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Low-energy Trumpicade briefly makes appearance on some Boston streets

A couple of vehicles adorned with American and Trump flags

A roving UHub photographer reports about 30 pickups and SUVs and one Army-surplus truck made their way along Day Boulevard today as part of the most special Magachusetts Trump's America First Get Out the Vote caravan, which wended its way from the USS Constitution in Charlestown to Castle Island, just in time for the annual re-opening of Sullivan's.



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is the one part of that statement I agree with.

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The giant truck and many of the other vehicles have NH, ME, NY, CT, RI plates.

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Those states either border Massachusetts, or are second adjacent. One can drive for one hour, and arrive in Boston from four of them.

What is MA's obsession with other people's license plates? You wouldn't notice if somebody drove from Anaheim to San Diego, or from Austin to San Antonio. Roughly the same difference.

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welcome around here as Neo-Nazis.
They're wasting their time.

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Really ...

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Not a cult at all.

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How were the seagulls on opening day? Like Alfred Hitchcocks's The Birds? Eat in the car or your food will be airlifted and sharp beaks will traumatize you for life.

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I'm all for get out the vote rallies no matter who the candidates are. VOTEv people. NOT VOTING is how we got TFG in the first place.

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You don't have the intelligence to vote in your own interests, in which case, stay home.

That's why I love elections: They can be won 1-0.

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They vote as instructed by you, they are not informed. Is that how it works? If I want a one candidate ballot I will move to Russia. Oh wait, I can vote for most seats in Boston with just a Democrat on the ballot. Is there much difference?

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I do not see Will's comment instructing anyone how to vote. Yours seems to ask whether there's much difference between Russia and Boston. Perhaps you should reflect on Trump's recent efforts to make the Republican Party "100% MAGA."

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At least Moscow doesn't have a failed transit system.

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In general, a larger and better informed electorate is a good thing. But part of the problem is how to produce such an electorate, even assuming that we agree that candidates should have a grip on reality and want to avoid disaster.

These days, a lot of people figure that you should be trying to get people to vote for your preferred candidates well in advance, and then do your best to encourage people who agree with you to vote. Someone who hates everything you stand for isn't going to suddenly change their mind five minutes before picking up a ballot.

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Teach people to read, let them make up own minds, respect everybodies vote.

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parked at the beach doing a booming business selling Trump paraphernalia, hats, shirts and flags.

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Rude to bring Sully's into this.

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They might sell a few more orders of fries this way - one for me, one for the seagulls over by the trump truck.

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