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A survey of our local Nazis

GBH takes a look at local Nazis, including one from Waltham.

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We do a better job of tracking great white sharks than we do tracking white supremacists.

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a pretty dark couple of decades coming up for this country, doesn't it?

Unless someone thinks of a way to put down a fascist movement without mass violence, which I don't think has ever happened.

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Nazis of Copley Square: The Forgotten Story of the Christian Front by Charles R. Gallagher is a historical account of Nazi Germany’s attempts to infiltrate the local isolationist movement in the days before US involvement in WWII. The author is an associate professor of history at BC.

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But not because of small group of idiots. Most people are concerned about the county's economic stability, not some clowns playing dress-up.

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These aren't just "clowns playing dress-up". They're people who arm themselves and go into Black or Asian churches, or synagogues or mosques, or LGBTQ+ venues, or grocery stores in minority neighborhoods, or... and kill bunches of people. Not to mention invading Congress. For those of us who are in any of the groups these people hate, it is becoming scarier and scarier.

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Massachusetts-based extremists share the belief with Carlson that the Jan. 6 attempt to overturn a U.S. election was “legitimate political discourse,” as the Republican National Committee put it.

I would love to have a "legitimate conversation" with Tucker Carlson or some of these people. Of course by that I mean smash in the doors and windows of their houses, break and steal a bunch of stuff and smear shit on the walls.

I'm sure that would be a great way for us to understand each other and figure out a common path forward. /s

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Always nice to hear from 1933

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The generation of my family that was around in the early 1930s has said that they are ashamed that they didn’t take the rise of Hitler more seriously. “We saw that guy on the newsreels, with his uniforms and his gestures and his screaming theatrical oratory, and we kind of thought we were watching comedy.”

Clowns playing dress-up, my ass.

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I have mentioned here before that I carry a small Opinel pocket knife and occasionally deploy it to remove white supremacist stickers that I occasionally find on my daily walks, most notably from the nazi assholes of P*triot Fr*nt.

The day after Buffalo there were a fresh round of PF stickers. Sick f*cks.

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Quiet as a church mouse, they know where and when to act like a closet Nazi.

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... but all Fascists are MAGA.

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If someone supports Donald Trump, they are supporting someone who is quite literally by word and deed a fascist leader.

His attempt to overthrow our republic following his electoral loss should've put an end to any doubt about that.

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Liam MacNeil grew up in a house located on a quiet road in Waltham, where he still lives with his parents. He graduated from Waltham High School in 2018, where he was a star wrestler and boxer. In the video posted on the social media channel Telegram, he said he would use those skills “to train fascists.”

MacNeil’s presence in the community has not gone unnoticed. Stickers have gone up on light poles and mailboxes alerting residents about MacNeil’s NSC-131 activities.

“I tell you, if I catch these sons of bitches ...” said MacNeil’s father, Darren, reached by phone. They’re “putting our address on telephone poles. They started taping and now they’re gluing it with Elmer’s glue.”

Darren MacNeil said he doesn’t agree with everything his son does but said he understands where it comes from. “The whole critical race theory that they’re pushing down everyone’s throat,” MacNeil lamented. He told GBH News that liberal politics are the reason why he “pulled his daughter out of public school.”

Gee, Darren MacNeil seems like a nice guy.

I wonder if this Darren MacNeil is the same one? I wonder if anyone at Nova Biomedical is paying attention to this?

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Dox much?

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If you identify yourself to a journalist writing a story, it's not a far stretch to imagine that someone reading the story might search for your name on a search engine like Google and see the FIRST search result that comes up.

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Publishing publicly available information isn't doxxing.

Ethically dubious, yes. Doxxing, no.

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why the neo-Nazi deserves privacy.

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Although it appears that the white trash didn't fall far from the can.

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I'll dox Nazis any day of the week.

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See how they feel about Nazi sympathizers working for them.

If they don't, maybe this scumbag can be shown the door. I'm sure they can find someone to replace him.

Maybe a Black or Jewish woman. Then the replacement theory circle would be complete.

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there is no way that the gentleman in your LinkedIn profile is the father of the kid mentioned. Why would you even share the info? And even so, the father's employer does not need to be involved. Easy for you to sit anonymously behind the keyboard and share info about people not even connected to the article......

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Hate begins at home.

You'd see it in the hardcore scene decades ago. The older angry ones going nowhere in life would get the eager young ones to do dumb shit.

And those young ones were usually outcasts, friendless, and incapable of meaningful relationships. Often they came from "good" homes and families but wanted to belong to something that the popular kids didn't even know about or worse, were scared of.

These are not strong people. They are weak in spirit, mind, and incapable of rational thought or constructive dialog.

I mean, they want a reality show host to be King ffs.

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It was usually pretty obvious who the really dangerous guys were and who were more like what you describe. The weaklings/outcasts who were able to put a mask over that truth that by being part of the group.

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And pulled a hammer out of a half-eaten bag of chips.

Then there was the Shelter riot. Bruce beat a guy with a human femur bone. It was a perversley comical bizarro crime world.

Nobody realizes the DIRECT line from these angry kids to regional FSU-type clubs, to outlaw biker gangs, right up to some local towing companies here in town.

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totally buy into the Nazis are the problem story. Because you have to. No critical race theory, aspects of which are dumb (but not all of it is dumb) is not the problem.

But in the reality where apparently no Americans dare tread: it is actually the rigged economy, rigged by billionaires, that is the problem. No, we won't ever be able to talk about that. Yes, we will spend decades in a bloody civil conflict against homegrown Nazis.

That is of course, if Putin doesn't just nuke us first.

Congrats a-holes, not paying attention to anything actually REAL is really working out for ya.

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The majority of southerners who bled, suffered, were maimed or died were fighting for the lies maintained by the leaders of southern states. The political, legal, academic, clerical and economic leaders who saw their wealth and power ending by the elimination of slavery.

There are folks today who want division, fear and hatred among average Americans because it keeps attention from away from the American oligarchs who will never fear for housing, medical care, enough food or to be able to enjoy lifestyles of power, ease and luxury.

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Congrats a-holes, not paying attention to anything actually REAL is really working out for ya.

There are people who are directly targeted by these fucking Nazis. A bunch of them died a few days ago. There are people who are living with targets on their backs amongst a population fueled by manufactured grievance and armed with lethal penis surrogates. These people want to survive, not listen to someone like you call them "a-holes" like you're a risk-averse child, and tell them that they don't know what the real problem is.

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Don't respect something that has no respect
Don't sympathize with something that has no sympathy
Don't understand something that has no understanding
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours
Fuck nazi sympathy
Fuck nazi sympathy
Fuck nazi sympathy
Fuck nazi sympathy
Don't give them their freedom, because they're not going to give you yours

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I wrote that because it is easy to fall into fear, which is what fascists want. They want to be feared.

Prior to WW2 we had both the German American Bund advocating for German fascism. In addition there were “scientists” adding legitimacy to theories of race and supporting eugenics. A few months ago I actually read a nasty-gram from a Harvard geneticists who told me that genes prove that there are different human “races.” Good example of someone who is super bright and a fool.

The US has always had beasts of bigotry who feared that “those people are taking over.”

Replacement theory? Okay, let’s start removing all the people who have tried to replace “us,” whatever is means:

Asians (they myriad ethnicities coming under that term)

Remove everyone who has tried to replace “us” then who remains? Well, most likely only the descendants of people living on this continent before Europeans.

Irony: How many replacement theorists are “pure” in their identity.

Larger picture: There is a social phenomenon pushing for some kind of purity. In the US that purity is defined by religion (conservative religionist of all faith systems, especially Christian Evangelists in the US). In the legal world there are the purist that call themselves Constitutional Originalists (Federalist Society). In economics there are Libertarians.

They all are extremists. They all rely upon fear and intimidation. Those are their only tools. Not history, not genuine religious-spiritual beliefs, not science or logic. They have nothing left other than to scream, shout, condemn and sometimes act with violence.

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