Boston Police have released a photo of the guy they say punched a man to the floor at the Boston Beer Garden on East Broadway in December.
C-6 detectives report the guy grabbed a salt shaker, made a fist around that and then slammed the man in the head around 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 18.
The victim crumpled to the floor and was taken to the hospital with critical, possibly permanent, brain injuries. He was still in the hospital as of Jan. 31.
Detectives say the attacker then fled and hopped into a waiting car, possibly with Connecticut plates.
Possible motive: The victim, upset with his party's bill, flung the bill holder into the air, striking the guy in the T-shirt, who responded to the affront with the salt shaker and his fist.
If the guy in the photo looks familiar, contact C-6 detectives at 617-343-4742 or the anonymous tip line by calling 800-494-TIPS or texting TIP to CRIME (27463).
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Come on everybody. Let's find this guy.
By anon
Sat, 02/11/2017 - 5:54pm
This is a good photo. Lots of people know who this guy is and somebody needs to step forward.
step forward
By beer boy
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 5:22am
No need to step forward, just drop a dime on this guy.
This guy needs to do time
By anon
Sat, 02/11/2017 - 6:16pm
Hard time.
That's agreed!
By mplo
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 8:02am
Here's hoping that this guy is apprehended, tried for, charged with his crimes, and jailed...for a long, long time.
Ct plates
By anon
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 1:24am
With the proliferation of newbies driving vehicles registered at Mommy and Daddy's residence, a shot in the dark would be to check Uber cars registered in Ct who picked somebody up at the Beer Garden that night at that time.
Went to a Beer Garden party
By anon
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 1:38am
Went to a Beer Garden party
Check holders started fly
Salt shakers ended the game
But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well
You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 8:24am
"Witnesses spotted his attacker, a white man wearing a red T-shirt, jump into a car, but have yet to identify him. "
December 18
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 10:01am
He may have pulled a red shirt or jacket or hoodie over that black t-shirt.
EDIT: check the full picture on the BPD site. His dining companion has a red shirt.
Beer Garden to Close
By SBer
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 12:09pm
On their Facebook page, the Boston Beer Garden announced that it is closing (2/19 I think) for good. Word is that the owners will re-open as a different restaurant in the building being constructed next door. No word on what will happen with their existing space.
Beer Garden
By A.S.M.
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 4:40pm
Cronin is just moving the Beer Garden over to the new building-bigger noisier & trashier. He promised he wouldn't lease space to another bar-we'll see...
By bosguy22
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 9:04am
The new place won't be called the beer garden. I'm guessing he's sick of losing business to Lincoln and Capo and goes a little more upscale.
Well I already know what his
By anon
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 10:02am
Well I already know what his lawyer will claim... the generic self defense
By anon
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 5:36pm
This douche's friends should all be charged with being accessories after the fact.
Love the moralizing here
By anon
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 8:01pm
The victim sounds like he was just as scummy as the guy in the photo.
Love the victim blaming here
By adamg
Sun, 02/12/2017 - 10:46pm
Was it stupid to throw the bill holder in the air? Yes. Did it warrant getting smashed in the face and becoming permanently brain injured? I suspect your answer, but others would say no.
I'd say no too, but
By anon
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 12:35am
It sounds like this was a bar fight between a couple of inebriated creeps, and unfortunately this is sometimes the outcome when a couple of inebriated creeps get into a fight in a bar.
But if you were there and saw the whole thing go down, then I certainly defer to your expertise.
No, I wasn't there and neither were you
By adamg
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 9:27am
All I have to go on is the official police reporting, which makes it sound like Guy A did something dumb, then Guy B responded by coldcocking him with a hard object in his hand. And now the first guy is possibly out of commission for the rest of his life.
And how would you have reacted if you'd gotten hit with a flying bill holder?
By Scauma
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 9:01am
Certainly didn't call for permanent brain damage but throwing anything in the air that could cause harm to others just might be good enough reason to get smacked across the head. I hate victim blaming too but the victim in this case is the cause of his own victim-hood. The perp (correct term?) is guilty of picking up a salt shaker-wonder what kind of salt shaker can do permanent damage-but I can't say he was totally in the wrong for being upset enough to hit this guy back. My mother always told me, hit someone and be prepared to get hit back.
Are you serious?
By bosguy22
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 9:06am
I throw something and it accidentally hits someone else (note, I didn't throw it at someone intentionally), and I deserve to get smacked across the head? So if right after it happened I said "oh shit, sorry about that", do I still deserve it?
Umm, yeah.
By Scauma
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 11:05am
If you don't want to accidentally hit someone you shouldn't throw anything in the first place. Furthermore all we can control are our own actions. Your apology might mean diddly squat to a person that was already having a bad day or on edge. So if you don't want to get hit, don't 'hit' someone else.
hey scauma! your mother
By bostnkid
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 10:35am
told you to "hit someone and be prepared to get hit back"? did she have any other pearls of wisdom? shoot first ask questions later? take the money and run? if no one sees it didn't happen?
I get it, I've been in places around drunk people acting like assholes and throwing things around. this does not give you the right to violently assault another person. Punching a person in the face would be a simple assault and bad enough, picking up a heavy object to hold while you strike a victim in the head makes you a violent felon. im guessing this guy didn't intend to injure the other guys brain but when he picked up that weighted salt shaker he did it for a reason, to hurt someone.
She said..
By Scauma
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 11:09am
Don't hit someone if you don't want to get hit back. She also told me if someone hits you, make sure you hit them back. All sounds reasonable to me.
I guess what I'm saying is, no one has a right to hit anyone else, and if you do hit, harm, or injure someone, you can't tell them how to respond or how to feel. So is it a surprise this guy got hit, took offense, and decided to hit back? I don't think so. Now he absolutely should NOT have used a weapon, but this idea that we can control how others react is foolish.
Here's another pearl of wisdom
By Waquiot
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 2:51pm
Fess up to your actions.
The only reason uHub is talking about this is because this guy didn't stick around and is still at large. He should make a trip down to the police station on Broadway and tell them why he did what he did.
I won't say anything either way about the victim, since he's facing bad injuries. The suspect, on the other hand, is a coward to say the least.
So...shut up then
By Kaz
Mon, 02/13/2017 - 11:26pm
Good, we are agreed. Since he didn't fling a bill holder back at the guy, he used the salt shaker as an impromptu brass knuckles/roll of quarters. So all of your "expect him to hit you back" goes out the window because he didn't just hit him back. He hit him with a weapon, which we both just agreed was something he shouldn't have done.
Case closed. Thanks, Columbo.
11:30 the night before Valentine's?
By Scauma
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 10:47am
Usually I'd ignore this...dead horse and all...but since you told me to shut up, I'll respond.
If guy 1 didn't throw the bill holder, guy 2 wouldn't have hit him back, with anything, and we don't have this discussion. Apologies if you or anyone else somehow thought I was defended guy 2, because I wasn't. I was pointing out the fact that guy 1 was the reason he became a victim in the first place. And that if you hit someone, you have no right nor recourse to determine how they respond. Remember my initial comment was in response to Adam talking about victim blaming, not some diatribe on why guy 2 was innocent or justified. Guy 1 did something stupid, and guy 2 responded in kind. Doesn't mean either is right, but there certainly is cause and reaction. I also believe guy 1 shouldn't have thrown the bill holder in the first place, and I assume that too is something we agree on.
Your welcome
By anon
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 11:08am
Guy 2 would find someone else to beat up for whatever steroided reason he couldn't grow up in the first place.
Again, you blame the victim for the actions of the person who had control of those actions.
You suck.
Not my welcome
By bosguy22
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 11:39am
Did you mean "you ARE welcome"? If so, it's you're, not your.
Grammar police
By Scauma
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 12:47pm
This is an internet message board, not an essay. Who cares and does it matter?
That line of argument...
By Bob Leponge
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 12:24pm
That line of argument could also be applied to this situation:
Tom, walking down a busy, crowded sidewalk, brushes against Jim. Jim, some sort of hair-trigger nutcase with anger management issues, responds by hitting Tom so hard as to cause permanent injury. Are you really going to say, "This wouldn't have happened if Tom hadn't brushed against Jim?"
No because you forgot intent
By Scauma
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 12:53pm
That's actually not related at all. I'm having a hard time understanding why this is being disputed. Again, if you do something-with intent, which was obvious here-and you feel the repercussions, are you not at fault at all? All I'm saying is there is blame to go around here, and the victim, is only a victim because of his own stupid actions. Does that justify the actions of guy 2? Of course not. But using a salt shaker, or any weapon doesn't absolve guy 1 of his responsibility in the matter. He started it, and guy 2 finished it. Both have fault. Sucks for guy 1 that he may have permanent brain damage, just from reading the story, that wouldn't be warranted by simply flinging a bill holder. But again, you can't control how someone else will react and if you don't want to get hit, you shouldn't hit someone to begin with.
By Bob Leponge
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 1:34pm
The guy who threw the bill holder into the air had no more intent to hit mr. roid-rage than the pedestrian in my example had intent to bump into another pedestrian.
Yes, if you throw a plastic bill holder into the air, there's a foreseeable outcome that involves it hitting someone else. Just as, if you walk into a crowded spot, there's a foreseeable outcome that involves you bumping into another pedestrian.
If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
By Scauma
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 1:54pm
Enjoy your day.
If you can't tell the difference...
By Michael Kerpan
Tue, 02/14/2017 - 9:23pm
... between stupid, unruly behavior and attempted murder (and actual infliction of a possibly permanently disabling injury), none of the rest of us here know what to tell you.
There is a difference, but also other factors.
By Pete Nice
Thu, 02/16/2017 - 9:18am
A person is in a bar and decides to throw a beer bottle in the air because he was excited that the Patriots won, and that bottle hits another person. The other person takes out a gun and shoots the person who threw the beer bottle. The person who threw the beer bottle did not intend to hit anyone, but legally there is a "wanton/reckless" element where a reasonable person should know that an action like throwing up a beer bottle might hurt someone. The person who threw the bottle committed a felony, as did the person who shot him.
A guy walking down a crowded street might have a reasonable expectation that he may get bumped into by other people on that street (the nature of walking on a crowded street). If he does get bumped into, the act is most likely not criminal, and acting out against the person who does probably is.
If no one has a right to hit
By A.S.M.
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:14pm
If no one has a right to hit someone how do you justify hitting someone? Two wrongs don't make a right.
I believe if someone hits you
By Scauma
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 7:51pm
I believe if someone hits you you have the right to hit them back. Doesn't mean I condone violence nor was I justifying the salt shaker guy. Interesting question though. I don't believe you should resort to violence as a first means of conflict resolution for the record. But if I started a fight with someone and then they beat me up, I would blame myself.
Not in Massachusetts
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 8:04pm
No such right. Unless you can demonstrate that you were defending yourself from an ongoing attack, you can't claim self-defense.
I don't even think that New York (where you live) has such a "right", either.
Leagl, and right are different
By Scauma
Thu, 02/16/2017 - 8:58am
Never said that it's legal. I still feel if someone hits you that you can hit them back. Just my opinion.
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