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By adamg - 10/17/23 - 11:25 am

NBC Boston shows us the latest storrowing: A truck that went skreeeeeeee after its driver learned what those "CARS ONLY" signs mean in a lesson applied by the Silber Footbridge on the inbound side of Storrow Drive this morning. Drivers in the resulting traffic backup were, of course, thrilled at all the extra time to check their phones.

By adamg - 10/13/23 - 10:37 pm
Truck stuck at a pedestrian overpass on Storrow inbound

Alisa Bokulich reports seeing her first ever storrowing this evening, on the inbound side: A food truck whose driver realized too late that, oh, yeah, he's driving a truck - although, fortunately for him, not too late to stop before that pedestrian bridge sheared off that weird smokestack thing his truck still sports.

By adamg - 9/18/23 - 9:11 am
Truck almost hits pedestrian bridge on Storrow Drive

RadRebe was among those jammed on Storrow Drive when an 18-wheeler driver somehow missed those "CARS ONLY" signs and got on Storrow Drive outbound around 6:30 a.m. - and then had to make a long, slow backup of shame after stopping just before shearing off the top of his cab at a pedestrian bridge. Read more.

By adamg - 9/8/23 - 8:59 am

NBC Boston shows us a good solid storrowing on Soldiers Field Road at the Western Avenue bridge this morning: 18 wheeler? Check. Trailer completely destroyed? Check. Driver about to be in a spot of trouble back at the warehouse? Oh, you know it. Only thing separating it from perfection: No cargo spewed all over the road.

By adamg - 8/29/23 - 9:44 am
New bright-yellow CARS ONLY sign being installed at Storrow Drive entrance

Photo of new signs going up by DCR.

DCR announced yesterday it's replacing the dark CARS ONLY signs at ramps to Storrow Drive, Soldiers Field Road and Memorial Drive with glaring yellow in-your-face CARS ONLY signs. Read more.

By adamg - 8/24/23 - 2:19 pm
MassDCR says please don't hit our bridges

DCR is out with an online ad spot that urges newcomers to Boston to keep their rental trucks off the river roads - set to just the sort of plaintive music you'd expect on a late-night ASPCA ad:

For just zero dollars a day you can not hit a bridge or overpass on Storrow Drive and and Soldiers Field Road in Boston and Memorial Drive in Cambridge. ... The bridges, and the trucks, will thank you.

By adamg - 8/14/23 - 9:41 am
Inspecting where the trailer roof used to be

Inspecting where the trailer roof used to be. Photo via TPD.

Around 6 a.m. on Friday, a truck driver from Columbus, OH, found out what happens when you ignore the "Low Clearance" sign on a railroad bridge after disregarding the "posted warning signs of height restrictions" in Canton. Read more.

By adamg - 7/30/23 - 2:18 pm
Truck stuck under the Freeport Street Red Line bridge

Another Gay Boston Realtor, who spotted a storrowing at the Red Line bridge over Freeport Street earlier this month, got stuck in traffic again this afternoon when the driver of a beefy 18-wheeler tried his luck - and lost.

By adamg - 7/26/23 - 9:52 am
Truck that survived storrowing in Dedham

Photo via TPD.

Transit Police have put out an APB for the driver of a Budget rental truck who managed to get rather intimate with Dedham's infamous East Street Bridge around 11:30 a.m. on Monday then, for some reason, decided not to wait around for police. If you know somebody driving around in a Budget truck with some fresh roof damage, contact detectives at 617-222-1050.

By adamg - 7/21/23 - 10:53 am
Truck peeled back in Dorchester

Another Gay Boston Realtor came upon a prime example of storrowing at the Red Line bridge over Freeport Street in Boston, around 10:25 this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 7/20/23 - 12:35 pm
Truck nearly slams into overpass on Huntington Avenue outbound at Mass. Ave.

Like football, storrowing is a game of inches. Magic was on hand to see the proof of that this morning on Huntington Avenue outbound at Mass. Ave., where a trucker found himself in quite a pickle - he couldn't go forward because it looked for sure like he'd rip the roof off his truck. And he couldn't go backwards because, well, this is Boston and the traffic had piled up behind him. Read more.

By adamg - 6/29/23 - 9:39 am
Backup on Soldiers Field Road

Ari Ofsevit was on hand for an almost-storrowing that turned into a backup of shame on the inbound side of Soldiers Field Road by Cambridge Street in Allston this morning. He reports the effort to get the 18-wheeler off the road led to a more than 15-minute road shutdown that, of course, resulted in a massive backup. Read more.

By adamg - 6/19/23 - 2:11 pm
Freshly storrowed truck

Chad Boudreau gives us the visual of Storrow Drive's latest victim, under one of the can-opener Kenmore ramps. Read more.

By adamg - 5/24/23 - 5:46 pm

Update: Yep, it was the East Street bridge.

The MBTA reports Franklin Line train 754 is between 30 and 40 minutes late into Boston because yet another trucker has slammed into a bridge in Dedham. The T didn't say which bridge, but if we were a betting site, we'd put good money on the ol' East Street bridge, which gets hit by truckers enough to be made an honorary Storrow Drive bridge.

By adamg - 4/17/23 - 9:55 am
Crushed box truck after getting storrowed

A roving UHub photographer ran across this freshly shorn box truck sitting on North Harvard Street after a little run in with a bridge on nearby Soldiers Field Drive this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 2/22/23 - 2:25 pm

A truck driver managed to find out how to mold his 18-wheeler into exciting new shapes today after challenging an underpass of McGrath Highway at Washington Street in Somerville.

By adamg - 2/2/23 - 4:18 pm

So far this afternoon, MassDOT reports there was a multi-car crash at the entrance to the O'Neill Tunnel northbound that shut the left lane and an "overheight" tractor trailer that jammed up the entrance to the Callahan Tunnel. Both scenes now clear.

By adamg - 1/17/23 - 11:35 pm

WriteHandMan reports that around 6 p.m., the driver of an 18-wheeler got good and stuck under the bridge that carries the Red Line over Freeport Street in Dorchester - causing 20-minute delays on the Red Line. Read more.

By adamg - 1/17/23 - 12:26 pm
Near Storrowing on Storrow Drive

The driver of a box truck - and his passenger - were a bit luckier on Storrow Drive this morning than the driver of an 18-wheeler in Westborough, averting a storrowing inbound by maybe a couple feet, as KWAPT, who was not happy to get stuck in the resulting jam, shows us: Read more.

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