16 years 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
11/20/19 - 8:24 am I'm with you 100%. The sad You sit in traffic and then you die 62
11/20/19 - 12:02 am But it is fair for poor You sit in traffic and then you die 62
11/19/19 - 11:53 pm Where does the money come You sit in traffic and then you die 62
11/19/19 - 11:48 pm Could start with making our City will study other possible ways to keep pedestrians from getting mowed down on West Roxbury's Centre Street besides reducing lanes 126
11/19/19 - 11:46 pm Incrementalism City will study other possible ways to keep pedestrians from getting mowed down on West Roxbury's Centre Street besides reducing lanes 126
11/19/19 - 11:44 pm Luckily, bicyclists and City will study other possible ways to keep pedestrians from getting mowed down on West Roxbury's Centre Street besides reducing lanes 126
5/18/11 - 8:33 pm It was partly but heavily #rubyriot: Boston Innovators Unite Tonight 10
5/18/10 - 3:24 pm And how many cars travel New bike lanes on Beacon, Commonwealth praised by cyclists 64
5/18/10 - 3:20 pm Well New York is trying to New bike lanes on Beacon, Commonwealth praised by cyclists 64
5/18/10 - 10:56 am Once had a girl from Hull The people who have no clue they actually live in Boston 49
5/13/10 - 7:08 pm Thing is with the Celtics Boston Fans Chanting New York Knicks? 3
4/10/10 - 4:17 pm What's worse is a large Bicyclist dead after collision with 39 bus on Huntington Avenue 106
4/10/10 - 4:14 pm Ride with your u-lock on your shoulder Bicyclist dead after collision with 39 bus on Huntington Avenue 106
6/8/09 - 11:48 am Here's the Dot Day YouTube The parade started right on the Dot 9
6/7/09 - 10:09 pm Those Caribbean dancers were The parade started right on the Dot 9
6/5/09 - 3:27 pm You're spot on Stevil. The How come Boston took over Dorchester instead of the other way around? 14
6/5/09 - 3:21 pm I like that Boston is tiny. How come Boston took over Dorchester instead of the other way around? 14
6/5/09 - 3:18 pm There was so much How come Boston took over Dorchester instead of the other way around? 14
6/5/09 - 3:17 pm For the record, I gave my How come Boston took over Dorchester instead of the other way around? 14
6/4/09 - 4:37 pm Guess the cash train doesn't Even if the T gets everything it wants from the legislature, expect fare hikes in the fall 10
6/4/09 - 12:13 pm The meeting was public, e.g. The Plunk Heard Round the Hub 10
6/4/09 - 12:12 pm issacg is right - error in the post. The Plunk Heard Round the Hub 10
5/31/09 - 2:08 am Was a bit surprised by the Girl hops on tracks. Shuts down Red Line. 22
10/14/08 - 10:39 am Solution to the credit crisis Toward a more civil commuter society 32
9/17/08 - 8:49 am Also, the show makes it seem Everything that's wrong with our newest TV series 19
9/17/08 - 12:03 am We're not the friendliest We're ugly, stupid and grouchy and our weather sucks 2
9/9/08 - 11:28 pm I've met Matt a few times, New job for first blogging city-council candidate 3
9/9/08 - 11:24 pm It's not just Fenway, the whole city sold out and changed. Dispatches from the state of Boston fandom 3
9/9/08 - 11:15 pm Copy paste is your friend Adam! Dispatches from the state of Boston fandom 3
8/27/08 - 9:16 pm Hahahahaha...I'll have to The mean streets of Jamaica Plain 8
8/27/08 - 9:14 pm Oh English High Antics The mean streets of Jamaica Plain 8
My articles