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Beefy anti-vaxxer who likes lunging at elected officials arrested outside City Council after throwing woman against balcony wall overlooking two-story drop

WCVB reports that Shawn Nelson, one of the anti-vaxer brigade that had been following Mayor Wu around the city - was arrested for a fight that broke out during today's anger-filled City Council meeting, on charges that include assault and battery.

Nelson was among the people that City Council President Ed Flynn ordered ejected from the council chambers after repeated outbursts from both councilors and members of the public over the allegations against Councilor Ricardo Arroyo and the way the council will handle redistricting now that Flynn has removed Arroyo from leadership of the redistricting committee.

More video.

Nelson was arrested in Ronan Park in Dorchester when he charged Mayor Wu at one of the coffee hours she was holding there. Three days later, he arrived at another coffee hour in Hyde Park too late to bellow at or charge the mayor because she'd already left, so he instead tried to get at City Councilor Ruthzee Louijeune, only to be blocked by a wall of Boston cops.

Innocent, etc.

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How the (expletive) have you people absolutely failed as a community to stop this (expletive)? He's going to kill somebody. You know jails exist, right?

This is why you don't elect the accused sexual assailant for DA: Someone like that shrugs their shoulders at someone like this. I'm glad (expletive) like this is on tape. The revolution is televised.

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Can you try again here? Surely you know that Hayden is the DA right now — pretty silly to say “this is what happens with a progressive DA” when in fact this is what happens under Hayden’s DA watch.

Or just have some coffee, 5 AM is pretty early to be laying down shit takes on Uhub.

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I'm just telling you what I *think* will happen, but okay.

Happy New Year! May your commute be free of wedged truck obstructions.

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So your analysis now boils down to "I think this thing that is happening right now will happen again if this other thing happens."

You maybe could have gotten away with "I don't think he'll do anything to stop this." Then again it seems no previous DA in a democratic country has been able to stop simple assault or occasional kerfuffles at government meetings either.

This means that your statement is on par with the claim from Abbott in Texas that "It's okay that we're banning abortion without an exception for rape because we're going to stop all rapes." if you think that there's someone out there who can prevent those two things.

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Shitposting from a Boston resident, fine. Shitposting when you've left the city behind is just weird and unproductive. So, you know, on brand I guess.

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This is why you don't elect the accused sexual assailant for DA

I'm sorry, are you blaming the candidate who hasn't been the DA over the other candidate who has been acting DA? I'm just confused why you think the candidate could have done something to stop this guy but not the actual DA who is also running.

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Everyone that we consider dangerous should be locked up. Fill up the jails, build more if we need to. Will, I'm starting to think you aren't actually a Libertarian.

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"My beliefs are rock-solid and I'll go back on them in an instant if it appears to benefit me" is the Libertarian credo.

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I'm not, I just vote that way. Unenrolled my whole life.

It's incredibly likely that this guy is going to injure or kill somebody. Maybe not jail him, but can we at least get DA nullification of any acts against him? Maybe he'd prefer jail if he thinks there aren't consequences for those who retaliate against him. I assume this woman he attacked has a family.

I'd imagine the threat of going to jail themselves is the only thing stopping them from going after this monster who put his hands on their wife/sister/daughter/etc.

"I'll take care of it myself." - OJ Simpson to a cop after a post-Nicole girlfriend struck him and drew police intervention

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And of course you don't think this has anything to do with the current DA shrugging his shoulder at reports of cops assaulting people?

Because it's not Arroyo who decided whether to indict this guy for charging at the mayor. Or do you think this is somehow the result of having had a self-confessed sexual assailant in the White House from 2017-2021?

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you people

Automatic DQ.

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be brought before the Licensing Board for a hearing to determine "what, if anything, could the City Council have done to prevent this sort of thing from happening".

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Not unless the City Council meeting was serving alcohol. Maybe they should start.

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if it makes people chill out a bit.

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