The City Council voted today it is fed up with absentee landlords who let their properties go to hell and backed a hearing proposed by Councilor Maureen Feeney (Dorchester) on cracking down on them.
Feeney said she plans a hearing at which she will consider landlord licensing that would "disqualify poorly attentive landlords from operating rental properties." Her hearing was co-sponsored by Councilor Mike Ross.
Feeney told her colleagues, "It's being a good parent. When you have children who don't understand and you have landlords who don't understand what it is to be a good neighbor, then it's up to us. People should not live in our neighborhoods and feel unsafe. ... You're adults, and it's about time you start acting (like it)."
She said she's had enough of calling landlords in New York and other states trying to get work done on problem properties; she cited one elderly constituent now afraid to leave her house - or even open her windows - because of "punks" who have taken up in an absentee-owned property next door.
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