By adamg - Mon, 02/15/2021 - 3:07pm

OK, so Olympic Pizza is the only place to eat in Readville for anybody, never mind Olympic athletes (unless you count the Dunkin' Donuts across the street), but now we know where Simone Biles would eat if she made a wrong turn getting off 128 and got horribly lost, thanks to the billboard on the Hyde Park Avenue side of the place (or maybe she really loves their curly fries).

By adamg - Fri, 01/08/2021 - 9:57am

A Jamaica Plain chef and his business partner hope to open a family-centered microbrewery in the Westinghouse Plaza complex this June. Read more.

By adamg - Sat, 10/03/2020 - 2:31pm

Boston Police report arresting a Hyde Park man packing a revolver loaded with six rounds on the pedestrian bridge that connects the two sides of the Readville train station over the tracks. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 10/02/2020 - 7:37pm

Jake looked up over Readville after this afternoon's rain.

Rachel Anne Miller looked out over Beacon Hill and downtown Boston around the same time: Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 09/28/2020 - 5:00pm

One of the first of the 28 new trains that Amtrak plans to replace the current Acela trains with made it to the end of the Northeast Corridor at South Station today. Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 05/06/2020 - 8:37am

BC Baking on Como Road reports it's getting ready for a "soft" re-opening on Friday, after a month of being closed due to coronavirus concerns. They'll have a limited menu at first, but Johnny's sausage will be back for sale.

By adamg - Tue, 04/07/2020 - 10:17am

B.C. Baking on Como Road in Readville has announced it will be closed through at least May 4 due to Covid-19 concerns: Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 03/27/2020 - 12:32pm

Boston Police report arresting Todor Bodrug, 20, after they say he tried to break into the Rogers gas station in Wolcott Square in Readville early this morning - possibly for the second time. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 03/26/2020 - 4:34pm

M.S. Walker has converted its liquor production facility in Readville to produce bottles of hand sanitizer, which it's distributing to firefighters, police and healthcare workers across the Northeast at no charge. Read more.

By adamg - Sat, 02/29/2020 - 6:23pm

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters responded at 4:45 p.m. for what turned into a two-alarm fire at 84 Readville St. in Readville. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 02/03/2020 - 11:26am

Claire Sadar reports that sometime this morning, the driver of a big rig coming up from Wolcott Square in Readville wedged his truck right into the underpass for the train tracks there, learning why there's a sign at the end of Meadow Road out of the old Stop & Shop complex that warns truck drivers not to turn left. Needless to say, the underpass, decades old and built of stone, won the battle.

By adamg - Tue, 01/28/2020 - 12:46pm

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved 247 apartments in two buildings - with a common base - on Sprague Street just south of the Readville train station. Read more.

By adamg - Sat, 11/02/2019 - 10:09pm

Vermont State Police report that Roberto Fonseca-Rivera, 44, a driver for Katsiroubas Bros. of Hyde Park, was found dead in his Katsiroubas delivery truck on Rte. 103 in Rockingham, near I-91, Friday afternoon. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 09/27/2019 - 9:16am

MassDOT reports five weeks of overnight repair work on the Father Hart Bridge in Readville begins Sunday night. Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 09/25/2019 - 1:20pm

Workers this week have been busy getting both sides of the Father Hart Bridge in Readville ready for honest-to-goodness traffic signals. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 09/16/2019 - 5:51pm

Todd Mulligan asks:

Did they just announce we will be going back inbound to Hyde park (from Readville)? And then outbound again, That can’t be right?

Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:38pm

It was a nice night, a little more than a week ago, the Danny Road resident recalled, and he was sitting on his front stoop when he looked across the street and saw a rat running into one of his neighbor's hedges. He said he went across the street to alert his neighbor, who got out a flashlight and the two began looking around when they spotted another rat. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 07/08/2019 - 9:53pm

The FBI announced today it's offering $10,000 to anybody who can tell it how to capture a limping man responsible for seven armed holdups and two failed holdup attempts at Boston-area gas stations -- four of them on Neponset Valley Parkway in Readville. Read more.

By adamg - Wed, 06/19/2019 - 7:08pm

The FBI's Violent Crimes Task Force has released photos of a man it says held up a Mobil station in Readville last August - which was among a number of gas stations and convenience stores it says he held up in Boston and towns south of the city. Read more.

By adamg - Sun, 06/16/2019 - 1:02pm

State officials held a formal dedication for the new playground at Camp Meigs Playground in Readville yesterday - complete with the ceremonial cutting of a red ribbon with large golden shears - but the kids in attendance mostly paid no attention at all, because they were too busy playing on all the cool new stuff. Read more.