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Worcester Line

By adamg - 8/28/11 - 11:59 pm

Although some may have some delays, the T says.

Updated Monday morning

By adamg - 8/22/11 - 10:05 am

Dave reports an incident shortly before 8 a.m. at the West Newton commuter-rail stop:

Exciting AM - just did CPR on a commuter at west newton. We got to him just after he collapsed; started CPR.

And Newton EMS shocked him from vfib back to sinus rhythm ... He had a pulse when we put him on the ambulance.

By adamg - 5/23/11 - 6:53 am

Train stuck on a switch in Worcester wreaking all kinds of havoc. Jim White reports from down the line in Westboro:

Three trains' worth of people on the platform in Westboro from two cancelled trains. Blah. Guess I'll head to Riverside.

By adamg - 3/3/11 - 8:23 pm

So after the four-hour ride from hell on the Worcester Line on Monday, MBCR apologized and conductors gave riders forms to get reimbursed for their trips - for both the ride out and the not-quite-as-godawful ride in in the morning. Kelsin reports what happened when he and his wife tried to get reimbursed at North Station:

By adamg - 3/3/11 - 11:33 am

MassDOT today announced an agreement to swap land at Lechmere with land by North Station that will lead to a new rail service north and west of Boston - and actual construction of the long stalled North Point development.

Under the deal, the state will give Pan Am Railways the land used for the current Lechmere Green Line station in exchange for the former Pan Am rail yard, which is across the Charles River from Massachusetts General Hospital, and rights to use other Pan Am tracks in the area.

By adamg - 3/2/11 - 3:46 pm


MassDOT and the T have pressed into service five commuter-rail locomotives (shown here in Worcester) from Maryland to see if they're worth buying. MassDOT reports the units were rebuilt in 1995 and are in "very good" condition, and could help ease problems caused by our failing locomotives until new diesels come online in a couple years.

Another view.

By adamg - 3/1/11 - 5:43 pm

After last night's inaugural sleeper-car service, the MBTA made sure to have one of those new Utah locomotives at the front of the 5 p.m. train to Worcester at South Station.

Meanwhile, MBCR, which operates the T's commuter lines, offered a free ride to passengers to make up for yesterday's ordeal.

UPDATE: Well, that didn't last long. Rob Friedman tweets from the 5:35 p.m. train to Worcester:

By adamg - 3/1/11 - 7:40 am

Dead train at Boylston means delays on all trains outbound from Park. At 7:47 a.m., Vilma Torres reported:

I've been stuck btween park st & boylston for over 30 mins.

A cranky Red Line didn't want to be left out. Joe Pitha tweeted around 7:40 a.m.:

By adamg - 2/28/11 - 6:39 pm

UPDATE: Would you believe a three-hour delay on the Worcester line?

No, not on the Green Line, which is having major problems tonight, but on the Worcester commuter-rail line.

Kristen Garvey reports from somewhere not all that far out of South Station:

Okay, MBTA, we have been stuck here for close to 90 min. Can u send the rescue train? Mass Pike you look better everyday.

By adamg - 1/31/11 - 7:24 am

Jim White reports that he arrived at the Westboro train station this morning just in time to see the alert board flash that the 504 into Boston had been "annulled."

But at least he could catch the next train. Riders on the Newburyport/Rockport line are being herded onto buses because somebody fed Viagra to the Beverly drawbridge again (yes, it got stuck in the upright position again and they can't get it down).

Joe Pitha, who found himself on the wrong side of that bridge this morning, proposes:

By adamg - 7/30/10 - 11:20 pm

Ian Lamont, who lives in Newton, tweets from aboard an outbound Worcester Line train tonight:

Outbound train on Worcester line stopped, put in reverse to Yawkey, wait til end of Sox game. I was already halfway home.

Passengers restless. Threatening not to pay for being sent back to Boston. Conductor: We're just following orders.

So train backs into Yawkey, picks up 20 ppl, immediately leaves, even though throngs still running from Fenway Park to catch it.

By adamg - 7/26/10 - 8:42 am

LifeStar7 tweets from a Worcester Line train with a diesel that died in Natick. He reports it took 40 minutes for the next train to arrive and for crews to latch the two trains together so the dead train could be pushed into town (and, of course, that means trains behind those two will likely also be late).

Steve Safran, on the same train, tweets they're now looking at getting into South Station an hour late.

By adamg - 6/16/10 - 9:11 am

The Globe updates us on the deal between the state and CSX to move freight operations from Allston to Worcester and for the state to take over the tracks between here and there.

Among the interesting tidbits: State officials say the deal could mean Worcester service from North Station. And Harvard, which techically owns the land under the Allston yards, will be able to develop the land - or just let it sit there until surrounding neighbors get old and die.

By adamg - 6/15/10 - 7:51 am

Yesterday, the engine on the 6:55 train out of Worcester caught fire in Natick. This morning, the T simply canceled the 6:55.

By adamg - 6/14/10 - 8:48 am

UPDATE: The train finally pulled into South Station two hours late.

Grumpy commuters on the 6:55 a.m. inbound train out of Worcester tweet they were stuck in West Natick for an hour thanks to an engine that started spitting fire and smoke before the T finally got another train to slowly push it the rest of the way to Boston. Courtney Rice tweets:

Lots of sweaty and angry people.

Steve Safran adds:

By adamg - 1/28/10 - 8:09 am

The Worcester Line is toast this morning. And Tom Bruno reports the smell of "epic MBTA fail" on the Newbury/Rockport Line.

By adamg - 12/31/09 - 10:21 am

MBCR conductor Alexis Roman yesterday filed a federal lawsuit against his employer for injuries he says he received when a Worcester Line train crashed into the bumper at the end of the tracks at South Station on Sept. 15.

Roman says that by allowing the crash, the company, which operates the MBTA's commuter lines, was negligent and failed to provide him with a safe workplace.

His lawsuit does not specify the nature of his injuries, but says they caused him injuries severe enough to results in physical pain, mental anguish and lost wages. About a dozen people were treated for what officials said at the time were minor injuries.

By adamg - 11/4/09 - 7:52 am

"Seek alternate transportation to avoid delay," the T advised, citing CSX switch problems in Worcester.

Ben tweets:

first time riding the commuter rail in a year and a half and there is a 50 minute delay. i forgot how much the train sucks. thanks mbta

By adamg - 11/2/09 - 7:41 am

Those darn wet leaves: They're wreaking havoc inbound on the Worcester Line this morning, wth delays of up to 30 minutes.

UPDATE: Curse those leaves! Reports are flooding in of delays on several lines.

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