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A man was stabbed in the face on Centre Street near Creighton Street in Jamaica Plain around 9:45 p.m.
People in the Jamaica Plain Facebook group report that Momo Masala, which serves both Nepali momo dumplings and Indian food - has opened in the Hyde Square space where the Haven used to be. Read more.
The Boston Licensing Board today approved plans by Mario Bailote to re-open the old Oggi pizza place at 8 Perkins St. as Mario's Pizza. Read more.
Debbie Adamidis, owner of Capt. Nemo's, 367 Centre St. in Jamaica Plain, reports she'll be closing on Oct. 1: Read more.
A Dorchester man who held up a series of stores at knifepoint this past spring, less than three months after he was released from a a 30-month sentence for armed robberies in New York City, now faces up to 20 years in federal prison if convicted, authorities say. Read more.
For the second year in a row, the city shut Centre Street in Jamaica Plain to motor vehicles, letting pedestrians and bicyclists enjoy outdoor dining, games, music and just wandering the neighborhood. Read more.
Boston Police report arresting an employee at Seed, 401 Centre St. in Hyde Square, for the Glock with a bullet in the chamber and two magazines loaded with a total of 35 bullets they say he brought to work yesterday - two days after a dispensary in Roslindale was robbed at gunpoint. Read more.
Pennrose, the company currently turning a former middle school in Hyde Park into New England's first LGBTQ-centered senior-citizen apartment building, says it will shortly file detailed plans to turn the former Blessed Sacrament Church on Centre Street in Jamaica Plain into a new moderate-income housing complex with performance and community space. Read more.
Centre Street between Jackson Square and the Monument at South Street will become a giant block party - and shut to vehicles - between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday as part of the city's Open Streets program.
Drivers will be able to cross Center at Green and Myrtle streets and Boylston and Moraine streets, but don't even think of trying to turn onto Centre then. Cars parked on that stretch of Centre will be towed starting at 1 a.m.
Jamaica Plain News reports the demise of Old Havana on Centre Street.
Eversource is estimating restoration of power for some 857 homes and businesses in the Hyde Square area at 12:30 a.m. It's blaming "equipment damage" for the outage. In the Jamaica Plain Facebook group, some residents reported seeing a bright flash.
HummelVision captured the scene at Captain Nemo's, 367 Centre St., after the driver of a pickup truck somehow rammed into the restaurant shortly after 2 p.m.
Amy reports blackshirts from the anti-Semitic National Social Club showed up this afternoon in front of the closed Blessed Sacrament Church on Centre Street this afternoon and were promptly confronted by people from the leftist/anti-fascist Lucy Parsons Center across the street. Read more.
A roving UHub photographer captured the scene outside the Jamaica Plain Whole Foods this morning.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports that Mike and Patty's is aiming to open on Centre Street where Sorella's used to be in Hyde Square.
A fed-up citizen files a double 311 complaint about the situation on Weld Hill Street in Jamaica Plain, where an abandoned car is now getting tow requests painted on it: Read more.
Jason Waddleton is looking to move the Haven, the Scottish pub he's run in Jamaica Plain's Hyde Square since 2010, about a mile away to a larger space where Bella Luna used to be in the Brewery Complex on Amory Street. Read more.
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