By adamg on Sun., 8/30/2015 - 1:48 pm
The Herald finds and interviews the woman seen on video dumping a drink on a Route 28 driver, which led to the driver following her out of the bus and pummeling her, and, yes, she gives her side of the incident.
Free tagging:
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How could she.....
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 2:34pm
Disappointed in the mom for using a jug of water to insult the bus driver while she had her child. Setting such good examples. WSHH
By anon
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 3:12pm
The bus driver gets suspended and probably fired for getting attacked by an irate non paying passenger, meanwhile the T-Police beat a woman at Dudley station for calling the cops on them after they pummel an old lady at the station and falsely arrest the women. How come the officers and the bosses who condoned the brutality not suspended or facing criminal charges?
You actually just got EVERY
By anon
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 4:49pm
You actually just got EVERY fact of the Dudley incident wrong. It's much juicier than any of you know. That lady is as much of a victim as this bus passenger is. This is why I listen to both sides of a story before judging. I'd say more people should try it, but, it's difficult when all you get is "no comment" from one side.
So tell us the real story then
By Ron Newman
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 11:07am
don't just say someone else's story is wrong.
I'll have my chance soon
By anon
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 1:07pm
I'll have my chance soon enough, and I won't have to hijack an old thread to do it.
cold drinks and fistifuffs
By Nancy L
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 3:44pm
Who started the argument is a mitigating circumstance.
The law care about who started the physical fight and that's the rider.
The driver should not have retaliated. Her assault on the passenger was worse than the indignity of wearing the rider's drink but it's obvious why she lost her temper.
Both are responsible, both have mitigating circumstances.
This is not the way to settle disputes. Why are these folks nerve's frayed?
Why frayed nerves?
By teric
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 4:53pm
90 degrees; 90% humditty
one is pregnant with a three year old and no money...
one is a bus driver in Boston...
Pregnant with no money
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 2:38am
Well, then, why the (expletive) is she pregnant? I've been told by several female Bostonians that they get free birth control. One of them even has this thing in her arm where she can bang for three years and not get pregnant. I'd like to believe that somebody who lives in the same damn city as this friend of mine can get this arm thing, and if not, I'd be happy to chip in for the cost, because I'm sure it's a hell of a lot cheaper than paying for this pending human that she ostensibly can't afford if a bus ticket is a burden.
Lest I get labeled sexist, the schmuck she's tossing it around with should get his hands on a rubber too. Don't those get handed out at PP? And if he really doesn't want to wear one (fair 'nuf), then freeze some sperm and get a vasectomy. I'll chip in for that too. Humans (expletive.) We have the technology to put up barriers to poor people adding an expense that they can't afford. It's high time to put it into use. Bribe 'em, subsidize them, whatever. I'm just sick of somebody crying poor after getting pregnant in a smart city in America with birth control resources and money.
And I'm really not interested in why they don't have wealth. That's another conversation. "Poor" is an observation, not an indictment. I'm not going to sit here and fault humans for doing human things, but I demand a little more accountability from several parties.
Back up the bullshit bus, Will. You gotta get off.
By Kaz
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 11:59am
Not having money in your pocket doesn't mean you don't have any money in the bank.
Her decision to be pregnant has nothing to do with your ability to understand her finances.
You're completely out of line and it's either because you're racist and/or sexist that you'd see a mother of soon-to-be 2 kids and think that just because she didn't have a few bucks on her that day that this somehow reflects on her ability to take care of her kids.
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 12:01pm
How the (expletive) is that racist?
"I don't have the money on me."
By Nancy L
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 3:49pm
Let the person get on
By roadman
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 9:38am
without paying the fare, and radio the police so they are waiting when they get off. If the T posts such incidents to social media, then pretty soon folks wiill get the message and stop trying the 'cheat' the system.
Interesting idea, but...
By anon
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:18am
"Let the person get on without paying the fare, and radio the police so they are waiting when they get off."
Yes, but how do the police know where the person is getting off?
Driver radioes a description
By roadman
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 12:03pm
that is forwarded to the police. Police in area are then alerted to BOLO for fare evader. No different than the procedure for stolen cars.
Ain't nobody got the money on them.
By Section77
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 4:15pm
This happens all day every day. Lots of bus drivers just give up after a few hey get back heres. And you can see that after this the drivers are on notice that they had better not care at all.
This is all very informative but...
By Linda
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 4:19pm
It would have gone a long way if she had just apologized for flinging the water.
And the bus driver finished
By anon
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 4:22pm
And the bus driver finished it
The Need
By Sighs
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 5:31pm
Passengers need to understand that they need to keep their hands to themselves and do not have the right to assault T employee's!!
There are no do overs
By Kathode
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 6:21pm
but just wish that someone on that bus had stepped in and given the woman $2 for her fare, and called it a good deed.
Here's an old idea
By Disasterinc
Sun, 08/30/2015 - 10:44pm
Make the buses free. Why chase, demonize and torture people who can't find or have the $1.60 to take overcrowded, sweaty buses the couple blocks they need to get to the grocery store or daycare? As I walked through Copley this evening and saw the many, multiple young college students fly by in their $100,000 plus Porsches, I once again thought why don't we make a year long T pass a mandatory part of their college tuitions every year. No, I haven't done the math but I have to believe it would cover the $1.60 fare of the people who aren't privileged enough to have daddy's R6 painted flat purple and cruise it around Northeastern.
Here's a better idea
By Waquiot
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 12:23am
Walk the extra few blocks, keep in shape, and save some money. I walk an extra mile and a half each day avoiding the bus, and I do it in 90 degree heat and when the snow banks on the corners were 8 feet high.
Look, I don't know this whole story, but your assumption that every college student is richer than Ritchie Rich is laughable. Why should they be subsidizing people who won't pay for the bus.
Or ... bike next time?
By Ron Newman
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 8:14am
She looks physically fit, and there are seats or trailers for little kids....