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If the signal problems on the T don't get you, a fellow rider might

Transit Police report arresting a Roslindale man on charges he sprayed a rider at the Fenway Green Line stop with "an unknown liquid" Monday night.

Police say that shortly after 11 p.m., Tyrll Benton, 36, went up to a woman standing at the fare booth on the inbound side, stated "take a bath" and then sprayed the substance in her face. Fortunately for police, Benton then just stood on the platform and so was quickly arrested after officers arrived and the victim pointed him out.

Upon arrival officers observed the victim's hair and jacket was wet with said unknown liquid.

Benton, who already had a warrant out for his arrest on a trespassing charge out of East Boston court, was charged with assault and battery, police say.

The victim declined medical attention, police say.

Innocent, etc.



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The MBTA has always been a magnet for the insane but I never thought it would get this bad.

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You clearly never rode in the 90's - early 2000's.

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Has anyone done a study on WHY it is so noticeably more bad than even before? I've ridden the T almost daily for over 40 years and it is measurably and noticeably worse than ever before. By far. I know the opiate epidemic has a lot to do with it, but there is such a large population of the clearly mentally ill on the T and in the stations at all times now. This population both overlaps and is seperate from the addicts. And it's not just the mentally ill, but the dangerously mentally ill. What has caused this rise? Someone must be studying it.

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That kind of attack is really the most scary to me. You're just minding your own business and some crazy-ass guy assaults you.

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Rarely mentioned in the debates about people acting crazy, violent, etc. people is that there will be a % of the population that leans in that direction. So there more people in general the more likely these incidences.

To me policy decisions should include that premise. But here come my "woke" credentials. Since there will always be people willing to commit violence questions such as what policies encourage violence? What policies either encourage or make the violence that will happen worse than it need be?

One policy is making weapons that allow for maiming and killing from a distance easy to acquire. Yup, guns. Add that as a culture violence is encouraged. Resolving conflicts with violence is part of our social DNA.

Religious and moral justifications of violence were baked into The Constitution with the Constitutional institutionalizing of slavery. For all the (self) righteous appeals to God's and Jesus' love (for Christians at least) a significant part of our culture includes approval, and sometimes outright love, of violence. So there more people who compose society, add the more people who are violated by the economic and social systems that violate individuals, the more likely that people who may or may not commit violence will commit violence.

How can the assumption that there will always be folks falling off the precipice from holding in their anger to acting out their anger, or just committing violence for no other reason than because they can, I don't know. Accepting this premise however offers greater stronger argument for for supporting greater access to mental health services (but other than by law no one can be forced into mental health treatment).

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