The Dorchester Reporter reports that one of longtime local PR guy George Regan's people sent one of its reporters e-mail announcing a party in Mashpee to both honor Ray Flynn on his birthday and to announce a "Save Our City" campaign aimed at taking back Boston from the lefties he thinks are ruining it. Only problem: Regan hadn't asked any of the politicians he listed (including two who aren't even running for re-election) first. Regan blames his secretary, but insists the city still needs saving. Sounds like somebody needs some crisis PR help.
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George Regan
By M. Sanchez
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 12:11pm
George Regan is a “great guyâ€. Just ask him. GTFO.
Knowing that Dan Rea ...
By Friartuck
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 5:02pm
MC'd George's wedding proposal a couple years ago made me hurl twice
Ha Ha Ha
By John Costello
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 12:24pm
You know there is someone who has a log in here who only rears their facelifted head when there is talk about support for building a bridge to Long Island. That person, is really, really, really against it. That person might have a condo at Marina Bay.
I won't make any assumptions though.
it's the tanning bed electronic rays
By anon
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 12:40pm
years of overexposure turns the brain into swiss cheese. If you stick a flashlight in one ear the light will come out the other. Buck Rogers prophetically warned about the problem.
John Costello, gutless coward
By Mark-
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:16pm
It’s been 26 years since you admitted sending out an anonymous gutless mailer attacking City Councilor Stephen Murphy.
He was no prize, but I still think of this as the single most vile and cowardly attack in city politics in the 30+ years I’ve lived here. I never heard an apology. Until then, everything you write reminds me of the asshole who sent that cheap shot anonymous postcard.
Bad math
By Mark-
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:30pm
2023-2007 is 16 years, not 26. It just feels longer.
By John Costello
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:40pm
My name is spelled C-O-S-T-E-L-L-O.
It is not spelled C-O-N-N-O-L-L-Y.
I have been on UHub since 2009. Not 2007.
Perhaps you are just stupid.
By Mark-
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:49pm
Okay then. I sincerely apologize.
At least somebody
By anon
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 12:56pm
is trying to save the City. Look at other big cities across the country that people are fleeing from.
Massachusetts is in the midst of a huge population shift, and nobody gives a shit.
And neither do the people involved in this non-movement
By adamg
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:21pm
All they (and by "they," apparently just one PR guy) mean is that they object to a city run by people who don't fit their idea of the sort of people who should be In Charge - i.e. old white men.
Adam - I think you're
By Ben
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 9:07pm
Adam - I think you're incorrect. I love my state senator (lydia edwards), think Andrea Campbell should have been Mayor and have worked hard on behalf of Tito, Brandy, Linda Dorcena, David Halbert and many other candidates who are not old white men. The nature of your statement groups these awesome representatives with law breakers Rollins, Arroyo and Lara and is an insult to law abiding candidates of color.
And I like Ed Flynn
By adamg
Sat, 07/22/2023 - 2:41pm
He seems to have done an admirable job of truly representing all the people in his district, not just the ones east (south?) of the Jimmy Kelly Bridge.
But City Hall was splitting even before the issues you raised. You had Frank Baker trying to restart the Troubles, you had him, Flaherty and Flynn throwing money at a lawsuit when they didn't get their way, you had them and Erin Murphy possibly jumping to conclusions over the dead-guy-and-kids apartment in South Boston (Flynn less so than the others), etc.
Now throw in George Regan (who raised money against Wu, even after Essaibi George asked him not to) and his party in Mashpee, which last I checked is nowhere near Boston.
To their credit, the politicians on his list immediately disowned it, but a 9-4 split (well, now 8-4) was in place on the council well before Lara slammed into that house.
People are leaving some
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:40pm
People are leaving some larger cities (San Francisco, lefty) and moving in to others (Phoenix, also lefty). It's because of local conditions, crime, quality of services, the new-found ability to work remotely, etc. The political alignment of city leadership has little correlation.
So if people think Boston needs to be "saved," my first question is: from what? The aspects of Boston that most people seem to agree are chasing away the most people are the traffic and the cost of living, and both of those are state and regional problems that extend well past Boston's borders and have spanned multiple city, state, and federal government administrations. I can find little objective justification for pinning the blame for Boston's issues on "lefties".
it's easy to say "we must do something,"
By Vicki
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:49pm
"We must do something, and this is something"?
Do people not care? Or do they disagree about what the problem is, or about how to solve it?
For example, people who moved away because their jobs moved are unlikely to be lured back by a better school system--and someone who moved to get their children into a different school district probably won't come back if you promise them the T won't catch fire.
That's top-level. Even if we agree that the T and the schools need fixing, what next? There are funding issues, there are problems of hiring the right skilled workers, and there are disagreements about what a better school system would look like, or whether/how to redesign the bus and commuter rail networks.
From one anon to another
By j2j
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 2:32pm
nobody gives a crap about your your hysterical MAGAT nonsense.
Wow, what a tell
By lbb
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 3:14pm
"huge population shift" = "we're running out of white people"
"nobody gives a shit" = "I can't get enough people to turn my little cabbage patch into a sundown town"
You’re a fool if you think people leaving
By anon
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 8:22pm
Is good. Yes old people are leaving for sunshine states. That’s normal.
What isnt normal is a large amount of 25-35 year olds leaving. This is our workforce and theyre leaving because of quality of life issues like housing, childcare and access to quality schools.
These are college graduates early in there careers or lower income people just being outright pushed out of the state.
Let me guess , your old, sticking around in your six figure job past standard retirement age and own your home.
Got stats?
By merlinmurph
Sat, 07/22/2023 - 6:47pm
Got any numbers?
By lbb
Mon, 07/24/2023 - 10:30am
A lot of these "college graduates" only came here for college in the first place. We have a lot of colleges in this here commonwealth, a lot of people come from elsewhere to attend them, and not 100% of them stay.
You haven't identified a problem
By brianjdamico
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 7:35pm
that the city requires "saving" from.
Do you understand how capitalism works?
By Daan
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 8:13pm
At its basics it is about supply and demand (without getting into the dirty details of the reality when Trump, McConnell et al. stack the deck).
But looking at supply and demand concerning housing what we see is that housing costs continue to be some of the highest in the nation.
So kindly explain how fleeing results in higher housing costs? I assume that with the word fleeing you mean leaving. If people are leaving then that would result in lowered demand for one of the basics: housing. Yet housing costs remain high.
Perhaps your concern about fleeing is lacking in depth and comprehension of what is happening in cities such as Boston and San Francisco.
Diversify your news sources.
By J.R. Dobbs
Sat, 07/22/2023 - 6:05am
A 0.20% decrease over 2 years isn't an issue for anyone but for those glued to right wing outlets 24/7.
It does makes sense though that the Great Replacement Theory is gaining steam as the FOX demo rapidly ages out of the "living on your own" phase of life.
Trial Balloon
By anon
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:42pm
They can backtrack however they want, but pretty obvious this was a trial balloon, probably from the future Erin Murphy for Mayor campaign. Likely true that some of the other politicians weren't even asked, though, since Regan is a known dope and doesn't care.
I'd like a side order of substantive policy
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:51pm
proposals with that big ol' hysterical nothing-burger. Y'know, something more filling than, "Oh nooooes, the leftieeeees!"
Not needed when you have a dog whistle around your neck
By adamg
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 3:18pm
You know where they stand, to paraphrase a Boston politician from another era.
By Angry Dan
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 1:59pm
Maybe he can help the Wampanoags take back their town while he's there. #nonotlikethat
Save Our City hosting 4 fundraisers in August
By anon
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 3:06pm
8/2: Dini's
8/8: Jimmy's Harborside
8/15: Pier 4
8/22: Joe Tecce's
All events start at 4:00PM and end promptly at 6:00 so attendees will be home in time to watch the Lawrence Welk Show on WPRI, and if still awake, to catch the 10:00 News on GBH. Have the tinfoil handy because those rabbit ears don't always cut it.
Golf clap…
By MassMouse
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 8:17pm
Well done….
Let's not forget one thing
By Brian Riccio
Fri, 07/21/2023 - 5:51pm
Regan is a sleazebag and a liar but he knows where all the bodies are buried in this town and has for decades. That's why people line up to kiss his surgically altered racist ass.Except for Big Hat Willie. George likes him because he doesn't talk back.
If the likes of Ray Flynn is "saving the city," forget it.
By deselby
Sat, 07/22/2023 - 9:21am
A mediocre mayor at best, then threw a tantrum because Clinton sidelined him to a posh sinecure.
Imagine, campaigning for GW Bush in 2004.
That said, Arroyo, Lara, and Mejia gotta go.
I'm a Lefty
By lurchie
Tue, 07/25/2023 - 9:25pm
and I don't blame the guy! I want to take this city back from people like myself! I just don't trust me. We're ruining the city for all those upstanding Righties. Make Boston Right Again!
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