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The heat was extra exhausting with a dead train at Downtown Crossing

Sweltering Red Line riders at Kendall

Sweltering riders can't get to the Kendall platform because it's already full of other sweltering passengers waiting for the Godot Line. Photo by Johnmcboston.

Yes, of course, on one of the hottest, most humid days of the year, a train would jam up the already partially not running Red Line by dying (of heat exhaustion?) at Downtown Crossing.

The MBTA first reported the prostrate train at 3:24 p.m. and announced delays of 15 minutes. At 3:40 p.m., with the train still in Downtown Crossing and still pushing up daisies, the T increased the delays for passengers caught in fetid Red Line stations to 30 minutes.

At 4:09, the T announced the train had been disassembled for parts or taken out back or something, but that, of course, there were still "residual delays" of 20 minutes, leaving passengers caught on platforms and in stairways and tunnels to wonder if they would soon also have to pay Charon another fare for a ride on his ferry, since he does not take CharlieCards.

Johnmcboston reported from Kendall at 4:14 p.m. that the line of riders too prostrate from the heat to get outraged at the latest nonsense stretched from the platform all the way up to the street, and that the line just kept getting longer as bustituted passengers from Harvard and points yonder kept pouring out of buses that at least were air conditioned.

At 4:33, he reported he finally got on a train. His car, of course, had no air conditioning.

At 6 p.m., riders were still waiting up to 20 minutes on This Is Fine platforms.



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Sweltering riders can't get to the Kendall platform because it's already full of other sweltering passengers waiting for the Godot Line.

[chef's kiss]


... have to pay Charon another fare for a ride on his ferry, since he does not take CharlieCards.

Hey ya’ll did ya hear about the Parisian Poop Protest in the Seine protesting the Olympics. Magoo is officially spear heading the Offiicial Boston Poop Protest of the MBTA whereby all ye’ Bostonian shall poop on the MBtA tracks this Friday. Thus sayeth Magoo. Magoo