By adamg on Thu., 9/20/2012 - 7:25 am
The Daily Free Press reports police say a BU student was taken to St. Elizabeth with neck, back and knee injuries yesterday after she tried but failed to beat an SUV through a left turn on Comm. Ave. near Kenmore Square.
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Here We Go
By JohnCostello
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 8:00am
Let's kick things off.
All bicyclists are saints. All SUV owners are bad.
More like
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 8:53am
Idiot cyclists don't live long.
When a cyclist does something Masshole stupid, they risk their own life.
When a motorist does something Masshole stupid, dangerous, or angry with a massive overpowered vehicle and kills somebody, it not only doesn't kill them but they are rarely held fully accountable for their behavior. Masshole driving is a divine right of kings or "unavoidable" or they just "made a little mistake" or "just looked away for a moment" or "didn't see something they should have looked for" or "it isn't my fault", etc.
Understand the difference now? Probably not - privilege blinds.
Are you serious?
By whyaduck
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:12am
Really? "rarely held fully accountable for their behavior." First, how in heaven's name do you know this?, second, the motorist may not even BE accountable for said accident so he/she would not be HELD accountable, and third, those that ARE accountable are HELD accountable (i.e. the drunk driver who hit and killed the 63YO cyclist last week. He will be held accountable).
The cyclist in this accident made a grave error that, fortunately, did not kill her but maybe wisened her up a bit. She could just as easily say, "I made a little mistake", "I just looked away for a moment", "I did not see the SUV" or "it was not my fault."
Come on, Grrl, get a grip. Cripes.
Unfortunately, it's true
By merlinmurph
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:43am
Yes, my evidence is purely anecdotal, but I have heard far too many cases where a rider simply riding along on the side of the road gets whacked, the driver is caught, and the driver is never charged. Cases like that are the norm unfortunately. The one case you pointed out is an exception.
I'm not saying the driver is always at fault, nor am I saying that all cyclists are saints. Cyclists should be ticketed like anybody else for misbehaving on the road. All I'm saying is drivers are rarely charged for hitting cyclists.
As for this case, too little is known, but the initial evidence doesn't look too good for the cyclist. Still, I hope the rider is OK.
That's my 2 cents.
Except that, unlike a driver, when
By roadman
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 7:18pm
a cyclist gets a ticket, they pay a one-time fine and are not subject to possible surchages on their insurance for six years. So there's much less of a financial incentive for them to not break the law.
How do we fix this basic inequity? For starters, when an adult cyclist that is also a licensed driver is issued a moving violation whlie riding their bike, that violation should go on thier driving record.
Also, when it is determined that a cyclist is indeed at fault in a crash, that should be prominetly indicated in any reports, reporting, etc. instead of the current "the driver wasn't found at fault" or similar statements we see so often.
Privilege blinds
By Lunchbox
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:13am
If a pedestrian runs into another pedestrian, she says 'excuse me.'
If a cyclist runs into a pedestrian, pedestrian is sent flying. Maybe you smash your skull on the ground. Cyclist dusts himself off and bikes away, and no one will ever catch him - no license plate!
Peds don't have the advantage of helmets, or the tons of speed and inertia bikes have. When you're walking, anything with wheels can hurt you - even saintly cyclists.
Indeed. I've had just as many
By JeanneM
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:59am
Indeed. I've had just as many close calls with bikers breaking traffic laws as I've had with motor vehicles. The bikers can be even worse than the cars at times, because they sometimes ride on the sidewalk. It's bad enough I have to worry about getting nailed by a biker sailing through a red light while I'm in a crosswalk (my latest near miss in a crosswalk happened yesterday morning,) I shouldn't have to worry about getting nailed while I'm still on the freaking sidewalk.
Not indeed
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:03am
oops wrong city
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 12:28pm
oops wrong city
oops no units
By Jeff F
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 2:37pm
That graph gives us no useful information. We can infer that both axes are percentile-scaled because of the normalization on the inital value of 100. But without the same data for motor vehicle use and MV/ped injury rates, and for the absolute number of ped injuries, we can make no supportable conclusions about relative threat of injury.
Also, as anon pointed out... Boston ≠NYC.
Also, JeanneM was relating her personal experience, not making a claim of overall threat.
(Of course if I had to choose, I would rather get hit by a bike than a car (doy!) - but I see hits/near hits involving cyclists often enough to understand some pedestrian's unease around them).
I hope the young woman is ok.
Graph deceptive
By Markk02474
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:17pm
Cycling declined in NYC from 1996-2002, got back to 1996 levels in 2006, so graph amplifies a short-term trend.
And ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:22am
When was the last time a non-jaywalking pedestrian was seriously injured by a cyclist.
And when was the last time a pedestrian in a crosswalk was killed by a motor vehicle.
Matter of scale, not your theory or opinion sweetheart. Go look at the old threads to find the data on the vanishing percentage of injury accidents to pedestrians caused by cyclists versus the automobile-generated carnage.
Bad timing for that question
By Kaz
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:27am
This morning.
I saw one last week
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:44am
A girl was waiting for the cross light on the curb cut at the CVS by BU Central. A bicyclist riding too close to the curb and trying to beat the light clipped the pedestrian's large purse with the edge of her handlebars. Cyclist fell like a six year old.
And I almost got mowed down on the sidewalk the other day.
I see a few holes here
By spin o rama
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 12:37pm
I ride through this intersection daily and while I spend most of the time looking at the lights for my green signal to move on, I'm having a lot of trouble remembering the bike lane being directly along the curb or there being any curb extensions that would put pedestrians waiting for the signal right next to the bike lane. In fact thats not true at all, there is a line of car parking spaces that lead right up to the intersection. So for this girl to have been clipped by the cyclist as you said, it would mean that pedestrian was standing in the road, did not have the signal to cross yet and was in the path of the cyclist who may have been rushing to beat the light (you didn't say they were running a red light) meaning they had the right of way.
Sounds like a case of an overzealous biker AND pedestrian that both were not taking safety into consideration.
No holes - your map (and memory?) bad
By Jeff F
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 2:53pm
Your image is crazy old. Makes me wonder if you aren't deliberately spoofing.
Here's a much more recent street view of that corner showing the curb extension and bike lanes:
Honest Mistake
By spin o rama
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 3:18pm
Confused BU Central CVS with the one after the BU Bridge, forgot there are two CVS locations.
In any case, the location at BU central is bike lane along the curb and that is daily game of Comm Ave Lemmings when the students are around. Apparently there are a lot of BU undergrads whose parents didn't teach them to wait on the curb and look left when crossing the street, as evidenced by all the cross walks at BU that say "Look left for bicycles." Life skills. I base this solely on almost cleaning out a few of the BU's brightest when I have the right of way and crowd decides to form and spill over into the street.
That's one of several reasons
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 4:22pm
That's one of several reasons why I don't like curb extensions, nor travel lanes (bike or general) next to the curb.
There are two
By shiny_things_b
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 3:03pm
There are two CVSes across the street from BU along Comm Ave. One at St. Paul, one at St. Mary's. A thoroughly devout organization.
Good points, spin o rama.
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 8:09pm
Not that I'm defending the driver of the SUV that hit the cyclist who was trying to outsmart him for the left turn, but this:
is something that happens more frequently than a lot of people care to believe. A cyclist is also subject to the rules of the road, because a bicycle is also a vehicle, and should also be held accountable when s/he violates any of those laws.
I agree that both cyclists
By Miss Modular
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:10am
I agree that both cyclists and motorists behave like assholes in this town, but I would hardly call a skinned knee a "serious injury." Even a broken arm is nothing compared to the damage when a ped or cyclist is hit by a car.
spilled coffee and a scraped knee equals serious injury?
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:24am
She spilled her coffee and scraped her knee and you call that "seriously injured"?
You do realize that when I was bounced off the hood of a car and taken to the ER by ambulance bleeding from multiple points on my body and was in a cast for 6 weeks, Boston Police classified that as "minor injuries", right?
Also, I'm going to keep posting this until it sinks in:
Labor Day Weekend
By Nonymouse
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:44am
I was waiting for the WALK light outside of Haymarket to cross Surface Road. The light went on, I stepped into the cross walk and a cyclist blew through the red light (past several stopped cars, I might add) and ran right into me. I fell, skinned my knee and palm, and that afternoon I lost my big toenail from where he ran right over my foot. The asshole wobbled a little on his bike, recovered, and rode away before I could get the attention of the T cop roaming the other side of the station.
See you next
By tenfortyseven
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 3:41pm
See you next Tuesday....sweetheart.
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:41am
"Peds don't have the advantage of helmets, or the tons of speed and inertia bikes have. When you're walking, anything with wheels can hurt you - even saintly cyclists."
NYC has 15,000 pedestrian injuries a year, roughly. Less than 100 of them were from bikers. So do you know what that works out to be? 0.6%.
99.3% of pedestrian injuries are from MOTOR VEHICLES. And want to take a guess at which are more severe?
Also, claiming that someone who has speed and falls from a height has "advantage" in a collision is absolutely absurd.
Entitled Masshole driving?
By NateMayhem
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:28am
You're aware, as of the most recent census, MA has the lowest traffic fatality rate in the country, yes?
Low speeds
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:07am
You are aware that MA has one of the highest accident rates in the country, yes?
Show me stats on both of those if you could....
By Pete Nice
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:24am
(I know Mass doens't have one of the highest crash rates because they aren't even reported the right way.)
Besides, different states have different standards for reporting by insurance agencies, registries, and municipalities.
Did somebody say statistics?
By Waquiot
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:48am
From the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-
Traffic Safety Data
Bicyclist Safety Data
In short, we are a bit safer than other states, but not the safest. Of course, the bicyclist data is for fatalities, but still, we're pretty safe
privilege blinds: those who live in glass houses
By pedestrian
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:47am
I do find judgmental suburban drivers of massive overpowered vehicles to be the most dangerous when it comes to people who drive in cities. They're accustomed to their comfortable wide suburban roads, driveways, slower pace lifestyle, less traffic and less cyclists and pedestrians on the road, crossing the road, etc. Oh wait...!
By whyaduck
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:14am
You beat me too it (lol).
I predict this thread will have a minimum of 70 comments!
dancing on the hospital bed of a victim, yep
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:09am
Wow, so we dont get to hear the cyclist's side....but et me get this straight - the driver is quoted as seeing the cyclist. Not knowing what they were doing. And then hitting them.
She was probably in the left lane trying to make a left turn, doing what the city and massbike tell her to.
Also: do we quote muggers when they get caught mugging someone? And believe them? Oh, mr reporter, that person just threw their walllet at me! Case dismissed!
Hate to say it
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:35am
Thats a no left turn area. Bikes are vehicles when on the road and should act as such.
and this excuses the driver from ramming the
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:10am
The driver was violating C90 S134:
"In approaching or passing a person on a bicycle the operator of a motor vehicle shall slow down and pass at a safe distance and at a reasonable and proper speed."
If the driver had rammed into the back of a car, he would have been cited for following too closely. He rams a cyclist and everyone, including Adam, starts tapdancing on her hospital bed and jeering at her.
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 12:32pm
Oh please..Ramming? Cut the dramatics.
We have no idea about what she was trying to do? True. You are taking a pretty big defensive stand considering you have no idea what was going on either. For all you know she could have been zipping by him and cut him off.
Ha, ramming. Mad Max style.
So the cyclist was lane splitting?
By Markk02474
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 7:58pm
She was sharing the lane before taking an illegal left turn? Did she signal her illegal intent?
Queue the delusional drivers of this state
By thetrainmon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 1:57pm
who somehow want to make it seem like every day was a Sunday drive down Happiness Lane until the big bad cyclists started taking to the roadways.
Please, it's like when people b*tch about Critical Mass. My usual response is "What about the other 27+ days and 22 hours there isn't Critical Mass and the traffic still sucks?" Do you blame Critical Mass for 10-mile backups on I-495 because some a$$hat cut off a truck, causing it to rollover and spill its goods?
Nothing gives me more satisfaction than to make people's heads explode when they talk about traffic.
"Hey, there was a lot of traffic on my commute this morning!"
-"Um, because you were sitting in it!"
Um, by that argument, *any*
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 4:27pm
Um, by that argument, *any* single selfish act that causes a traffic jam doesn't matter, because there are also other traffic jams which happen for other reasons.
So bring on the double parking!
Bets anyone?
By South Boston Yu...
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 8:48am
How much do want to bet that:
1) Most of the Boston-bike haters who comment here live in the burbs.
2) Of those, most of them are fat asses who couldn't peddle a bike around their cul-de-sac, much less navigate Summer Street during rush hour on a fixie.
3) When these suburban fattys do their annual/semi-annual drive into the city to visit Fanuel Hall/North End/Museum of Science, bikers are just the proverbial icing-on-the-cake of the auto-induced emasculation they are served on Boston's streets.
Are you are friend of Swirly?
By whyaduck
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:16am
Oh, here we go. All bike-haters are fat asses*. Gee, how often have I read that comment on UHUB.
Assumptions. Assumptions. And more Assumption. Sigh.
Has everyone taken a cup o anger this am? Cripes.
*Not for nothing, but I have seen quite a few fat-asses riding bikes. Not that it really matters.
And as usually, the punchiest
By Koloratur
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:23am
And as usually, the punchiest insult anyone can come up with is "fat-asses." Because nothing is worse than those gross fatties, am I right?
By South Boston Yu...
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:46am
There is one thing worse than a suburban fat ass:
The Suburban Fat Ass Tea Party Supporter!
Ugh, you're not even funny
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 3:18pm
Ugh, you're not even funny even though you're trying SO HARD.
let me guess:
By aging cynic
Sat, 09/22/2012 - 10:24am
You also think that politics isn't civil any more. Politics has WHAT to do with highway safety, you ignorant tool?
Assume this
By South Boston Yu...
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 9:58am
Did I say you people are suburban fat asses? No, I said I bet you are a suburban fat ass.
As far as my untested hypothesis regarding the body composition of those who anonymously hate bike riders in Boston; residents of this is city are socially progressive (DUH) and very fit (Boston ranked third fittest in the US last year
Given those two facts, as well my own anecdotal experience as a long time resident, the consensus amongst residents is more then likely pro-bike, and if not, unlikely to make such vitriolic opposition. So who posts these comments? People who do not live in the city, do not ride and/or both.
Analogy: based on's comments section, you'd think Menino is minutes away from being lynched by an angry mob of readers. Yet he is relected over again. Why? People who don't live in the city love to come on these sites and bitch.
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:10am
"as a long time resident, the consensus amongst residents is more then likely pro-bike". Well as a LIFE LONG RESIDENT if feel the consensus is purely the opposite. Maybe among your hipster friends, but not a true statement if referring to "All" residents.
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:33am
*I not IF
By South Boston Yu...
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:36am
A consensus and "all" are not the same thing, genius.
Yes, the Charlestown curmudgeons are anti-bike
By thetrainmon
Fri, 09/21/2012 - 10:15am
And Menino put them in their place too, didn't he? Even Dorchester and Mattapan have bike lanes now. Progress is a b*tch, ain't it?
By anon
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:14am
*white residents of this city with money, you mean. But yeah, all those dark skinned people in Mattapan, Roxbury, East Boston etc don't *really* matter. You guys just like having them around so you can be progressive.