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Wild west in the South End: One shot to death, three arrested, Expressway gridlocked

Expressway scene. Photo by Dan Nadworny.Expressway scene. Photo by Dan Nadworny.

Boston and State Police are swarming the area from Boston Medical Center to Freeport Street in Dorchester, looking for evidence in a shooting spree that left one man dead and that ended with arrests after a chase down the Expressway.

The incident began shortly after 6:45, when three men started firing away where Mass. Ave., Melnea Cass Boulevard and Southampton Street come together. Boston Police report he was rushed to nearby Boston Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 18:50


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Wait, it's supposed to be a furry creature with a wrench on the wing, not flames

The Globe reports passengers on a plane from Boston that had just landed in Salt Lake City had to restrain a guy who kept trying to open the plane's rear door because he was convinced a wing was on fire. The Globe notes the man was coming off "a 50-day drunk."


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Man shot in the head in Codman Square, dies

UPDATE: Boston Police report the victim, Alfonso Rivas, 23, was pronounced dead at Boston Medical Center.

Police are at 14 Lyndhurst St., where officers found a person shot in the head shortly after 11 a.m. The homicide unit has been summoned, just in case.

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 11:05


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Police: Angry man on bus spits on driver, uses fist to smash bus window, attacks cops

Ramirez-RodrigueMBTA Transit Police report arresting a man they say went even more berserk than he already was when ordered off a bus in Dudley Square for swearing at the driver.

Police say that around 7:45, a route-45 driver picked up Carlos Ramirez-Rodrigue, 38, at Blue Hill Avenue and Dudley Street:

Ramirez-Rodrigue entered the bus and immediately began yelling and swearing at the driver who asked Ramirez-Rodrigue to get off the bus which he did. While exiting the bus Ramirez-Rodrigue spit in the direction of the driver multiple times. When Ramirez-Rodrigue exited the bus, the driver closed the front passenger side door. Ramirez-Rodrigue then began punching the front passenger door with a closed fist and shattered the window.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 19:45
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An elevated sense of mystery in this photo

El photo

When and where? See the original image for some possible clues. Photo from the Boston City Archives, natch.


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Citizen complaint of the day: Map kiosks are kind of useless without maps

A concerned citizen is vexed on Boylston Street:

A very frustrated tourist asked me "where is map?" over and over: the just-installed "City Map" device at Boyslton and Dalton Streets does not have a map in any of the three panes—just advertisements.


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In case medallion cab drivers wonder why people flock to Uber ...

The Daily Free Press reports on a Saturday incident involving a cab driver who held a woman's bags hostage while he forced her to pay twice for her ride from the airport:

After she swiped her card and accepted the payment, a message on the machine thanked her for the payment.

The driver said the payment had not gone through and insisted that she make the payment again. The driver then got in the back seat with the victim and made her swipe her card under the flat rate. The victim said the first payment was $46.10 and the second payment was $40.10. The driver gave the victim a receipt for the second payment, threw her luggage onto the sidewalk and then drove away.


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Our little place in the debate

Massachusetts sure came up a lot in the debate tonight. Some history to go with the references:

When Romney got his binder full of women (and why he had nothing to do with it).

When Romney got tough on a coal plant in Salem.

When Romney opposed a wind project.

When Romney signed a permanent ban on assault weapons.

Why Romney balanced the state budget: Under the state constitution, he had to (even Mike Dukakis balanced the budget!).

Slate: Why Mitt Romney's Massachusetts Education Plan Backfired.


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When Maine quakes, Boston shakes

Earthquake around 7:12 in southern Maine was felt all over the Boston area.

You feel it? Area tweeters, of course, were all over it:

Earthquake in Boston

Storified by Adam Gaffin · Tue, Oct 16 2012 16:37:28

Uh, was there just an earthquake in Savin Hill? What the fuck balls just happened? @universalhubKatia
Earthquake! Holy shit! @universalhubMichael
@universalhub Was there just an earthquake in Dedham???Chris Adams
@universalhub Was that just an earthquake in the North End?carl
@universalhub Anyone else feel an earthquake in Winthrop?Lisa S
That just felt like an earthquake in my apartment in Boston in JP?! @universalhubBrian
@universalhub anyone else feel a strong shake in the Oak Square area. Earthquake?Colin
Pictures in my apartment fell off my walls….. #Earthquake #NorthEnd @universalhubBoston to a T
@universalhub was that an Earthquake I just felt in Southie?michaelpatrickbrady
@michaelatbu @universalhub felt it here in FraminghamMichael E. Harvey
My Southie neighbors are all atwitter. The old fashioned way. #earthquake @universalhubSteve
Earthquake tremor, shook house, in East Arlington near Capitol Theater. Biggest I've ever personally felt (granted, of few). @universalhubNick Lorenzen
7:15 Wife reports couch shook enough to freak her out #RoslindaleAdam Gaffin
#Earthquake in Maine, felt in Boston: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/at00mc0dsp#summary @universalhubDavid J. Schachner
@universalhub Happened in Saugus too!! Scared the hell out of me!Cyn Donnelly
@universalhub my couch was a bit swingy. #Cambridge #earthquakeSharon
@universalhub just had shaking in our top/ third floor condo just outside of Inman Square: what the ???Kevin Fennessy
@universalhub 4.5 magnitude earthquake - 6km SSW of Lake Arrowhead, Maine http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/at00mc0dsp#summaryNight Owl City
@universalhub My fiancé doesn't understand why I'm so excited. Silly Californian.Kathryn Kinzel
@universalhub Scituate, too! Also hearing Duxbury and Hull felt it.ScituateDailyPhoto
@universalhub Building shaking in DotBill Nikolis
@universalhub In class...thought it was someone moving a chair next to meMark Olson
@JPPatch @universalhub YEP! Same here in JP. Stuff fell off my bureau.Rhea Becker
@universalhub. shook Bunker Hill too. Atleast felt it in basementguide to the world
@universalhub - Don't think the #earthquake made the jump over the harbor to East Boston. Didn't feel a thing.Ed Deveau
@universalhub did feel it over in East boston// Chelsea borderPena Edwin
@universalhub @ewdeveau My family in Orient Heights did! Nothing in Peabody.Bella Travaglini
@universalhub i felt the #earthquake down in braintree!Jaclyn Smith


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DA: Man stomped disabled vet who told him to stop pissing in the street

PlunkettA Somerville man was arraigned on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon today for an attack early Monday that left a man walking down a Beacon Hill street with a broken nose, a broken hand and facial injuries, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

A Boston Municipal Court judge set bail at $1,000 for James Plunkett, 26.

According to the DA's office, the 29-year-old Army veteran - who suffered head and neck injuries in an explosion in Iraq - was walking near the intersection of Charles and Pinckney streets around 1:30 a.m. with his wife, when he saw a couple of guys urinating on the sidewalk:

Mon, 10/15/2012 - 01:30


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