Karyn Polito: I am not a Tea Party candidate
This afternoon on Radio Boston FM 90.9 Karyn Polito, Charlie Baker's far-right Lt. Gov. candidate, made the claim " I am not a Tea Party candidate." Hilarity ensued.
Part 1:
Really??? RT @RadioBoston I am not a Tea Party candidate, says Karyn Polito http://t.co/VIr7mu6lFP #mapoli #magov pic.twitter.com/wZnUfGJ9kk
— Steve Bilafer (@stevebilafer) October 21, 2014
Part 2:
Really, @KarynPolito? MT @RadioBoston I am not a Tea Party candidate, says Polito http://t.co/VIr7mu6lFP #mapoli pic.twitter.com/Zn04IKPRUl
— Steve Bilafer (@stevebilafer) October 21, 2014
Part 3:
Really? Part 3 MT @RadioBoston Not a Tea Party candidate, says @KarynPolito http://t.co/VIr7mu6lFP #mapoli pic.twitter.com/BTCbp6M91W
— Steve Bilafer (@stevebilafer) October 21, 2014
Part 4:
Really? Part 4 MT @RadioBoston Not a Tea Party candidate, says @KarynPolito http://t.co/VIr7mu6lFP #mapoli #magov pic.twitter.com/EK8VI0Urue
— Steve Bilafer (@stevebilafer) October 21, 2014
And here, Karyn Polito sounding convincingly like a tea party patriot:
"We are citizen patriots together. We need to get our country and our Commonwealth back."
Karyn Polito:"I am not a Tea Party candidate" But you prefer Allen West's message to the Republican Party's? #mapoli pic.twitter.com/ymX7fchrDO
— RightWingWatch Fan (@RWwatchMA) October 21, 2014
I bet she's not a witch either.
Or a ....
... duck.
Or if she is a witch....
... is she a good witch or a bad witch?
I am not a witch
Karyn Polito, 2011 Tea Party Rally on Common
Karyn Polito, 2011 Tea Party Rally on Common: