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Howie Carr

By adamg - 9/22/07 - 1:23 pm

The Outraged Liberal says it's not loony MIT students but the way the government is now tracking even the books American travelers carry with them:

... Maybe George Orwell's only mistake was not naming his book 2007?

By adamg - 7/9/07 - 3:41 pm

The Herald breathlessly reports that Howie Carr is abandoning WRKO for the morning drive slot at WTKK, where, as the Herald subtly puts it, he'll be competing against "disgraced, ex-House Speaker Tom Finneran, Carr's longtime nemesis" - who is now left to flop around on what the Herald describes as a weak-signaled pathetic excuse of a talk-radio station (Note to self: Get a nemesis; good for ratings).

By adamg - 3/7/07 - 1:07 pm

The Herald's Laurel Sweet will get Tom Finneran to insult today's insult-o-matic column by Howie Carr, thus letting her extend the Herald's Finneran/Carr streak to four days with a story that consists of one paragraph of new material and twelve paragraphs of background (or maybe two paragraphs of new material if she gets Carr to make a crack about Ron Borges over this boston.com poll).

By adamg - 3/5/07 - 9:53 am

John Daley takes note of today's most important, 72-point front-page story in the Herald, that Tom Finneran has upset Howie Carr with a cheap joke:

... Howie Carr is such a nice guy. He always takes the high road in his columns, never resorting to tough guy, cheap shot, desperate attempt at humor, attacks on his subjects. Now radio competitor Tom Finneran is making derisive jokes about poor Howard. I'm sure this is very upsetting to the man. ...

By adamg - 2/2/07 - 1:32 pm

Oh, darn, I said I wasn't going to write anything else about the things unless something truly, spectacularly stooopid came out. But I can't help myself - swatting Brian McGrory around is like peanuts; once you start, you just can't stop. So here goes with a comparison of four local columns today: Read more.

By adamg - 1/23/07 - 1:54 pm

Carr thinks it's too bad the alleged killer will only serve 11 years in jail unless somebody kills him first.

By adamg - 11/4/06 - 4:51 pm

Carpundit has had enough of the Herald's endless series on the guy with the stapled stomach:

Enough with the stupid fat guy ... Shut up and go away already.

By adamg - 9/26/06 - 9:03 pm

Dan Kennedy says bad news for gabby Howie Carr on WRKO.

Radio Equalizer reminds us of Jimmy Severino's, um, Jay Severin's past fun with the truth.

By adamg - 7/8/06 - 10:12 am

Jennifer Forman Orth, an invasive plant ecologist with the UMass-Boston biology department, has a leaf to pick with Mitt Romney and Howie Carr over their snickering about proposed funding for a program to do something about winter moths:

By adamg - 3/20/06 - 12:50 pm

Fun little inside-baseball report on a long-running tiff between "60 Minutes" and Carr over coverage of the Bulger boys - which also raises the question of why the show didn't mention Billy Bulger in its recent interview with Whitey thuggette Kevin Weeks.

Via Dan Kennedy.

By adamg - 3/16/06 - 3:52 pm

Long-time local TV reporter David Boeri writes in the Phoenix:

As Whitey makes him famous, the Bulger-scribe doesn't have to worry about facts ...

So who isn't writing a book about Whitey?

By adamg - 3/10/06 - 9:41 am

So what's the connection between Bill Weld, convicted Bulger thug Kevin Weeks and Herald columnist Howie Carr? Jay Fitzgerald lays it out. The latter two now have books out on the Bulger reign of terror and the Man Who Would Be Governor Again may (finally?) have to answer questions about how the Bulger gang got away with what it did while Big Red was U.S. Attorney and governor in Boston.

By adamg - 9/7/05 - 8:53 am

Bri ponders after reading Carr's column (you have to pay to read) complaining that Ted Kennedy and John Kerry didn't open their homes to survivors:

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