A bicyclist's request that DCR ensure its bike paths are plowed and salted to bare pavement within a couple days after a large snowstorm has DCR officals saying enough's enough: Bicyclists with "poor judgement and unrealistic expectations" who can't find other ways to get around in the days after a snowstorm should consider moving to a warmer city.
UHub was forwarded a series of e-mail messages over three days between and about one bicyclist and DCR staffers, on the condition we excise names. It started with e-mail on Feb. 11 from somebody who rides to work on the Southwest Corridor:
The condition of the Southwest Corridor Bike Path today is absolutely unacceptable. From Boylston St. near the Stony Brook T-Station to New Washington Street, at the end of the Corridor near the Forest Hills T-Station, the path was nearly completely covered in ice. This path is the only safe route to take, and for it to be covered in ice two days after minimal snowfall is detrimental to Boston's cyclists who rely on safe travel to get to and from work every day. The path should either be plowed to the pavement or de-icing techniques should be employed.
A DCR staffer responded:
Thanks for your email. The Southwest Corridor Park bike path location was originally plowed down to the pavement, but there has been some melting and refreezing and current temperatures are not conducive to more melting, even if treated. While we do treat some high-priority crosswalks (such as at schools and T stations) with salt, we do not treat all the pathways and sidewalks throughout DCR (including on the Southwest Corridor) as this can have a detrimental effect on landscaping.
Unless you have appropriate winter bike tires that can handle normal winter weather conditions on these paths, we recommend you use alternate forms of transportations at this time of year for your own safety.
The bicyclist replied:
Thank you for your response.
I find much of your response difficult to believe. I checked the bike path every day since the storms and did not see it plowed to the pavement once. There was always a layer of snow ontop of the pavement. If this were indeed a result of melting and freezing, then why is this only effecting this bike path, and not area sidewalks as well?
Also, you mention that salt is not used because of effects on landscaping, but there are many other deicing materials which can be used in its place. To ignore these options shows to me that bike paths are a low priority, even though the Corridor is a "level 1 priority."
Please have plow operators pay more attention to how much snow they are plowing. I understand that patches of ice in certain vulnerable areas are inevitable and part of "normal winter weather conditions." For an entire section of the path to have no visible pavement, however, indicates a lack of care on the part of DCR to properly prepare the path for the winter as the State and local governments do for all other modes of transportation.
At that point, the staffer forwarded the exchange to higher ups and asked how to respond. One replied:
I thought your response was a appropriate. I have a couple points to add.
A narrow linear path bordered by turf and vegetation (which is covered by snow) doesn't thaw as quickly as a sidewalk abutting a roadway. Even if we did repeatedly apply salt or chemically treat pedestrian routes, thaw and refreezing would continue to be a problem during periods of extended sub freezing weather conditions. This is why our current standard does not call for pedestrian routes to be completely free of snow pack and ice. We do not have the resources to meet that standard.
This past Saturday I walked section 3 of the Corridor from Forest Hills to the Stony Brook MBTA station and while some of the paths were covered in snow pack they were all safely passable for pedestrians - even pedestrians pushing child strollers. A tremendous effort goes into clearing the SWC pathways and our staff should be complimented for their efforts.
Then another even higher higher up forwarded this to staffers:
Hi All,
We should all be stating as a policy that DCR has no responsibility or intent of providing "safe" winter biking opportunities on any of our linear paths or sidewalks. This is impossible! Any path or walk where we do snow removal is strictly to provide reasonable continued passage for pedestrians. If anyone wants to bike our paths in winter they should assume variable and dangerous conditions, and know they are doing it at there own risk.
Frankly, I am tired of our dedicated team wasting valuable time addressing the less than .05% of all cyclists who choose to bike after a snow/ice event. Sometimes during winter in Boston you can safely bike, and I do it when it is dry and safe. This is not one of those winters! We should not spend time debating cyclists with poor judgement and unrealistic expectations, and stick with [the staffer]'s recommendation that they find other transportation. If someone is completely depending on a bike for year-round transportation, they are living in the wrong city.
Feel free to forward this to those complaining.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
As a year round bike commuter
By Kyle
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:24am
As a year round bike commuter I actually have to side with the DCR on this case. I have tried to ride the SWC a few times this winter after snow and it's true that it's pretty impassable by bike. But the law gives us every right to ride in the road with traffic, so that's what I do.
And when the snow is too much I take the T. People need to learn to pick their battles and determine what their true priorities are.
The road paralleling the
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:50am
The road paralleling the south west corridor is one of the most frightening roads to ride on Boston, in good weather. This is coming from one of the most hardened confident cyclists out there. For 99% of cyclists the wouldn't dare go on there.... I don't even. There's no excuse to not plow the southwest corridor which is probably the most important bicycle highway in boston, only on par with the charles river bike paths.
They do plow it.
By Sally
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 2:22pm
That's not under debate. But they can't plow it to dry pavement at all times and with the icy winter we've had, it's just plain foolish to expect this. There are plenty of safe alternative roadways to ride to reach destinations along the SWC but yes--biking in winter weather is challenging and no amount of plowing or salting is going to change that.
Why cant they plow it to dry
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 2:46pm
Why cant they plow it to dry pavement when they can do this to 99% of the roadways? And actually there are not a lot of good alternatives to the SWC from JP.
Because it's not a roadway.
By Sally
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 3:01pm
Read the very civil explanation in the DCR's first response. It's got turf on either side, not sidewalk. It gets more melt and run off. You can't salt it the same way. And again--priorities. I say this as a member of a car-free, everyday, four-season biking household--they do a really good job of plowing this path. To expect perfection is absurd. And yes--there are many alternative routes including Huntington Ave, the Emerald Necklace, and--shocker!--multiple bus and T routes.
"To expect perfection is
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 9:27pm
"To expect perfection is absurd."
They don't expect perfection. It's all the non-cyclists that keep using that word. There's SEVERAL INCHES OF SNOW on the path on a routine basis after they've supposedly "plowed." Cut the tone argument BS.
"It's got turf on either side, not sidewalk. It gets more melt and run off. You can't salt it the same way."
And whose fault is it that the paths weren't constructed properly to account for runoff? And what about sand, which doesn't hurt the poor trees/grass? (and what about the roads that run through wooded areas yet we still salt them?) And what about environmentally-friendly ice melts?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
You want to bike on an icy paved path covered in...sand?
By Sally
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:42pm
Sounds like a recipe for a spectacular wipeout. This whole debate is getting deranged.
Next demand is year round sweepers.
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:27pm
That sand is slippery!
By anon
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:38am
Do you not know what sand is used for around here?
Hint: the next time you get to a roadway today, bend over and look down. Whoa, sand. That stuff road crews spread to help give traction on ice!
For cars, yes.
By Sally
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 1:10pm
But most cyclists will tell you that sandy roads are treacherous for bikes. Many of my near-falls can be blamed on sand at the side of the road--early spring when road sand has washed to the sides are the worst. But thanks for playing.
By d
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 9:26am
Yes, DRY sand on the road is far from safe, but sand over snow will definitely give you more traction (in this case more is not better). The problem comes in the spring when the roads dry up and now you have all that sand that needs to be swept up.
By Sally
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 12:42pm
But there's obviously a contingent here demanding clear pavement. I've found, given the icy conditions we've had here the last ten days, that it's easier to walk on the snow rather than shoveled sidewalks since there's so much ice . As far as biking goes, I think in some cases the same rules apply but I'm sure it depends on conditions and on your tires. And then yes--dealing with the sand once the snow is gone could be an issue.
dear cyclists: here's a novel idea -- use public transportation!
By stopwhining
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 12:26pm
If weather conditions make it impractical for me to walk to my destination, I take public transportation, aka mass transit. You can handle it, trust me! Sorry, but I'm more concerned with safe sidewalks for the elderly and disabled than perfectly cleared bike lanes and paths for abled-bodied persons who make the choice to cycle after a snowstorm. Try to think about someone besides yourself for once! Selfish.
Dear drivers: here's a novel idea---use pubic transportation!
By MatthewC
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 12:54pm
Works both ways.
I drive
By whyaduck
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 1:06pm
and take public transportation five days a week (and sometimes on weekends).
And your point is?
By MatthewC
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 5:15pm
My point wasn't directed at people like you, only at those who decide to clog our city with their vehicles when they could get up earlier and take public transit. I didn't realize I was being cryptic.
All allies welcome when it comes to access for everyone
By Neighborhood Ac...
Wed, 02/19/2014 - 3:48pm
This thread popped up in disability circles, it's so refreshing to see DCR staff members sneering about cleared walkways/bikeways. Disabled people, elderly people, we try to advocate, but no one listens. DCR has no money, doesn't care, and even after receiving calls from state senators, doesn't bother to do anything about it. Until it gets funded properly, until it's snow clearing responsibilities are either met or taken away from them, we will have the same problem.
For two weeks now, I have not been able to travel either direction on my service road along the Fenway, controlled by DCR. Meanwhile, scores and scores of plows have scraped the roads.
Bicyclists and disabled people have the same overall interest – safe, smooth, and wide enough so we don't run into each other. Access regulations have changed the natureof bicycling, so many people line up to use those sidewalk ramps at intersections, we can barely get on them.:-)
So, we are after the same things, and it's a pleasure to see bicyclists advocate for something that would benefit disabled folks too. That Southwest corridor though? It's horribly accessible, huge cracks and pits and changes of level, how about if we get it repaved, and keep it beautiful all year around?
The bike paths are a lot
By tenfortyseven
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 9:03am
The bike paths are a lot clearer than are the roads in my neighborhood
There are plenty of other
By Uncle_Robot
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:23am
There are plenty of other side roads to take. Even in good weather I (an experienced and assertive cyclist) would not ride on Columbus Ave.
On the subject of safety...
By kitty
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 4:43am
How come bicyclists never wear a helmut?
Because old German dudes are heavy
By anon
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 10:29am
I don't think he could hang on very well, either. Wearing Helmut while riding a bike would be very unsafe! Much better to put him in the bucket of one of those utility bikes.
Rather difficult to balance
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 11:35am
With some German lunk like this on your back ...
Could be dangerous. Even with a helmet.
A Good Job, But Sometimes Way Too Much Salt!
By Elmer
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:59am
Although I'm not always the greatest fan of everything the MDC/DCR does, I must say they do a good job of clearing the Revere Beach Reservation pathway. It's typically cleared sooner and better than my local neighborhood streets, but sometimes they use way too much salt. These pictures taken a couple of storms ago show a ridge of wasted salt that ran the entire length of the pathway, and one of the huge piles of salt that sat in several places. My bike chain needed an extra serving of WD-40 after that!
No environmental risk
By Markk02474
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 12:36pm
Given all the salt in the ocean, use of salt here isn't going to damage the ecosystem - a greater concern of theirs than bikes of people choosing to ride in the dead of winter. Safety trumps added maintenance you might need. Consider the extra salt pre-treatment for the next storm.
Agreeing with Markk
By cornbread
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 9:31pm
Of Course, Salt Isn't An Environmental Issue Along The Ocean ...
By Elmer
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:26pm
... but it's a needless waste of public resources. Furthermore, whoever was operating the equipment was oblivious to it malfunctioning. It caused the salt to be all deposited in a narrow ridge, rather than spread evenly across the pathway; not just in a short area, but continuing for miles! I don't really care what it does to my bikes, but too much salt will cause the concrete walkway to deteriorate sooner than necessary; resulting in even more waste of scarce public resources.
If you want to protect your
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 6:28pm
If you want to protect your bicycle, you shouldn't use wd-40 on your chain, it's essentially a penetrating solvent and will destroy your drivetrain components. Use a lubricant instead.
For High Performance Bicycles, I'm Sure You're Correct ...
By Elmer
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 9:59pm
... but my strategy is to have a collection of junky "Franken-bikes". I buy them used and broken, and then piece together parts from multiple bikes to make some that work. Often times, the chains are rusted and have frozen links, but a liberal application of WD-40 will get them loosened up and working again. Also, on most of my bikes, I completely remove the Derailleur mechanisms and shorten the chain, fixing it on the highest possible gear. This eliminates most of the troublesome drivetrain parts.
Whether riding in the saltwater of the ocean surf, or on the over-salted MDC/DCR pathways, the bikes are bound to be affected by corrosion. For me, WD-40 works just fine for keeping them going and it's much cheaper than specialized bicycle chain lubricants. I don't really care if it ultimately destroys something or other; it seems like the junkier my bikes are, the longer they keep working!
I love the powerful feeling of freedom that comes from not worrying about something bad happening to an expensive bike (or car) because I've always got a couple of spares ready to go when needed. I'm not going to bike across the country; just a couple of miles from home to the Ⓣ station each day. A junky bike gets me there quickly, reliably, and with far less hassle than any other form of transportation!
By anon
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 6:29pm
Pick up a can or a bottle at any marine store. BoShield is >>>>>>>>> WD-40.
Wax On Wax Off
By BlackKat
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 7:04pm
Just because one has a bicycle that is not expensive is no reason to treat it poorly when good lubricant is just as cheap as bad lubricant.
Lubricant used on bicycle chains should be wax based, never oil based. Such as White Lightning.
Never oil based?
By Contrarian
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 8:41pm
Never oil based?
You are mistaken.
It really depends on conditions and what you prefer for a maintenance routine.
Thank You For Those Tips!
By Elmer
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 12:18am
Both White Lightning and Boeshield sound like good products, although they're both quite a bit more expensive than plain old WD-40. The bigger issue for me, particularly with the White Lightning, is that it requires the chain to be perfectly clean before applying. Since I'm starting out with chains that are already very dirty and rusted to begin with, it doesn't seem practical (if even possible) to get them that clean.
The next time I put on a brand new chain, I might consider trying out the White Lightning; especially if it was for a bike where I wanted to keep the Derailleur mechanism instead of fixing it to a single gear. However, new chains only cost $10, which is less expensive than buying either of those lubricants. Since I've rescued these bikes from the graveyard and resurrected them back into useful service, I don't really feel guilty for using cheap lubrication, and I'm not about to spend any time cleaning my bikes' chains after every dirty, salty or wet ride. Just spraying them down with WD-40 whenever the links start to freeze up seems like the quickest, easiest, and least expensive solution for me. Of course, YMMV.
Chains are $10
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 12:21pm
The problem is that penetrating lubricants get into hubs and other mechanical systems that cost considerably more, and carry in whatever crap is on your chain.
I second Boeshield ... costs more, but you use less.
But If I Only Paid $5.00 For The Bicycle ...
By Elmer
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 7:54pm
... and its hub is all rusted and frozen so it won't turn, shooting some WD-40 into the center of the hub will get it moving again. The same thing goes for chains that are badly rusted and have frozen links; I need something with the penetrating effect of WD-40 to get the links freed up.
Does Boeshield free up rusted parts like WD-40 does? Also, does it require the chain to be perfectly clean before application, like White Lightning does. In other words, is it worth using on bikes that already have badly rusted and/or damaged drive components?
I value your recommendation of the Boeing product, SwirlyGrrl, so I might be tempted to try it out. I've got to admit, it's intriguing to imagine spraying it on my bikes and having them start running like the LRVs that once graced the Green Line!
Never use WD-40
By bikemech
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 10:32am
Never use WD-40 on your chain. It's not a lubricant. It's a water displacer. You need to use a bike specific chain lube (triflow, t-9, pedro's, finishline...)
I hope you greased your chain
By Spex
Mon, 03/10/2014 - 12:01am
I hope you greased your chain after the WD-40, since WD-40 is just for removing rust and water (WD = Water Displacement, it is NOT lubricant).
wow, nice circular logic
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 2:14pm
So basically: the DCR doesn't maintain the path. You found it impassable. So they're "right" that we shouldn't want to use the path.
" But the law gives us every right to ride in the road with traffic, so that's what I do. "
Would that be the same road that narrows by 4 feet on each side because the city won't plow to the curb and drivers park further into the street as a result? And because of that, we're now more likely to get doored, as well as blocking traffic...causing drivers get all ragey - honking, screaming, throwing things as us, sideswiping us?
Oh right, sorrrrry, I forgot to tow the line: bicyclists need to share the road with motorists.
"And when the snow is too much I take the T."
And if the T doesn't service your area, or your commute takes 3-4 times longer? Fuck you! Or you can't afford the $60/month a T pass costs, nearly $1k a year? Fuck you! Or you need the exercise? Fuck you!
I love how a guy asking "hey, can you plow and salt the paths like you do for cars?" is portrayed as entitled, unreasonable, etc. Even though he specifically says he doesn't expect perfection and understands there could be trouble spots...
"And if the T doesn't service
By Anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 4:37pm
"And if the T doesn't service your area, or your commute takes 3-4 times longer? Fuck you! Or you can't afford the $60/month a T pass costs, nearly $1k a year? Fuck you! Or you need the exercise? Fuck you!"
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I just want to point out that taking the T in crappy weather does not require a monthly T pass. If you are only using it a handful of times a month, maybe 20 or 30 dollars tops, and ONLY in months where we get snow like this. That "nearly $1K a year" figure is simply not relevant here.
What area along the SWC is NOT served by the T?
By Sally
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 7:03am
Curious to know because last time I checked it ran alongside the entire Orange Line. Trying to think of anywhere in Boston actually where a DCR pathway was the exclusive way of getting safely from point A to point B.
yeah, and everything along the mass pike is serviced by amtrak
By anon
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:42am
So why do we need the mass pike, huh? Are you really that dumb?
SWC, Paul Dudley White, Minuteman, and Olmstead paths are like 495, Mass Pike, 128 for cyclists.
You just proved to me that you're not actually a cyclist who bikes for transportation.
And you just proved to me yet again that
By Sally
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 1:14pm
Anonymous posters aren't worth spit.
Seriously dude--if you're standing at Forest Hills Station now in tears because you can't figure out a way to get in town without using the bike path, then good luck to you. Call a cab. Call your mom to come get you. I give up.
But, where would I leave my bike?
By Waquiot
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 9:47am
Now, if they had a cage for me to store my bike a Forest Hills, then I could intermodal the trip. But since they don't (since I'm some kind of anon troll who has no clue what is at Forest Hills) I don't know what I'd do with my bike
(sarcasm off)
By Sally
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 11:37am
If only...
Wrong answer
By Matt
Fri, 02/21/2014 - 6:37pm
The great thing about a bike is it goes places that aren't within walking distance of a T stop. So unless the Orange Line is going to let bikes onboard during all service hours, and operate around the clock, it's useless to many bikers.
Cyclist in Boston
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:29am
Are probably the biggest group of yammering douchebags.
Cry me a river, it snowed!
By cinnamngrl
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:21am
I love these vicious anon comments
I'm a coward
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:34am
So I'm assuming your legal name is "cinnamon girl". Mine is mike!
Well, "cinnamngrl"
By Brian Riccio
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:47am
Any time you want to publish your real name, address and where you are employed, then we're all pretty much anonymous here, aren't we?
anon is nothing. I
By cinnamngrl
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:57am
anon is nothing. I completely respect that you have a right to privacy. I can respond to you dvdoff in this or similar forums, and you can respond to me. But Anon is just is pretty much just mean lazy graffiti in an otherwise interesting difference of opinion.
Serious question
By Matt
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 12:18pm
Wildly off topic, but I see these comments often and always genuinely wondered.
How is using an internet alias, such as cinnamngrl, so much more daring and resolves any issues regarding transparency as to who you actually are? How exactly does this provide any accountability when the true identity of the person is still unknown? Remember, this is not actually the real world where we're meeting face-to-face...we're on an online forum, right? Just checking...
I get that you can't directly address an "anon" user's post at times and are mostly used by "trolls" (which is what I will inevitably be called, well, that and a Herald reader because of having differing view), the comments of which makes me cringe as much as someone hiding behind some clever alias.
Though using the "cowardly anon/Herald reader/troll" trifecta of retorts seems a bit overused at times. Just because you're hiding behind your chosen internet moniker doesn't somehow elevate you out of the "keyboard warrior" realm.
By Michael Kerpan
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 1:08pm
Even if pseudonymous, a registered user has a "brand" which is recognizable. This is valuable -- knowing a person's real name isn't all that much more useful in the context of forum interactions. (though I prefer knowing people in "real life, personally -- and have met a number of other posters).
Filter out the anon posts
By cinnamngrl
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 1:37pm
I think you would find a higher level of discussion. if only for the bother of having to create an account. I don't presume to elevate myself in any way.
Don't be upset...
By MatthewC
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 1:09pm
...because you couldn't pedal a city block without sucking wind.
Actually dink
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 1:32pm
I ran 5 miles this morning. Which is what, the equivalent if biking about 20 miles at full speed. Ya buddy I'm half your age and probably half your weight ( seeing how much time you spend on UHub).
Anon - Mike
By MatthewC
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 4:44pm
Calm down, kid. Grow thicker skin and stop crying. Friggin cry baby.
Cry baby?
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 5:14pm
You should re-read some of you comments KID.
You're easily riled up...
By MatthewC
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 3:26pm
What fun!
Are they or are they not transportation facilities?
By Puddling
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 8:37pm
If they treat them as "linear paths" then they should not legally be designated as bikeways.
And while I think their response to bad weather is reasonable, they cannot state that they provide transportation facilities to cyclists if they fail to maintain them. They cannot have it both ways. They need to take responsibility for their bikeways OR do not nominate them as such.
That said, I ride on roadways AND get studded tires to handle the ice in winter.
If you use a bike for transportation, you need to make investments in equipment if you want it to work out well.
You cannot depend on the DCR or other public entities to provide decent facilities... yet.
Take care of the situation yourself. Take a Cycling Savvy course, get good gear. Have fun and look out for yourself!
I 100% agree with DCR's
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:29am
I 100% agree with DCR's response.
Me, too, except DCR's unprofessional snark,...
By anonism
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 1:53pm
...the cyclist's whining notwithstanding.
Thank You Mr. DCR Manager and
By Joey
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:32am
Thank You Mr. DCR Manager and Staffer. These bicyclists are a demanding unreasonable bunch. I applaud everyone who stands up for the regular normal folks. Again, Thank You.
and someone riding a bike isn't "normal and regular"?
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 2:17pm
Please do go on about how a person stops becoming "normal and regular" when they get on a bicycle.
Please do go on about how their response "stands up" for these supposed 'normal' folks.
Please also do go on about how asking the path (ten feet wide, and barely a few miles long) be plowed, sanded and salted...when the city does that for thousands of miles of road in the city for drivers.
By Brian Riccio
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:35am
That's some mighty fine click bait you have cooking next to the French toast!
DCR too lazy to even shovel their curb cuts
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:37am
Yeah people shouldn't be expect to be able to walk or bike along paths on state property.
oh and,
By PeterGriffith5
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:45am
"PRIVILEGED DRIVERS ", otherwise known as the 99%.
Not in Boston
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:31am
Car ownership is around 40% as of the last census.
Ya and
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:38am
59% of the remaining 60% use public transit (me). Whom most of us are sick of the entitled whining cyclist. Take a fucking bus it just snowed.
Then where will you sit?
By Matt
Fri, 02/21/2014 - 6:40pm
Maybe I will, and the buss will be too full for you. Wait outside in the rain for the next one, suckah
Those in suburban glass
By anon
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 11:45am
Those in suburban glass houses with minivans and driveways shouldn't throw stones...
We just throw snow.........
By kvn
Sun, 02/16/2014 - 1:33pm
Parking for everything............ But remember ,