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Okie in a Volvo charged with driving 1,600 miles to try to blow up the Satanic Temple in Salem


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When one asks, "What would Jesus do?", I'm thinkin' it's definitely not that.

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That was a surprisingly quick investigation considering that the target was the unoccupied building of a less than universally popular group. Glad they caught the perp.

But this line intrigued me: "State Police license scanners caught his black Volvo in Randolph, all the way on the other side of Boston, at 1:52 a.m. on April 8 and then Lynn at 2:21 a.m." Are there police cameras tracking license plates 24/7 along our highways?

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"Are there police cameras tracking license plates 24/7 along our highways?"

everything is being tracked, from your cell phone to your car.

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Car tires come with a transponder that broadcasts the tire pressure and a unique ID every few minutes. You can buy a $25 software defined radio to record this information if you wanted to make a log of almost every car that passes by your house.

The SDRs are also useful for logging weather station data among other things.

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for logging passing cars. Might work at stoplights, though?

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Dude seems to be the type to have rejected the 5G Vaccination Nanochip tracked by chemtrails.

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license plate scanners are around, and will become more ubiquitous and responsive.

Since license plates are required for vehicle identification, the argument is that you have no privacy interest in license plates being seen. It's a pretty good argument, even if an examination of your vehicle's movements could intrude on your privacy and exercise of constitutional rights.

Most people will take the tradeoff in today's USA. This case shows the utility of the scanners. Hit and runs?

Extending the argument to facial recognition scanning and tracking is dubious. It's true that you don't have a privacy right in your face not being seen in public, or that you waive it if you go out without a mask or niqab. You are not required by the government to have a photo ID in the USA, so the analogy to license plates is not there.

Law enforcement facial recognition use in the USA is through programs like ClearviewAI which use the photos you and others have uploaded to social and other media. It's an after-the-fact thing, where CCTV images are presented to Clearview's database for a match for further investigation. Contrast with China, where constant face tracking is fed into AI programs to flag criminal and politically dissenting patterns.

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Many argue that your right to privacy ends at your doorstep

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I see a difference between privacy of communication and thoughts vs operation of a large vehicle.

Basically, Verizon shouldn't be allowed to keep a record of my exact location and internet traffic from my phone and house. (But yet, they legally do.) But the police should be allowed to keep a record of a car passing a license plate reader.

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% risk of this guy being next vice president sayeth Elohim. Right Republicans?

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Tough place to be a defendant in a bombing case.

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Except the crime occurred in Salem, MA.

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Just making an interesting observation.

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The point is that he won't be a defendant in Oklahoma City. The crime was in Salem/Essex County, the trial will be in Essex County. His appearance in an Oklahoma courthouse is only for the extradition hearing, not a trial.

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He will be making appearances in Boston at the Moakley Courthouse, as the charge he's currently facing is for a federal crime committed in the Eastern Division of the District of Massachusetts. Surely he will also be facing charges under Massachusetts law as well, but we haven't seen those charges yet.

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is in Oklahoma City. I don't really know the details of how this all works, but obviously something is being decided in Oklahoma City, and that's going to be a tough venue.

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Given that tomorrow is the 29th anniversary of said bombing, they will arraign his ass today and he'll be out of state less than an hour later. Interestingly, the courthouse he'll be in is right next to the memorial site.

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Perfectly normal Republican, ca. 2024.

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If we're going to have a civil war in the next generation (and if there's a way to prevent it, I sure would love to know what it is) it's going to be a lot less like the 1860s model and a lot more like the Northern-Ireland-in the 70s or the Italian Years of Lead. Let's just hope that most of the MAGA desperadoes are as incompetent as this guy.

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The Civil War never ended. All we did is put the guns down. All one needs to do is look at a map of the USA with red and blue states displayed and you will see how divided we are already.

Interesting though, a majority of the blue states are in areas with interstate and international commerce and cultural exchange, whereas the red states are in more insular areas which is promoted and adhered-to from within.

This is about conformity and control as opposed to free thinking. This is an American Taliban. the free world as we know it.

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All one needs to do is look at a map of the USA with red and blue states displayed and you will see how divided we are already.

Agree on the division (I'm not going to touch the "but we're all really purple" argument, it's at least as facile as the red-and-blue argument), but it isn't exactly the old Confederacy vs. the Union. For one thing, a number of states didn't exist yet; for another, several have switched hands (note: Ohio). If you've read Heather Cox Richardson's writing about the influence of Mainers on the Union and the composition of the (then) western states such as Ohio, Illinois, and then Kansas, you can see that.

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and if there's a way to prevent it, I sure would love to know what it is

Let's not get carried away.

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I do not believe that there are any normal Republicans in 2024.

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I'm guessing this guy learned to write from Tarzan, King of the Jungle.

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Or he was trying to misdirect - although it's hard to tell what he would be trying to misdirect TO.

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did Tarzan know ELOHIM? This guy knows ELOHIM.

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I wonder if he's wearing the bulletproof vest because that's his idea of what's tacticool, or whether he's a coward.

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Per Elohim’s instructions.

One of Christ’s soldiers.

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...In the righteousness of your cause like covering your face.

Also, nothing shows the important of education, specifically science class, like being unable to carry off a simple pipe bomb competently.

Give this loser wanna-be terrorist a fair trial and then toss him in jail. Maybe he can also take some remedial English classes while he's in there.

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I'm gonna guess that he could probably get a better education through a prison in Massachusetts than from the best school in Oklahoma.

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If we had that system of punishment this guy would regret ever leaving Oklahoma.

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Possibly exploited by a sociopath leader/s who are too clever to get their own hands sullied.

Perhaps time away from that group, a good prosecution team and maybe therapy can help him see that that any useful information he may have would be best revealed to to law enforcement.

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Possibly exploited by a sociopath leader/s who are too clever to get their own hands sullied.

This. It's the catspaws who are doing the direct damage.

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You can't be surprised; Volvos have long been associated with cults.

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