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Brookline official sick of these goddamn kids wasting his time

Brookline.news reports one member of the town Advisory Committee - which studies proposed ordinances forTown Meeting - tore into some Brookline High students who had the unmitigated gall to propose ordinances to ban the sale of animals in local shops and the use of elephants and other animals in any circuses that might visit the town.

Sure, some committee members said neither ordinance seemed necessary since Brookline has no pet shops and it hasn't seen any circuses of late, but committee member Paul Bernard went further and told the students they were puppets with "a Messiah complex" who should stop wasting town officials' valuable time.



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Seriously, imagine hating teenagers.

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Many Brookline committee members hate everyone who isn't a wealthy homeowner.

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Had a friend who was a Brookline town meeting member for many years. Story checks out.

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About that statement?

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The part where he used words.

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to discourage young people from having the desire to engage in the democratic process. A government of, for and by the people, and at the TOWN level you think your time is being wasted by proposals?

If you don't want to field proposals from constituents, in local government of all places, perhaps a position in the local government isn't a good fit for you.

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I think that was the point.

It interferes with his visions of grandeur as a lowly town official.

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Yes but then how would he know that he's better than the neighbors? You see the conundrum here.

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Is this guy a paid employee or a citizen volunteer? Either way, I think it's time to find someone else for this task.

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...wanna buy an elephant? Be the first in your block to own one.

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They'll bring a term and age limits ordinance before the next committee and livestream the meltdown.

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Meanwhile; Ezra Kleinbaum, a 16-year-old Brookline High School junior helped lead the successful passage of a previous proposal at Town Meeting that banned the retail sale of new animal furs in Brookline. WHEN HE WAS ONLY 14!

Mr. Bernard has shown his true, miserable, and power hungry self for EXACTLY who he is.

See ya Paul! Have fun watching birds.

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The guy's not wrong: kids (everyone, really) with strong feelings on an emotional subject can sometimes lead with their hearts, not their brains. Look at the Harvard students loudly supporting the Hamas attacks. No one is more convinced about the absolute righteousness of their cause than an activist youth. Wisdom and moderation come with maturity.

That said, telling students they're wasting the government's time is reprehensible. If he really feels that way, he should resign.

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No one is more convinced about the absolute righteousness of their cause than MAGA and Christian Nationalists.



Wisdom and moderation come with maturity

oh you were serious? allow me to laugh even harder.

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Youth concerned about animal rights, oh my!

God forbid town “leaders” have a dialogue with future voters.

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committee member Paul Bernard went further and told the students they were puppets with "a Messiah complex" who should stop wasting town officials' valuable time.

Interesting. Dude doesn't seem to realize how today's high school students very quickly become voters - voters who can turn this self-important whiner out on his rump.

They are also becoming successful candidates for local office with ready-made constituencies. Perhaps he should talk to his colleagues in Medford - two fairly recent grads are incumbents on the city council, and more are on the ballot for School Committee.

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..."ordinances to ban the sale of animals in local shops..."

OK, but can we make an exception for squirrels? Keep supplying live squirrels, please? I've noticed a definite deficiency of squirrels in Brookline!


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... but you're too young to vote."

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