A troublesome tagger who went to Wyoming after promising, scout's honor, he would never write his nom de spray paint on MBTA property ever again, has returned and is once again marking up T property, Transit Police report.
Police say a surveillance camera captured Marc "CIGA" Meadowcroft scribbling his tag on the doorway leading from the Orange Line to the upper busway at Forest Hills around 1 a.m. on Saturday.
Meadowcroft was arrested in 2014 for blasting his tag all over the old trolleys stored at the Boylston Green Line station. In exchange for a promise to stop writing his nickname everywhere, Meadowcroft was released without any prison time, only he lied and was caught tagging up Green Street station on the Orange Line in 2016, police say.
And then he fled to Cheyenne, Wyo., where, without easy access to subway stations and tracks, he allegedly took to tagging up utility poles and street signs.
Police vowed that this time, they will throw the book at him:
Currently there are several Felony arrest warrants in existence for Meadowcroft's arrest for previous Vandalism on the MBTA as well in the City of Boston. Transit Police detectives will be seeking additional criminal complaints for the most recent incident at Forest Hills
Anyone with info can contact detectives at 617-222-1050 or send an anonymous text tip to 873873.
Police add they're also looking for the two guys spotted with Meadowcroft at Forest Hills:

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This guy makes me ever so slightly more conservative...
By b from Ros
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 3:49pm
My inner demon is screaming: https://youtu.be/tdHEi6q0tJs
Conservative? So are you
By Steeve
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:09pm
Conservative? So are you going to push for privatization of the MBTA next?
Let's nip this one in the bud...
By b from Ros
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:19pm
No, just a figure of speech.
There’s different ways to be conservative
By Waquiot
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:24pm
For instance, liberals might be disinclined to throw wayward youths in jail, but somehow there might be some liberals reading this who might see the wisdom of putting this guy in stocks at Boylston Street Station with a sign that says “I don’t respect other people’s property.â€
Then there is the
By be
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 6:18pm
Then there is the understanding of what the terms Conservative vs Liberal actually mean.
And before you react to my post, just let me rebuff you with the Progressive Liberal retort of
"Shut Up, Fascist. (You need to be punched.)"
Shut up fascist
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 9:15pm
You really need to be punched.
Not for your fascism, but for your repetitive trolling stupidities.
Better picture from 2016
By Jeff F
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 3:53pm
Here's what he looked like the last time he was in custody.
By Capt. Obvious
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 12:09am
You mean there's a worse picture than that? (shudder)
And now?
By UHub-fan
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 7:30am
...he's the third richest man in the world!
By Saddlebrook7
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:03pm
In addition to being a
By Kinopio
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:42pm
In addition to being a garbage human being, his tags are lame looking. You'd figure after all these years defacing public property he would have gotten good at it.
Aerosol Artists
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:32pm
The T does nothing to stop loitering, no smoking and turnstyle hopping but they have a dragnet for a kid scribbling his name? How much overtime will be spent on this manhunt? If and when he is caught does anyone really believe a judge in Massachusetts will send him to prison for scribbling his name?
Not for "scribbling his name"
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 8:22pm
For damaging public property.
For violating the terms and conditions of his release.
Well after seeing what some
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 10:20pm
Well after seeing what some of these losers have done to pretty much brand new multi million dollar HSP locomotives in the last few years with graffiti throw the book at them.
I hope part of his punishment
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:35pm
after they arrest him is that he has to clean off graffiti from every inch of City and T property.
Another spoiled brat who
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 4:44pm
Another spoiled brat who thinks he's an artist who is in reality financially well supported by his family who fled to Auntie Meadowcraft's house in Wyoming to seek shelter from the bad authorities in Boston.
jesus schrist
By Luke Warm
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 5:26pm
cut this guy some slack. he is the fun kind of crazy. devote resources to catching actual criminals please. you sissies need to stop bitching about a little ink. grow the fuck up
Actual criminal
By Mark-
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 7:02pm
Making our city ugly and depressing. I hope they put him in jail. For years.
Street art makes cities
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 10:39pm
Street art makes cities beautiful stop being a cop.
Street art might make cities beautiful
By Waquiot
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 11:37pm
But “CIGA†is not art. Heck, even at it’s basest, it’s sub-par tagging.
No, this guy just makes the city uglier, right now to his best example of “beautification,†the defacement of some old trolley cars on display. Go ahead, defend that.
locking up people for shit
By anon
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 10:36am
locking up people for shit like this is broken windows policing and discourages bigger and better street art projects.
By Waquiot
Fri, 07/13/2018 - 10:42pm
Locking people up for destroying what amounts to public art would make things better by discouraging people who agreed to stop it from continuing when they agreed to stop. He got off easy and basically thanked the authorities by being a fucking asshole.
If this no class twerp wanted to do public art, he’d find property owners and ask if he could create said art (assuming he learns how to do more than make bubble letters) and do it that way.
What do you think of situations where taggers mark up actual murals, like what happened on Archdale Road in the past year?
Street art?
By Just A Kid from...
Sat, 07/14/2018 - 10:29pm
You mean vandalism, don't you, dummy?
Repeat after me
By anon
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 12:43pm
Grafitti is vandalism
Graffiti is vandalism
Graffiti is vandalism
Graffiti is vandalism
And vandalism is a CRIME.
Get it now.
Why are you such a cop? Who
By anon
Fri, 07/13/2018 - 6:12pm
Why are you such a cop? Who cares?
Who cares? The Citizens of Boston do
By Waquiot
Fri, 07/13/2018 - 10:37pm
Give us your name and address and I’ll go over your house and write WAQUIOT on your shit. Would you care about that?
HE is NO artist. He is a
By anon
Tue, 07/17/2018 - 10:04am
HE is NO artist. He is a tagger and a poor one at that... He shows no respect!
1) You do not tag over murals
2) You do not deface historical things
3) You do put your tag over some else's tag
4) You do not put your tag on someone's else piece
You paying for his damage so we don't have to?
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 8:20pm
Or are you just being a cluless asshole who thinks taggers are some speshul artusts and that being white, male, and rich means innocence and puppies and flowers and all of that?
We live in a country where black people are routinely executed by police for the "crime" of being black. WTF should we give a pass to some real criminal who can't stop damaging things after numerous arrests?
I’ll tell you what
By Waquiot
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 8:18pm
Let me deface something you like, then tell me how what I did was not worth me being punished for.
Fucking kids.
Yeah, no
By lbb
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 8:42am
It's not yours? Then you don't get to make your "art" on it.
Follow your own advice, asshole.
So you won't mind...
By Subway Rob
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 1:21pm
...if I send a guy over to provide "a little ink" on you residence/mode of transport/personal belongings, right?
By Super Anon
Fri, 07/13/2018 - 11:27am
So "a little ink" makes you a non-sissy? Amazing. What year you from?
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 5:48pm
By Mark-
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 7:02pm
I'll forgive him if he gets out of jail in 2023 but no earlier.
Making that accomplishes
By anon
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 6:45am
Making that accomplishes making you happy, not sure that accomplishes much else.
By roadman
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 9:38am
He'll be released in time to deface the first new Red Line train to go into service.
I don’t think he ever truly wanted forgiveness
By Waquiot
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 8:20pm
If he did, he would have been grateful for not getting jail time and wouldn’t have defaced more of the T’s property.
forgive what?
By affluenza shoul...
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 9:14pm
in the minds of over-privileged little skidmarks like this kid, there's nothing to forgive in the first place because they can do whatever they want and the family money buys them out of ever facing consequences for anything they do, from lame-ass tagging to rape and murder.
wrong enemy
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 10:41pm
get mad at those who actually deface the T, the capitalist class who underfund it to try to justify privatization.
Por que no los dos?
By adamg
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 10:55pm
It's possible to detest both the people who underfund the T and who scribble all over it.
We tried that.
By Bob Leponge
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 10:33am
we tried that already with him.
By cybah
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 5:58pm
Kid needs a new hobby. I don't see the point of defacing like this.. big spray paint graffiti I get.. its art. But this stuff its a marker and someone's writing. Who cares...its garbage.
Welp this kid will be punished now. I hope it's was worth it.
Question on punishment.
By anon
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 6:44pm
Question on punishment. Since MA refuses to lock up repeat criminals for any range of crime there is little deterrent. What can be done to change this? I like the idea of assigning a large fine and if they can’t pay they do work. It’s not a good idea to cater to crime. That is not acceptable
Hyperbole isn't really helping you here
By Bob Leponge
Thu, 07/12/2018 - 10:36am
Got cites?
'coz I do: http://www.mass.gov/eopss/law-enforce-and-cj/priso...
Not just the station
By adamg
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 7:56pm
He also hit the grate on a store a couple blocks up South Street.
A simple cure....
By Just A Kid from...
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 9:05pm
Take a sledgehammer to his hands, then send the young lad home.
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 9:11pm
How would he fulfill his destiny to serve as cheap labor in the prison industrial complex if we did that?
How about the "Eddie Coyle"
By Beanzzz
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 9:31pm
How about the "Eddie Coyle" treatment?
"Shut my hand in a drawer. Then one of them stomped the drawer shut.
Hurt like a bastard."
Well done!
By Just A Kid from...
Sat, 07/14/2018 - 10:30pm
Too few remember that movie these days........
It’s clear that what he is
By Jambone
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 10:29pm
It’s clear that what he is doing is wrong. But without hearing from him, it’s hard to know why he’s doing it. Judicial punishment is often tied to intent. Perhaps this is some sort of compulsion he can’t control. Maybe he needs more than jail time in order to get set straight.
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