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Did the earth move for you, too?

Update: LoRusso Corp. confirms it conducted a blast shortly after 1 p.m. at its quarry at Grove and Centre Street in West Roxbury.

Reports are coming in from West Roxbury, Hyde Park and right here in the UHub newsroom (OK, our dining room table) of some weird but brief shaking going on shortly after 1 p.m.

"Weird shake in West Roxbury. Seemed too quick to be an earthquake. Explosion?" Ivie Rhodes posted

"River and Business in HP, felt it," Jan reports.

Gio Valencia and Lawrence Connolly suggest it might have been a blast at the West Roxbury quarry (Boston's only active quarry). In email, LoRusso Corp., which runs the quarry, confirms it conducted a blast then.

The Weston Observatory, which runs a seismograph network, does show a bit of a blip just after 1300 (i.e., 1 p.m.)., but that doesn't indicate where the shaking might have come from.

Seismograph with blip just after 1 p.m.


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The Dallas Mavericks bandwagon crashing through the surface of the earth

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was not felt in Arlington, so it must have been local to you guys south of the river.

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Got e-mail from LoRusso, which owns the quarry, that they did conduct a blast then.

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some of them recently have been getting longer in duration.
Live 1/4 mi away.
was not home today, neighbor texted it was a long low rumble

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What sounded like somebody dropping several heavy metal plates up on the second floor, but it was very brief, maybe a second

My wife, who, in fact was up on the second floor at the time, though, didn't hear or feel anything (and I know for a fact we don't have heavy metal plates up there for her to drop).

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Sorry 'about that!

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I WFH and live near the Parkway. I regularly feel the earthquake sensation/boom in the middle of the day, which means it reverberates pretty far. I find it difficult to believe it's not structurally damaging homes in the area over time. I'm surprised everyone is so complacent about it. IMO quarry blasting has zero business happening in a major city. I really wonder who they're paying off.

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The quarry has been in operation before West Roxbury was incorporated into the City of Boston.

It is a grandfathered operation. No payoffs needed ,

Look it up in Google maps it’s a very big hole.

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I am both relieved and shocked to know that others feel and hear this loud banging on a very regular basis. I work from home daily and I feel like I get startled by it at least once a week or every other week.

It sounds and feels like a large metal container (think one of those huge green dumpsters) is quickly and forcefully being dragged across concrete directly below me. The sound is very loud and sudden, and my entire place shakes quite aggressively for a solid 1-2 seconds each time it happens. This definitely can’t be good for the surrounding structures over time. Now that I know other people are experiencing this, I’ll start logging the time, date, and intensity level. I’m on Washington, by Carol Circle.

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Well I guess you didn't know they built a high pressure gas facility across the street. The quarry was supposed to be closed by now, the city has allowed them to stay open over objections. It does cause damage since the entire neighborhood is ledge.its worse now since they have gone deeper and in a different area.

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Who does everyone sue for structural damage that happened right after this so called blast? And that goes for low flying helicopters blowing shit all over the roof.

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Felt it off Lagrange, and thought I was going insane.

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I’ve been living in Bellevue Hill for two years now and feel like this happens on a semi-regular basis? I definitely heard and felt it today and many times before with no idea what it was. I’ve been worried that it’s my boiler getting ready to blow. If this is the explanation I’ve been looking for, I guess that’s better than the boiler exploding? It can’t be good for houses over time though…

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Felt and heard in Rozzie. I assumed it was the blasting.

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