7 years 4 months

I'm not really from Boston.
I love Boston.
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My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
2/6/22 - 1:45 pm So corny Arlington break-in suspect runs onto Mystic River ice, falls in along with police dog, both get back to shore, although only the dog went willingly, police say 18
2/6/22 - 1:43 pm I think it's yawning. His Arlington break-in suspect runs onto Mystic River ice, falls in along with police dog, both get back to shore, although only the dog went willingly, police say 18
1/16/22 - 8:07 pm 10/10 mugshot Arlington break-in suspect runs onto Mystic River ice, falls in along with police dog, both get back to shore, although only the dog went willingly, police say 18
9/1/20 - 2:56 am This jerk’s theme song Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg reliction no longer legally vexatious 10
3/22/20 - 7:52 pm All them old people and no As rich flee to their Nantucket hidey-holes, island reports first coronavirus case 28
10/31/19 - 5:47 pm You think Harvard Finals Of course Congress might get involved in Harvard's single-sex finals-club controversy 9
10/31/19 - 5:39 pm It is too obviously a male Citizen complaint of the day: Tree jumpers in the Public Garden 44
8/25/19 - 12:56 pm I was bitten by a tick in Area girl survives battle with another, more deadly disease you can get from ticks 3
8/24/19 - 9:35 pm Here, take your upvote The bad news is an eight-foot python is slithering around Newton; the good news is he was recently fed 15
3/10/19 - 10:15 pm Par for the course genius from the master race. Boston Arts Academy students go up to New Hampshire to perform jazz, have to deal with racist crap 70
2/28/19 - 11:29 pm That does not look like a Tough Boston gulls don't just swallow rats whole, they also strip cars for parts 12
2/28/19 - 11:27 pm Way less time foraging or Hub of the Universe, baby: Brit tourist videos one of our seagulls swallowing a rat whole 39
2/28/19 - 11:26 pm Yup, that's the problem. We can't swallow rats whole. Hub of the Universe, baby: Brit tourist videos one of our seagulls swallowing a rat whole 39
10/2/18 - 1:21 am for the love of god Redcoats to re-occupy Boston 11
9/25/18 - 11:30 pm Bostonians, whatever you do, Looks like we'll be makin' runs to just the Single D from now on 46
7/2/18 - 9:12 pm Adam Gaffin is the Smiley Man's body recovered from Charles River near the Longfellow 14
7/2/18 - 9:01 pm Who was okay with Dershowitz Poor, lonely Alan Dershowitz 60
7/2/18 - 8:59 pm Comparing anything Clinton Poor, lonely Alan Dershowitz 60
7/2/18 - 8:54 pm Go directly to hell. Do not Restaurants that don't use plastic straws 58
6/20/18 - 9:21 pm This bloviating moron also Boston to sue opioid manufacturers 20
6/20/18 - 9:14 pm If the breweries are telling Boston to sue opioid manufacturers 20
6/20/18 - 9:12 pm "How to Republican 101". Boston to sue opioid manufacturers 20
5/26/18 - 9:30 pm I love yet hate the touchtone It's not the receipts at CVS that are driving one psychiatrist crazy 11
5/5/18 - 11:04 pm I think some people are The first time, a former Globe reporter's warning about Junot Diaz was dismissed 22
3/27/18 - 10:41 pm Yup, definitely sounds like Lawyer in love with a stripper gets club hauled before licensing board 78
3/27/18 - 10:41 pm Being an independent Lawyer in love with a stripper gets club hauled before licensing board 78
3/12/18 - 7:48 pm Thanks for posting this Adam. Historic African-American site on Nantucket defaced 24
3/12/18 - 12:19 pm Actually, when businesses A lot of empty storefronts on Newbury Street 72
3/12/18 - 10:41 am Also, I wouldn't expect an A lot of empty storefronts on Newbury Street 72
3/12/18 - 10:39 am Wild guess: they get a tax A lot of empty storefronts on Newbury Street 72
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