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Three little masked Nazis hold anti-Semitic banner on bridge over Rte. 1 in Saugus

Our local gang of Nazi play actors could only muster up three guys in oh-so-scary face masks (one marked "131," because Nazis love numbers that don't mean anything to anybody but them) to stand over Rte. 1 in Saugus yesterday blaming Jews for something. You can look at a photo if you need to waste 10 seconds of your life.

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....because it was much easier than figuring out how to spell Jeff Deal "Geoff Diehl for Governor."

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With apologies to lovers of fairytales:

Once upon a time there was an old Nazi who created three little Nazis. The little ones liked to shovel hateful propoganda into the world. They thought hate would make the world theirs. The third little Nazi said let’s tell the world that we are smarter than everyone else.

They huffed and puffed, fretted and fumed, believing that hatred would lead the way. But few answered and most said go huff and puff yourselves to home and bother never again another day.

So they flew wicked banners on days hoping to cause pain. They marched thinking they were sane.

But when the Old Nazi, in his old emperor’s clothes, was put into a tower cage, where his forsaken spirit will rot until rotted, then the three little Nazis squeaked away like dying little pigs.

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I'm glad people are finally realizing that is exactly what these clowns are. "Play actors". Wannabes. Too many people call them "Nazis" and quake in fear as if they were the real thing. That needs to end because, not only is it lazy, but it cedes them power that they do not have. People fail to realize that in the days of the real Nazis, they felt like they belonged to something, were part of the larger whole, they swelled with (misguided) pride. These current whiny little dufuses are against everything and feel like it is them against the world. That's a big difference. They're a bunch of losers.

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Yeah, but that's how the original nazis started out, too. Nobody should be "quaking in fear," of these a-holes but we shouldn't be minimizing the growing fascist movement in this country. And yes, they think they're part of something. What would you call the Proud Boys, the 3 percenters and all the other fascist dimwits out there? We already had our own Beer Hall Putsch, there's no guarantee 1933 isn't around the corner for us either with all the racist election deniers running for offices large and small in the GOP

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Yeah, but that's how the original nazis started out, too.

Second this. anon, you need to stop watching movies and learn some real history. I also grew up on media portrayals of the original Nazis as evil, but also strong, capable, functional, dedicated. In reality, they profile like these clowns. They were neurotic, dysfunctional, incels, failures in business and professions, incapable of holding down jobs or functioning in society. As Pete says, we already had our beer hall putsch, a few of them went to jail, but they didn't dry up and blow away. They're still here.

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Tell me your penis is small without telling me your penis is small…

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It is the perception of inadequacy.

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A casually discarded vial in the vicinity of the vile would make Super Happy Fun Nazi Laundry Day a true adventure.

Might even get them evicted from their parents' basements.

Oh that piquant stench of fascism!


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Some of this in a super soaker squirtgun could be handy for a drive by so that their outsides stink as bad as their insides.

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I would have taken a detour to toss them off the bridge.

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Why give these bozos free press

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I'm willing to cover stuff that happens nearby (or sometimes even way out past 128, if I think it might be relevant to Bostonians). Who among us has not traveled on Rte. 1 in Saugus?

As for why to cover this specific act by these specific basement dwellers? I've wrestled with this sort of thing for most of my journalistic career (i.e., most of my adult life). On the one hand, yes, why acknowledge them? It's just three refugees from the Island of Misfit Toys acting out again.

On the other hand, though: I've seen what just ignoring this sort of thing can lead to: They could get to the point where they are more than just mosquitos you flick off your arm. Early on, I had to deal with a temple in one of the towns I covered where a band of moron teens kept doing stuff like egging and tossing rocks at the temple, but which the temple pleaded with the police and the local weekly to keep out of the news for fear of offending their gentile neighbors, until one night, the fine upstanding youth spent several hours completely destroying the sukkah the temple had put up to celebrate Sukkot.

So better to know what the pissants are doing, even if just through a brief update (I mean, this is not some amazing expose I spent all day on; it took me, at most, a minute to compile, and that included reading the messages from people who forwarded me photos; I've now spent more time just writing this reply than on the original post.).

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I think it is important to document white supremacy and anti-Semitism.

While I wholly understand the argument to not give people like this the publicity, I think the best course of action is to treat the audience as adults who understand right from wrong.

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I think there's a big difference between reporting on these things and giving "both sides" equal weight. A post like this is informing people this thing happened and labels the perpetrators accordingly. It's important people know the element exists because those who are targeted by these sorts of things are often not believed when they say the sentiment exists and the hatred is often aimed at them.

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Why give these bozos free press

They already have that. Media that portrays them as the contemptible scum they are does not boost them. It's for the comfortable people who aren't targeted by these scum: the ones who mindlessly bleat "hate has no home here" and "this is not who we are" every time something happens to demonstrate that yes it does and yes we are. It's to make those people have to see that yes, they're in your town, no, they don't just go away if you ignore them. Just think for a minute. Twenty years, even ten years ago, would we have seen this? Now it's any given day ending in a y and there's nothing surprising about it. And it's not that we were better people then. On the contrary, it's because we weren't better people then that we have to face this now.

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I would insult these guys and say they are just modern day KKK members, they think they are in the right and claim everyone agrees with them but for some reason find it necessary to cover their faces so others don't recognize them. The sad thing is they most likely would not see this comparison as an insult.

They also planned this out in such a way that people on the overpass can't see what the sign says but people on Rt 1 most likely would not be able to get over to the right lane to access the overpass in enough time.

These types of bozos are always bemoaning the "weakening" of men in America and yet they always seem to do everything to make sure nobody knows who they are and can't respond to them. Meanwhile I see many people they would consider weak are calling them out with our real names.

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I have also wrestled with not wanting to give them any attention vs. exposing the issue. More often than not, I think people need to be aware of the threat. Even play-acting can become real very fast.

I'm a grandson of a survivor and I have heard my grandmother's stories. Unfortunately, this is EXACTLY what it looks like (granted, a 2022 version of it) when it starts to get real.

There is a growing presence on the North Shore (maybe elsewhere in MA too) that needs to somehow be addressed, at least through education.

I think a "white prison gang" has a lot more to do with it than people realize. We have one such Nazi locally who has been in and out of prison. He's been more than doxxed. He was even featured in a New York Magazine profile on White Nationalism. A lot of them have been doxxed. Who is protecting them? I know.. I know.. "mom's basement." But, it's not funny, and that can't be the whole truth.

I feel an urge to do something, but don't know what to do that wouldn't put me and my family in danger.

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National motorcycle gangs are part of the picture. These gangs include retired and active police and military personnel.

Another concern is a volunteer military that is composed of people from largely conservative to reactionary areas of the nation. Under a regime led by a Trump like person they could be turn into a dangerous army.

Not to stretch the comparison too far but this leads me to wonder about the parallels between pre-Nazi Germany's SA and US gangs today. While national and local gangs still fight each other what would happen if these gangs started to consolidate? If MS-13 and Crips or Bloods worked together even if only out of convenience?

Add a White House run by a person who cooperates behind the scenes with gangs? Would Trump had done that? Or anyone smarter than him?

This is where a free press that is constantly revealing what is happening among US fascists is vital.

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Isn't this the plot of Saints Row 4?

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...that I'm sure recruits from the CWB prison gang and elsewhere, known as NSC-131. The Lappin Foundation is involved, reported it to the ADL, and has reached out to Saugus and Danvers.

Speaking of motorcycle gangs, one of them has SS bolts as a logo. However, initially, after WWII, the bolts meant that they had killed nazis. They were being used in an anti-fascist way. But, somehow that has turned...

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