By adamg - 3/22/24 - 3:37 pm

Update: Collins offers conditional support.

State Sen. Nick Collins (D-1st Suffolk) unleashed a barrage of invective yesterday against plans by the owner of the Quiet Few tavern in East Boston's Jeffries Point to open a similar tavern at 400 Dorchester St. in South Boston's Andrew Square, calling it a potential hellhole catering to the very sort of losers the neighborhood doesn't need - despite testimony from people in Andrew Square they can't wait for it to open. Read more.

By adamg - 2/29/24 - 12:07 pm

The Boston Licensing Board, which had already given John Tyler one last chance to prove he could actually run a restaurant in the Maverick Square building he co-owns with his ex-wife, voted today to schedule a revocation hearing for its liquor license as soon as possible after receiving word his latest restaurant has failed. Read more.

By adamg - 12/29/23 - 12:09 pm

Boston Restaurant Talk reports that Tawakal Halal Cafe on Maverick Street in East Boston's Jeffries Point, is closing next week.

McKay Place rendering
By adamg - 11/28/23 - 3:16 pm

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a 41-unit condo building at McKay Place and Maverick Street in Jeffries Point and two apartment building with a total of 41 units at the Orient Heights rotary where Saratoga, Ford and Boardman streets meet. Read more.

Cable lock blocking access to harbor walk in East Boston
By adamg - 11/9/23 - 10:57 am

An increasingly frustrated citizen files yet another 311 complaint about the person who responds to the unlocking of the gate across the harborwalk at the end of Sumner Street in East Boston by putting in a new lock - one that required some ingenuity since whoever replaced the previous lock made it impossible to simply slap a new one in: Read more.

Gate, locked again
By adamg - 11/7/23 - 9:36 am

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint that the mad gatelocker of Jeffries Point is back again, once more locking the gate at the end of Sumner Street at the harborwalk.

The lock enthusiast last struck in September.

Two hero girls at Jeffries Point gate
By adamg - 9/14/23 - 4:02 pm

An East Boston resident reports strolling by the now infamous locked East Boston Harborwalk gate at Jeffries Point today with the two tykelings when the older one started fiddling with the lock: Read more.

Locked gate at Jeffries Point
By adamg - 9/11/23 - 10:27 am

An irritated citizen files a 311 complaint about an unneighborly neighbor in East Boston's Jeffries Point: Read more.

By adamg - 6/22/23 - 11:50 am

There's some outrage in Jeffries Point this morning, where a city-owned street-hockey rink that the Bruins helped pay to resurface at Porzio Park was overlaid with markings for a new pickleball court - some residents are mad, especially since some people went to play hockey last night and were told it's now a pickleball court.

279 Maverick St. rendering
By adamg - 11/15/22 - 3:27 pm

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a developer's plans to replace a parking lot at 279 Maverick St. in East Boston with a five-story, 32-unit apartment building. Read more.

9 McKay Place rendering
By adamg - 10/28/22 - 10:44 am

A Rhode Island developer has filed plans for a five-story, 41-unit condo building at Maverick and Cottage streets, next to the McKay School, in East Boston. Read more.

A lot of birds in trees in East Boston
By adamg - 12/25/21 - 1:45 pm

An alarmed citizen filed a 311 complaint about the herds of birds now congregating along Jeffries Street in East Boston: Read more.

Jeffries Yacht Club members
By adamg - 12/15/21 - 2:12 pm

The Boston Licensing Board could decide tomorrow whether to let members of the Jeffries Yacht Club in East Boston relax after a hard weekend sail with a cold bottle of beer or mixed drink. Read more.

Rendering of proposed 279 Maverick St.
By adamg - 10/26/21 - 1:11 pm

A developer is proposing a five-story residential building at 279 Maverick St. in East Boston, next to a five-story building it recently finished. Read more.

By adamg - 11/22/20 - 1:50 pm

Yahya Noor, owner of Tawakal Halal Cafe, which serves Somali food in East Boston's Jeffries Point Tuesday through Sunday, is thinking of adding a menu that would be just vegetarian on Mondays and is seeking advice to go along the East Indian spices that would go on the dishes.

Narrow-gauge proposal
By adamg - 8/18/18 - 8:35 pm

A strip of land up Jeffries Point that was once used to ferry millions of riders a year between the East Boston waterfront, Revere Beach and Lynn could become a series of five apartment and condo buildings under a developer's proposal. Read more.

Architect's rendering of 287 Maverick St.
By adamg - 5/23/18 - 8:57 am

The Board of Appeals yesterday approved plans for a five-story, 38-unit condo building at 287-293 Maverick St. that will include ground-floor space for a cafe or restaurant. Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/17 - 12:03 am

The New York Times report the ICA will spend $10 million to turn a condemned factory in the Boston Harbor Shipyard - which already has an artistic bent - into a new art facility to be called the Watershed.

By adamg - 7/15/16 - 12:47 pm

The BRA board yesterday approved a $6-million project to replace a multi-family house, an auto-repair garage and a small commercial building with 20 condominiums at 202 Maverick St., at Frankfurt.

The building will include two penthouses and, in an underground garage, 20 parking spaces. Three units will be sold as affordable.

By adamg - 6/30/16 - 1:47 pm

A man already in prison for a 2012 stabbing was sentenced today to 25 to 30 years in prison for a rape and beating on Webster Street in Jeffries Point in 2011, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Read more.