.

Most of America including this state fall somewhere in the middle.

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While he remains one of the most popular governors in the country, boosted by a high approval rating among Democrats, Baker is viewed favorably by just 23 percent of Republican general election voters and unfavorably by 68 percent, according to the poll Tuesday.


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After seeing how they want to treat POC, women, LGBTQ, etc....I must ask how can you lean right after seeing what the right has done to this country in the last 6 years?

The Dems are FAR from perfect but my vote will always go to the party that wants more ppl to vote, have safety nets for the folks that need them, and want a better life for all not just the few in power.

Yes, there are bums on both sides of the aisle but after the GOP comes for women, POC, LGBTQ - they will come for you too.

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but you sure are right about how the state Republicans feel about Baker.

I remain astonished that he puts up with it. I expected him to go independent years ago.

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I count myself in the 30%, but if 70% doesn't count as widely popular, then nothing does.


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70% state-wide approval rating last month

As counted how?

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All these assholes keep quite during the confirmation hearings for the recent the Supreme Court justices which made no bones about their willingness to “revisit” decisions like this and their anti-abortion views.

But suddenly they act shocked at the decision which they were basically appointed to the court to deliver.

Baker would be unlikely to have derailed the appointments during the Trump administration but he sure kept quite nevertheless.

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…sat out the last two presidential elections refusing to vote against the extremist GOP nominee who appointed said justices.

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Pee Wee is backing Geoff Diehl.

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Baker is a faker when he claims to be pro choice.

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Your turn to provide proof for you accusation aside from the fact that you don’t like Baker.

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Does that count? Seems like it would have been pretty easy for him to just say he couldn't give any support, especially since he did the same thing when it came to the Presidential race.

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Who was the candidate?

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Pelosi is supporting Cueller. I guess she’s anti-choice too, right?

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if Nancy Pelosi is your ace in the hole when it comes to citing principled politicians, then we might be pretty fucked

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No. Making my point that Lee is once again making shit up in his fantasy world. Yes.

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What exactly did he make up?

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is that citing Pelosi’s support for anti-choice candidates is not a gotcha

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Be fruitful and duplicate and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

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Does this help Baker's chances of getting a VP spot on the ticket in 2024, or does it hurt?

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I don't think the dems will accept him as a VP candidate, but who knows.

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Given the current Maga-mad state of the party, Baker has exactly zero chance of being picked as running mate by any potential Republican nominee for President. Even less so for any Democrat.

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Even before Trump, Baker is the kind of east coast republican who would be considered a Democrat in any true red-blooded midwestern state.

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Trump picked Pence in 2016 because he was unsure of values voters. This time around he knows the evangelicals will vote for him no matter what. No need for a moderate on the ticket. My guess is he picks between Sarah Palin, Margorie Taylor Greene, or Lauren Boebert. I'm guessing he'd prefer Boebert because she's younger and hotter. May God have mercy on us all.

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It will be Ivanka.

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There’s more out there than just blue and red.

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Throw your vote away!

(but Simpsons references aside, if you think the parties are anywhere near even on the subject of abortion rights, you might need to get your eyes checked and maybe see a doctor about your lack of awareness.)

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Since you’re with the previous poster and see republican and immediately think bad, democrat good. I’ll give it to you that there are a lot of bad Republicans, but don’t be so blind and think the Democrats are all peaches and ice cream because they’re doing a ton of damage right now and have painted themselves into a corner and don’t know how to get out.

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When it comes to my personal rights, I'll take "frustratingly ineffective" over "actively harmful". And given the first-past-the-post system we still continue to use for state and federal elections, if you're not voting against "actively harmful", you're not helping.

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MAGA is the mainstream of the Republican party right now. MAGA is a white nationalist ideology with extremist views on abortion and is working overtime on voter suppression and stealing elections. That is the mainstream of Republicanism in 2022. Trump is not a outlier, he is the party leader and avatar. Trumpism is the mundane day-to-day in the GOP. The Democrats, on the other hand, elected ”radical” Joe Biden.

If there is such a thing as a “good” Republican nowadays, they face the same ostracization that Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Charlie Baker face. They are unviable as candidates, so why bother supporting them?

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The Republican Party has been actively working to dismantle ALL of the progress our society has made since the days of the robber barons, and they've been doing it since Ronald Reagan. Civil rights, worker protection, environmental protection, public education, Social Security, child-worker restrictions, voting rights -- you name it, and the Greedy Old People party wants it gone. It's not just Trumpists who have been doing that. Witness the gloating over the death of Roe v. Wade.

The Democrats have been disgustingly complicit in the GOP attacks, and the Clinton wing of the Party has a lot to answer for, but god damn it if a vote for Republicans isn't a vote for evil.

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Only one in ten abortions patients had incomes below the poverty line.

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Baker is a vocal supporter of Susan Collins, even stumping for her during her most recent reelection, knowing she voted for the anti-choice Supreme Court justices, knowing full well that her vote meant the end of Roe v Wade. That makes Baker just another lying, anti-choice, run of the mill, says one thing while doing the opposite, tow the line republican. He can’t have it both ways. Please stop touting him as anything but. You can slather that pig with as much lipstick as you want to; at the end of the day, you still have a pig.

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See my above comment. Pelosi is just another one of those anti-choice say one thing do another politician.

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I won't vote for Pelosi for Mass Governor either.

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And I won’t vote for Baker for Mass Governor too

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...the subject was one of legacy as Massachusetts governor. In that context it is reasonable to discuss Charlie Baker. It is nonsense to bring up Nancy Pelosi.

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Pelosi was brought up just to point out the fallacy in making the argument that because someone supports a candidate that is anti-choice doesn’t automatically make them also anti-choice.

I can’t believe I have to spell this out for so many people…..

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we can move on, but you're the one who brought her up. in effect, her support of anti-choice candidates makes her anti-choice.

you and others allege that the left wing of the party is why the Democrats are in trouble. meanwhile, you overlook the harmful and duplicitous ideological choices the establishment wing makes, ostensibly in the name of electoral calculus.

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Automatically means you support their entire portfolio of policies and beliefs? Seriously?

Maybe, just maybe they’re not the best, but the best of what’s being offered.

*shakes head in disbelief*

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that the democrats are fighting just as hard against the left as they are the right, it becomes a whole lot easier to believe

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maybe more like "pro-power"?

But in any case, you can make an argument for Pelosi needing to support candidates she doesn't agree with for the sake of her own political situation. What's Baker's excuse when it comes to support of people like Diehl or Collins?

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