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Teen shot after her high-school graduation in the Seaport, possibly by another graduate, still dressed in his cap and gown

Boston Police found the teen shot in the hip in the area of Northern Avenue and Pier 4 Boulevard around 11:45 a.m. after graduation ceremonies for Boston Collaborative High School in South Boston.

NBC Boston reports the suspect is another teen who also graduated and who was last spotted still wearing his cap and gown after the ceremony at the ICA.

Police found a shell casing in a nearby garage - along with several cars hit by gunfire.



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What the fuck is wrong with teenagers today?

Graduation day and one decides to shoot another teen?!?

Then we have kids fighting over petty crap at CPK
Or knocking over old ladies at Park street

Seriously, the kids have gone mad.

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The stabbing in HP this week.

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Vanity breeding and the nursery-to-daycare pipeline gets you.

Also, I can't believe that someone went to the Seaport and behaved like an (expletive). It's almost as if we should bulldoze the whole thing and bring back the parking lots. Boston was more pleasant back then. I hate to sound like a coot, but that's my experience.

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If this is about daycare and "vanity breeding", then why were (and are!) baby boomers the most violent generation on record by far?

There was a time when this wouldn't have made the papers ... well, maybe because a gun was involved, but the 5 murders that day would have pushed them off the front page.

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You said so yourself once.

Also, please note that my Boston of "back then" would have been 2004, the second calendar year in which I inhabited the city.

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If you didn't arrive before 1988 ;)

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I was born in 1983 in Dorchester at ST Margarets Hospital

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A return to the simpler days of mudlots, Tello's and Buzzy's. Of course that means the Wahlbergs were harassing non white people and Bobby hadn't yet met Whitney, oh, and I couldn't marry my sweetums ;(

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And add teenagers for a highly explosive mix.

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Take away the toys from the boys. It's as simple as that.

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What the fuck is wrong with teenagers today?

...said every generation ever.

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We didn't attempt to murder each other. Go figure, I must be out of touch.

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Back in your day, no one in your teenage circle attempted to murder each other.

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Pick that time frame and look up the actual stats.

Realize that a lot of this shit was never reported unless there was a dead body - no mandated hospital reporting, cops couldn't give a shit, etc.

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The year I graduated from high school, Boston had about 100 murders. Funeral homes were shot up while people were mourning murder victims. There was a shooting involving my generation in Copley Place.

My cohort is technically old enough to be the grandparents of these kids.

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Do you think teenagers weren't shooting each other in the 00's, 90's or 80's? Decades ago in my rural, high school class one kid shot and killed another over a girl.

This is obviously a horrific event that we should try to learn from and prevent, but it's also a statistical blip. Violent crime is at historic lows. "The kids" have not gone mad.

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Sure, A small percentage of kids have always gotten involved with destructive behavior. But as most people who work with students can attest, things changed dramatically after the pandemic.

Closing schools might have been the least-worst option but for those who missed 1-2 years of in person learning, the changes in student behavior and other skills have been profound.

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I do volunteer in my local school, but I suspect in aggregate "the kids" will be just as good or as bad as the rest of our society.

The adults are the problem.

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It's probably risen exponentially in the Seaport in 20 years.

Grand opening, grand closing.

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that I was not previously familiar with.

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For not holding students accountable and teaching them that there are consequences for their behavior but I doubt it.

Hopefully the girl is ok.

And the kid that shot her should be held accountable as I would bet this isn't the first time the two interacted. BPS won't release that info.

Hopefully the city council will hold hearings and investigate this horrific situation!

# BPSMafia

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Maybe now someone will hold BPS accountable For not holding students accountable and teaching them that there are consequences for their behavior but I doubt it.

Remember, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make them drink.

Think about that in context to your statement above. Who's to say they are not doing so? Maybe the kids just aren't listening.

Every one loves to blame the schools.. "they aren't doing enough" because its an easy punching bag.

Maybe the issue is parents. PARENTING is really the key issue here. Schools can only suggest, its the parents that are the enforcers. But if you have parents that aren't that much more mature than their kids and don't want to enforce good values on their kids, you end up with this crap. And considering how many parents out there that would probably pick up a gun and shoot a hater themselves, its no surprise that their kids would want to too.

What a world we live in today.

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Maybe now someone will hold BPS accountable For not holding students accountable and teaching them that there are consequences for their behavior but I doubt it.

Forgive me if the shoe doesn't fit, but honestly, your post reads a bit like the words of someone who would complain in another context about how we expect schools to be cops and babysitters rather than educators.

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Full disclosure: I do not have children

But this whole concept of "blame the schools" escapes me. US Schools are some of the most underfunded, understaffed, oversized classroom count, and more in the entire world. US schools are leagues behind other nations, yet we are suppose to be the most powerful and rich nation in the world, yet our schools are like this.

Because yeah, every time something is wrong with a child its "blame the schools". And when you try to increase teacher pay or funding for public schools.. the answer is always "no, they have enough money".

Did ya ever stop to think that maybe you're the problem (not you, Ibb)? Constantly complaining and cutting down the system.... and not helping it.

And if you still want to blame the educators, you still have yourself to blame. Want good teachers, PAY FOR THEM. Average salary for a teacher in MA is about 87k (source). Sure thats alot more than working in fast food, but clearly you gotta pay more than that if you want GOOD teachers.

Then on top of that give them the funds for materials for their classrooms. Every fall my social media is FILLED with teachers with Amazon wish lists of items for their classroom.. why is it like this. Why do teachers have to beg for supplies. Oh right because they don't have enough funding because of people like you.

Think before you speak. Be apart of the solution, not the problem.

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The schools fault this i cident happened at a graduation. Bps allows kids to bring guns to their events by not being proactive to stop them, and kids are doing it fairly frequently. Bps also hasn't had a complete memorandum of understanding with BPD for a year I believe so the level of cooperation between the two isn't consistant when incidents happen.

BPS responded with no comment I believe and will try to cover it up. I have 2 kids in BPS and have personally experienced many times lack of communication from the administration that aren't engaged with the schools they lead and try to lead the public to believe something different than reality.

And BPS doesn't punish kids consistently when they commit violent acts in schools to to same degree they used to for a varirty of reasons. The victims of bullying often needs to get a safety transfer and the agresdor remai s at the school. But there isn't accurate data to review since BPS schools punish principals in their annual evaluation for calling 911 to report an incident after it happens.

And Look at what happened at BLA when there was a vote of no confidence for the headmaster, a thorough and impartial review wasn't done, and he is still in charge.

Currently at the Manning school there are a large number of staff complaining about the culture being toxic and again BPS central office isn't doing an impartial investigation!

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K and what you are doing to be apart of the solution?

Right. Nothing.

Parents are partially to blame with the state of BPS, including yourself.

I rest my case.

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I have been attending BostonSOS virtual meetings most Tuesday nights for the last year ( www.bostonsos.com). Many families attend the meetings and tell their stories. Many of the stories are very disturbing including horrific behavior in students as young as 1st grade and parents are begging for someone to help simce BPS isn't addrressing many of the individual situations. BPS doesn't want help, they want to continue the decades of disfuction at the administration level - thank the heavens for BPS teachers!

I have also donated hundreds of hours working with my kids school this year and last....all to realize the administration doesn't want to put in the effort to create significant changes.

Anyone else that is a Boston Resident whether or not you have kids in BPS you should be protesting in the streets at how much of the cities budget ( $1.4 Billion) is spent on BPS and the BPS administration is accountable to no one sadly.

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The United States spends more on education than nearly all other developed countries, with worse results: https://educationdata.org/public-education-spending-statistics

BPS spends in the neighborhood of $31k/student annually, more than any other US city of similar size: https://whdh.com/news/boston-public-schools-spending-the-most-per-studen....
This is on par with the leafy suburbs starting with the letter "W", but yields exponentially worse results.

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Google "fixed costs" and get back to me. While you're at it, consider the validity of any "$x/student" claims.

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Better than letting kindergartners from parochial schools to attend ICA for free once in a while

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And tomorrow the price of tea in China will be 1.99/box.

(wtf is your point)

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Clearly it was a masterstroke skewing a radical-pinko-left-artsy organization for failing to do something that the complainant would have snarked at if they had done it.

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