10 years 1 month

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
1/26/15 - 9:39 pm Are you the Anon who was Teens arrested for shooting up Forest Hills T station; two women hit, one in critical 37
1/26/15 - 7:53 pm Key Words. Teens arrested for shooting up Forest Hills T station; two women hit, one in critical 37
1/25/15 - 9:58 pm The sterno's a good idea. We Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 9:55 pm Thanks for that reminder! Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 9:55 pm Thanks for that reminder! Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 9:30 pm "Such a Cold Fingah!" If James Bond were a Masshole, here's the weapon Q would install on his car 3
1/25/15 - 9:16 pm Sigh. Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 9:06 pm Bottled Water Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 7:53 pm I wish I knew, Pan Theszak. Mattapan hot-dog place to be grilled on proposal to stay open until 3 a.m. 22
1/25/15 - 7:43 pm You are breaking my heart, Mattapan hot-dog place to be grilled on proposal to stay open until 3 a.m. 22
1/25/15 - 7:36 pm Hmm. Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 7:21 pm We put out extra suet cakes Time to be stocking up on milk, eggs and bread, folks 42
1/25/15 - 7:12 pm Broth. Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 7:05 pm Quelle Crapauderie. Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 6:58 pm It was a surprise to learn that the Aldi holding had bought TJ's Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 6:51 pm That's the civilized WF. Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 6:45 pm There was an incident a few years back - in Weston. Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 6:25 pm Moody's in Waltham? Mattapan hot-dog place to be grilled on proposal to stay open until 3 a.m. 22
1/25/15 - 5:46 pm Thanks! Time to be stocking up on milk, eggs and bread, folks 42
1/25/15 - 5:38 pm Hmmmm. Mattapan hot-dog place to be grilled on proposal to stay open until 3 a.m. 22
1/25/15 - 4:44 pm Cringe. Ooch. Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/25/15 - 4:34 pm That's interesting. Time to be stocking up on milk, eggs and bread, folks 42
1/25/15 - 4:27 pm Firewood's good if you have a fireplace. Or a stove. Time to be stocking up on milk, eggs and bread, folks 42
1/25/15 - 4:10 pm Market Basket on Somerville Ave Quiet frenzy for essentials 68
1/23/15 - 6:57 pm Quoth the Dark Drone, Because we haven't had a utility change its meaningless name to another meaningless name in awhile 31
1/23/15 - 6:51 pm Knocks head on table. Woman objects to the idea Google is making money off an anti-spam measure, so she sues 18
1/21/15 - 7:39 pm And then there are those of us Mayor to Olympics opponents: You wanna hold a referendum? Knock yourselves out 32
1/21/15 - 7:18 pm That If the city restores the homeless programs on Long Island, they might have to shut them again for the Olympics 61
1/20/15 - 6:48 pm I can't imagine how commenting must age the moderator. Whoa: Herald turns off comments on all news articles 53
1/17/15 - 9:31 pm Apples to Oranges? Walsh fires part-time city worker for being one of the cement chainers in Milton 127
1/17/15 - 7:34 pm Sigh. Walsh fires part-time city worker for being one of the cement chainers in Milton 127
1/17/15 - 7:23 pm <3 JP armed-robbery spree continues; City Feed latest victim 12
1/17/15 - 7:09 pm FWIW Somebody really needs to donate an atlas to the Postal Service 28
1/17/15 - 6:23 pm This is Machine Driven. Somebody really needs to donate an atlas to the Postal Service 28
1/17/15 - 6:17 pm Sir Somebody really needs to donate an atlas to the Postal Service 28
1/16/15 - 6:25 pm They used to say that about Barking crabs, barking dogs? 15
1/16/15 - 6:18 pm FTW! Barking crabs, barking dogs? 15
1/16/15 - 5:27 pm Should we ask Sharif to weigh in on things? Plate of shrimp 25
1/16/15 - 5:04 pm Je creve(tte) de rire. Plate of shrimp 25
1/14/15 - 9:41 pm Honestly, I'm not trying to Butter You Up or anything, but: A first: Hindu prayer to start a City Council meeting 32
1/12/15 - 12:51 am Former Eagle Hill Resident, myself! Citizen complaint of the day: Citizen complaints 31
1/11/15 - 8:16 pm I get phone calls from them daily. JP residents barraged by energy-company salesmen with clipboards 35
1/11/15 - 8:12 pm Oy. Citizen complaint of the day: Citizen complaints 31
1/9/15 - 8:07 pm Am happy that there is so Charlie Hebdo memorial planned for Saturday 34


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