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Email daddy resurrects failed global-conspiracy lawsuit against Bill Galvin and Twitter, only this time against feds, Facebook, Google and Elon Musk

The conspiracy

The conspiracy. See it larger.

Shiva Ayyadurai, who has more MIT degrees than you, has filed a new federal lawsuit in which he alleges a federal cybersecurity agency, Facebook, Google and Elon Musk's X are all conspiring to limit his social-media reach - with a reaction time measured in minutes and using techniques perfected by British censors and the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office.

Ayyadurai, who claims he invented email as a teenager, is seeking immediate damages of at least $195 million, with more to come after, of course, he wins his pro se case in front of a jury in US District Court in Washington, DC.

This is Ayyadurai's second federal suit this year. In the first, against US Attorney General Merrick Garland, he is seeking a ruling that the 14th Amendment lets him run for president even though he was born in India.

Ayyadurai's conspiracy suit is essentially an updated version of the suit he filed in 2020 in federal court in Boston, first against the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office, then against the pre-Musk Twitter, in which he argued he was the subject of a global conspiracy by among others, elections officials in both Massachusetts and across the country, the Atlantic Council and Israeli agents, who conspired at Harvard's Kennedy School to develop "backdoor portals" that let Twitter cut him off at the knees by watching his every word and blocking his Twitter account.

Ayyadurai withdrew that suit after the judge in the case began threatening fines and even possible prison time because of the way Ayyadurai was conducting his mostly self-led legal action.

In fact, parts of the new suit read as if they were simply copied from the withdrawn one, such as "Twitter, as a publicly traded corporation, is susceptible to these strong pressures." In fact, the company is now called X and it is now a privately held company.

Ayyadurai now claims that the ACLU, Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald have intentionally tried to conceal the statements in that lawsuit and that Republicans as well as Democrats are out to silence him because they are in the pay of Big Tech, which needs to continue its immunity from suits over online comments to "maintain their high valuations on Wall Street."

And he says that even though Musk re-instated his shuttered Twitter/X account, Musk is now "shadow banning" him and reducing his reach on the network because:

The fact is Mr. Musk is a government actor and his existence and wealth come at the behest of the Defendants. “Where Elon Musk ends and government begins nobody knows,” as Dr. Shiva asserted on multiple tweets.

Although Ayyadurai hates Joe Biden, he makes it clear in the newest, 76-page pro se lawsuit that he's no fan of Donald Trump, either.

The truth is: on November 16, 2018, it was a Republican, President Donald J. Trump, the man who barked "Make America Great Again" and "Drain the Swamp" signed into law a bill the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Act (CISA) that was UNANIMOUSLY approved by every member of Congress – Democrat and Republican - including the likes of Thomas Massie and Jim Jordan and others, who claim they are "fighters" for "Free Speech" and now even command Committees in Congress that aim to allegedly deter the very infrastructure Censorship Network Infrastructure to silence speech of WE THE PEOPLE, that these folks voted to create in 2018!

Complete complaint (1.76M PDF).



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Adam hasn't made it into the Visio yet.

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Like him or not, you've got to admit that it's a pretty cool chart!

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It all links back to Pepe Silvia!

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Still wild that Fran Drescher has any credibility after being "married" to this character.

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Considering she really won't talk about him when asked should give you any indication how she feels about the whole "marriage".

I think some people can make mistakes.. this is Fran's.

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He was probably a bit different then. Mental illness, dementia - they work like that.

I knew a woman who was split from her husband of 30+ years because he really started going off the rails - cheating, drugging it up, etc. He'd gone from eccentric to full on douchebag.

He fairly suddenly died from brain cancer before the divorce was final.

That was a more rapid decline, but there is certainly some longer-term decline in judgement happening with Shiva. I wouldn't hold that against Fran Drescher from a decade ago.

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Mr Email strikes me as the type of guy who could be very charismatic and charming when he wanted to be. I am sure he was like that with Fran.

But yeah it could be something else as you describe. He has gotten worse and worse over the years.

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Charisma is an attribute that seems to often be part of the character of people are narcissistic to a level of harm (Trump) or people who deal with the manic-depression cycle. When manic the charisma is active.

Charisma does not equate to extremes of mental states. And there are people who argue that folks who do not naturally (i.e. via nature, not nurture) can develop behaviors that have similar effect.

Many years ago I watched the video of a discussion about charisma. There were two discussants. The person who wrote a book about charisma and another person lending their understanding of what the author wrote.

Seemingly everyday, basic characteristics. But one's who people born with charisma do automatically. A few ideas:

1) Make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking with
2) Convey to the person you are speaking with the impression that that person is the most important person in the world at that moment.
3) Read the room. Get a feeling of what is the overall mood of people in a room, whether a party or other gathering. We know that one person's mood is infectious. A person with a strong presence can affect others to states of mind either happy and light or sad and dark. So read the room and grasping what is the overall mood of the people assembled fit in with that mood, while practicing the ideas in numbers 1 and 2.

The video may still be available at the MOS.

Bill Clinton was famous (and infamous) for his charisma. I read that Bill could meet a person who didn't like him, in the conversation come to think Bill was a great man and then after Bill left return to feeling antipathy toward Bill.

Steve Jobs, and unfortunately D. Judas Trump, both project "reality distortion fields."

We need democratic and socially affirming leaders who can also project reality distortion fields. Just having Shiva and Trump utilizing charisma and projecting distortion reality fields is a waste of a extremely valuable human attribute.

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Fran is the Union President to the SAG - the Union that did the whole Actor strike. My understanding is she did a good job.

Maybe to you, she wouldn’t been given the chance, but since she did, I think any judgment have to factor then too

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She fled that ship long before it began to sink, but in a larger sense, why should someone be judged by the actions of someone they once knew?

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...what kind of "credibility" are you suggesting she has, exactly? Are the UN, General Motors and the Jedi Council all going to stop asking for her opinion now?

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He's copyrighted it in multiple places.


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Whatever you think of the ACLU, they are not part of the "mainstream media."

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You can get Section 12ed in Massachusetts. It involves the court, the person’s family (if they have any), and the person posing a significant threat of danger to themselves or others, like showing up at a police station to unravel the great conspiracy against them that exists only in their mind, for instance. There is probably a doctor and the court involved and a court-appointed guardian. Can confirm it does happen if a person is sick enough. This happened to my uncle.

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Anyone know how to get in touch with Fran Drescher?

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When will it get to the point when it's mean to make fun of him because he's so clearly suffering from mental illness? Do we think this is a cynical ploy for attention? That diagram is the kind of nutty they show in movies featuring nutty characters.

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Everything is a ploy and I speak from first hand knowledge

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And it's failing unless you count a few Uhub stories as a big win.

If all he wants is Uhub fame, he'd be more successful by learning to take nice wildlife photos in city parks.

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You've piqued my curiosity as to what part of the conspiracy against Shiva the turkeys and coyotes play.

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On the one hand I see your point. If there is what can be called mental illness at work then any who make fun of him is being mean.

There is a conundrum here. Trump is mentally ill. He is so clearly an example of a man who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. He is textbook example. is it mean to mock him? Not just criticize him when he uses Nazi language (poisoning the blood) but actually mock him. Laugh at when he hosted a sports team and fed them unhealthy fast food. Or when he called the White House a dump?

When Trump called the White House a dump he levied an attack against all of the people who strive to make it a nice place (which is kind of weird to call the WH a nice place, but I hope the point gets across). He showed zero consideration for how his words would impact the people who actually see him when he is in the building. The people he probably saw as being below him.

is it wrong to mock Trump for playing out the stereotype of "white trash." Trump can (or maybe he truly can not) choose to just shut up sometimes. But even if he is unable to shut his pie hole (and his non-stope messaging suggests that) is it wrong to mock him?

Or, does a person reach a level of public presence where mockery is actually beneficial to the rest of us? Shiva and Trump are public personas. They both chose to be parts of the public discourse. But they also engage in harmful behavior and wield harmful words. While neither have reached levels of harm that merit sectioning for observation (although Trump might be given a criminal kind of sectioning - we have to hope), both cause harm. Is mockery a healthy response against the harm that demagogues do as they slam and bash against the lives of everyone else?

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Trump causes harm, so you can freely criticize the harm he causes.

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The world is full of functional people who have serious mental illness. We need only watch the nightly news and the political arena as a whole to understand this.

At some point a judge needs to review this person and their outrageous filings and seek to place them for a 10-30 day observation to get a handle on what his problem is and get treatment if that is actually possible.

This is no longer amusing. At what point does this person tip the scales and hurt himself or others?

It seems all of the signs are there?

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Unless Shiva is physically dangerous to anyone else it is immoral (at least in American morality) to put Shiva into an institution simply because he comes up with looney law suits and makes crazy claims. For any court to put a person into observation simply because they file crazy law suits is for a court to take on the role of Big Brother.

The irony of course is that Shiva might himself enjoy playing the role of Big Brother. He did run for the Senate in Massachusetts. A possible stepping stone to the WH. Given that D. Judas Trump has all but declared himself to be Dictator of America Shiva's ambitions might follow a similar track.

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Grab your popcorn people, I think we just found our winter distraction.

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haha boy this is a hard decision.

My money is on Shiva.

I gotta give credit when it's due. Shiva at least did something with himself, got his own degrees, and started a company on his own.

He didn't come into a crazy amount of wealth and just buy things to be the face of the company.

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You say he invented something. What was it?

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I think my point was he's done a bit more with his life than Apartheid boy.

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I and many people I know were regularly sending and receiving email well before shiva wrote his program. He really didn’r invent anything of significance.

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K. Once again, you missed my entire point.

Shiva at least is self made... Elon not so much.

It does not matter that EMAIL (the client Shiva created) wasn't significant, he did SOMETHING with his life. He left extremely poor Bombay, Got a few degrees, started a company on his own.

Unlike Elon who walked around with gems in his pocket as a teenager and was given or bought anything he's ever associated with.

Sheesh Bob I swear you just like to argue with people on here about nonsense.

I also can't believe I'm sticking up for Shiva, but here we are.

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. . . when you put it that way.

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The chart is missing Henry Kissinger, The Tri-Lateral Commission and Queen Elizabeth (although I suppose King Charles is a good sub).

Shiva comes across as the reincarnation of Lyndon LaRouche (pun intended). A person who can truly sound sane but comes across as nuts.

Where does Shiva get his money? Maybe he really did invent email and all the owners of email services, platforms and software pay him a fee for each email sent. But they keep it on the hush hush because well, that's how conspiracies work.

Maybe Shiva also invented instant messaging and social media. Hence his going after Zuckerberg and Musk.

Maybe Shiva even invented universities! That's why tuitions are high. Universities have to pay him franchising fees.

After all, this is Shiva. Not Brahma, not Vishnu.

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Can we sue MIT for malpractice?

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If he fulfilled the requirements and paid his tuition, MIT has done their job.

I find that people who get multiple degrees like he claims to have are either have a professional reason to get them (e.g., MD/PHD), or well capitalized and indecisive.

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Neither of Vellayappa (Shiva) Ayyadurai's parents were US citizens when he was born. He came to the United States at the age of 7 yet information about when he actually became a US citizen is nowhere to be found (at least with my limited skills and access anyway) online. Does anyone now the actual date he became an American citizen?

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Has mental health issues, I mocked him before but feel bad about it now.
There is something wrong with him and his family should step in.

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