13 years 2 weeks

Former full time Boston resident. Current part-time Boston resident. Future full time Boston resident.

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
11/12/13 - 9:49 am Jacob Wirth is sponsoring the Gott im Hummel: Local company sues U-Haul over bubble wrap 20
11/8/13 - 1:31 pm Bobby is apparently unaware Well, it's not like they have pulled pork sandwiches 1
11/6/13 - 1:23 pm That's Easy... Flour, hay and straw 8
11/6/13 - 10:10 am It looks like the Curse of Leather District building evacuated, street shut when steam pipe bursts 3
11/5/13 - 10:09 am Ah, a "South End man"... as Man learns nobody likes a showoff, including State Police 3
11/5/13 - 10:06 am I was always under the Citizen complaint of the day: Skyboots 18
10/25/13 - 5:45 pm Guys, take that "story" with Philadelphian feels better after venting spleen over Boston sports teams 5
10/24/13 - 10:12 am Anybody else think this is On the Red Line, you snooze, you lose - your balance 14
10/24/13 - 9:51 am Sounds like the perfect It wouldn't be the same: Temporary eatery could go into closed Anthony's Pier 4 until it's torn down 7
10/23/13 - 2:04 pm The Old State House is not Try the local brie: Norwegians love Massachusetts 15
10/22/13 - 2:38 pm I see that now Verizon and Verizon cable cut knocks local companies for a loop 2
10/22/13 - 9:43 am Mahky Mahk? Rogue motorcyclist taunts police, speeds away 19
10/10/13 - 12:00 pm Restaurant Impossible! Saugus landmark set to shut down; what's to become of the cactus, cows? 48
10/10/13 - 11:55 am Panera might be as ubiquitous Purple Shamrock to become Panera Bread 23
10/9/13 - 12:12 pm Whew... First Night lives on 21
10/8/13 - 4:35 pm Self-destructive Almost no school-bus service this afternoon; union tells wildcatters to go back to work 73
10/8/13 - 12:51 pm Ah, unions. The best thing Almost no school-bus service this afternoon; union tells wildcatters to go back to work 73
10/4/13 - 11:54 am Hopefully Bank of America Mr. La Perle doesn't build his dream house 54
10/3/13 - 4:29 pm Yeah, as anon said, I hate to Citizen complaint of the day: The valet jerks of Seaport Boulevard 135
10/3/13 - 11:50 am Good one! I took an early Citizen complaint of the day: The valet jerks of Seaport Boulevard 135
10/3/13 - 11:35 am Am I the only one wondering Citizen complaint of the day: The valet jerks of Seaport Boulevard 135
9/30/13 - 12:18 pm 2 Surprising Revelations: Because we can never have too many fast-food chains 12
9/23/13 - 11:57 am Wouldn't matter for you New software, newish look 89
9/23/13 - 10:04 am Looking Good, Adam. New software, newish look 89
9/20/13 - 10:53 am Maybe that's why it blew up. Man loses hands in chemical explosion at Readville apartment building 26
9/20/13 - 7:48 am There is another side of the Citizen complaint of the day: Somebody needs to broom the Apple crowd from Boylston Street 28
9/19/13 - 4:15 pm Couldn't agree more! The only Man sought for spitting at T bus driver; woman for kicking T bus driver 20
9/19/13 - 11:33 am Might it be possible to Man sought for spitting at T bus driver; woman for kicking T bus driver 20
9/18/13 - 8:54 am @SwirlyGrrl: stick to the Citizen complaint of the day: Get this Masshole off my tail! 33
9/13/13 - 12:04 pm Shouting match over Southie Planned shouting match over Southie bike lanes canceled 137
9/13/13 - 10:16 am Damn. Frenzy as valuable Beacon Hill property goes on sale 15
8/29/13 - 11:34 am I was wondering the same The Worcester Line really bugged him today 9
8/27/13 - 11:47 am With every new story that Deal in works to get City Square a new high-end, English-free restaurant 10
8/26/13 - 12:55 pm How many hipsters came A bit early this year, but the Storrow Pool is now closed 73
8/21/13 - 2:38 pm LOL. Nice try. You mean the Councilor wants to raise the price of pot 16
8/21/13 - 10:15 am Squeezing money out of Councilor wants to raise the price of pot 16
8/19/13 - 9:45 am I certainly feel for her, or Helping to get Patricia Adams a new home 24
8/15/13 - 11:25 am I agree. Maybe he's OK enough Missing JP video-store owner found 35
8/13/13 - 1:04 pm The problem is that Candidates vow to keep Boston from becoming another Manhattan 80
8/7/13 - 12:26 pm Kinda wish they'd just knock So what would you do with a free-standing glass box? A rather large free-standing glass box? 23
8/6/13 - 4:26 pm Spot on. Tonic's failure is Failed Forest Hills bistro could re-open as Italian restaurant 54
7/31/13 - 11:19 am True, but this will have a Senate jumps on Boston Olympics issue 70
7/31/13 - 9:32 am Yeah, Imagine the 4th of July Senate jumps on Boston Olympics issue 70
7/31/13 - 8:42 am I totally get the emotional Teen gave up chance to see a Sox game to murder somebody in the South End; now he could spend the rest of his life in prison 17
7/31/13 - 8:40 am Let's review, shall we? Teen gave up chance to see a Sox game to murder somebody in the South End; now he could spend the rest of his life in prison 17
7/31/13 - 8:28 am Yeah, I'm all for shining a Senate jumps on Boston Olympics issue 70
7/30/13 - 5:07 pm Tasteless? As though I were Teen gave up chance to see a Sox game to murder somebody in the South End; now he could spend the rest of his life in prison 17
7/30/13 - 4:18 pm Nobody deserves to be killed Teen gave up chance to see a Sox game to murder somebody in the South End; now he could spend the rest of his life in prison 17
7/30/13 - 2:49 pm Cute kid. I'm sure his celly Teen gave up chance to see a Sox game to murder somebody in the South End; now he could spend the rest of his life in prison 17
7/29/13 - 11:51 am More pressing questions... Dude, if they're really that big, you might want to see a doctor 34


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