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Hundreds gather on the Common for impromptu rally against Nazis

WBZ reports on a rally on Boston Common last night.

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What Nazis?

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I suspect if you Google "Charlottesville," you might find your answer.

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The media and public should refer to these people as White Supremacists which is what they are irrespective of what they might call themselves. While they share a lot in common with the Nazis they aren't interested in the same goals as that party, just in establishing a class based society in which they hold even more power.

The historical group most of these people idolize is rich southern slaveowners.

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Since they were carrying flags with swastikas on them and giving Nazi salutes, I'm pretty much okay with calling them Nazis even if that's not the only group of failed white supremacists they identify with.

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I was not aware that there were German Nazis headed this way. Do you no longer accept freedom of speech? You are all about it when your anti Trump protestors hit the street and BLM folks block traffic.

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There aren't many left.

American Nazis, however ...

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"What’s the difference between a Jew and a pizza? The pizza doesn’t cry on its way to the oven.” -- Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.

It will be interesting to see if the Kennedy's choose to support or repudiate their patriarch benefactor and call for the removal of his massive monument at Hollyhood Cemetery in Brookline. This painful and reprehensible quote from the elder Kennedy was recounted in the Frank Sinatra biography "Mr. S." by Sinatra's African-American assistant George Jacobs.

The Kennedy's have a long history of anti-Semitism and racism, much of it recorded in Joe Sr.s diary. Then there was the shameful JFK/RFK wiretapping of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. They only supported Civil Rights when it became politically expedient and "can't you find any white help?" at restaurants and clubs was a familiar Kennedy "joke" with black or Jewish servers, among a long list of terrible remarks. Even Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg dropped Schlossberg during her ill-fated U.S. Senate run, sheepishly claiming she never legally took her married name although she never sought a correction in the decades prior when it was published. It will be interesting to see which rally the Kennedy's attend.

Perhaps 1-800-Joe-For-Oil can take a break from his million dollar salary at the "non-profit" or the young Congressman can take a stand.

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And Wilson was a racist. But like the original Papa Kennedy, he's long dead.

As opposed to a president who can't bring himself to condemn Nazis. And is a racist.

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Will the Kennedy's remove the massive memorial in Brookline to Joseph Kennedy Sr. with his history of virulent racism and antisemitism? When will the FDR Memorial be removed in Washington in light of FDR turning away a shipload of desperate Jews, sending them to their slaughter and placing innocent Japanese Americans is Concentration Camps? Will the ADL call for the removal of these disturbing monuments or do the rules only apply to some, not others?

The Kennedy's, with their history of sympathy for Hitler, antisemitism and racism, who couldn't even mention the name of the banished borderline special needs daughter, seem a lot more extreme than the Trumps. President Trump, with a long history in public life, has no history of racism. His Orthodox Jew daughter and son-in-law are top aides. Actually, the "nice try" is on you sir.

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But as long as we're bringing up Krnnedy-era stuff remember how Fred got arrested for being a Klan member in 1927 and how he and Donnie worked yo keep blacks out of their apartments I the 1960s?

Don't pretend you just don't remember, pal.

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Try to follow along, Adam. The Virginia protests had to do with groups opposed to the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. At some point, Nazi supporters and a rally were mentioned without mention of the Kennedys, the prominent Boston family that was one of the earliest and strongest supporters of the Nazi movement and antisemitism. That's part of the origin of Nazi support and antisemitism in this country. Is there any doubt the Jewish people and Civil Rights would have been better off without the Kennedy's?

Will any of the Kennedy memorials, especially the large one for their benefactor Joseph Sr. be removed? FDR turned away a shipload of desperate Jews, sending them to their slaughter. He placed thousands of innocent, Japanese Americans in Concentration camps. May we hear from the liberal activists on when the Kennedy Memorial in Brookline and the FDR Memorial in Washington will be removed?

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The initial protests may have been about statues (speaking of memorials, why the hell are we allowing a Daughters of the Confederacy memorial out in Boston Harbor?). People from Ohio couldn't care less about Robert E. Lee or the local issues involved in a small Virginia city. They were there for a "Unite the Right" bash-a-liberal stormtrooper march.

Unlike worshippers of Dear Leader, people on the left are not afraid to realize their heroes were imperfect. Yes, FDR did things that were wrong. Bobby Kennedy made mistakes in his early career. There are even numerous critiques from the left of Obama. But they were able to move on from that and achieve great things. Little man-baby and his sycophants? Not so much.

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Hey Adam, is there an ignore feature in the comments? I'm tired of seeing Fish's obvious trolling. Is there any way that I can just block his comments when I'm logged in?

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I've been asking for years..... I wish there was..

But now its just like charlie browns teacher when he posts...

wah wah wahhhhh.. wah wahhh wahhhhhh... wah wah wah wah

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Markkk was banned. Fish should join him. Nothing of value will be lost.

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But if you ban O-FISH-L, then I'd have to actually go to Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones, the Herald, StormFront, and Fox News to find out what all the race-baiting, dickheaded, lowest common denominator, Republican, white supremacy bullshit talking points are these days!

Why do you hate me like that???

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We may not like the rantings and "alternative facts" and other nonsense he posts, but he occasionally adds some value to the conversation (besides others' replies countering his claims with irrefutable facts, which helps somewhat with the conversation). Taking away his ability to edit posts after replies are posted might be more appropriate. It is very clear that he edits posts after others reply to his original posts (the timestamp is changed after a post is edited, so there are cases where the replies to his posts appear to be posted before the original post).

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We may not like the rantings and "alternative facts" and other nonsense he posts, but he occasionally adds some value to the conversation

And I'm sure your (entirely hypothetical) racist uncle bakes a great pumpkin pie, but that's not a good reason to keep inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner when you know perfectly well he'll just pollute the air with his racist, sexist, homophobic drivel. Or, if you want to come down on the side of your uncle, admit that you don't give a damn about your African-American nephew, or your Jewish sister-in-law, or your gay son.

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This is a forum where ideas and opinions are shared by design. The answer to free speech is more free speech: It's appropriate to call him out when he posts untruths and outright lies. If he continues repeatedly making a fool of himself by posting whatever delusional nonsense he puts out there, that's on him. It's on the rest of us to call him out and tell him why he's wrong.

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And it's completely in bad faith and it's a waste of our time. That's why I said he should be banned in the first place. The dude is a 100% troll who adds nothing and just wants to stir up shit. If you think otherwise then you're fooling yourself.

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There have been a few occasions where he's ignored his predilections and just contributed information. They are few and far between and I'm not claiming it redeems his idiocy in total or anything. But my opinion is that he thinks he's providing a valid counter-culture to the atmosphere here and arguing from "the other side of the coin". However, because he's often wrong, this requires him to use horrendous logic and/or lots of fallacies to make his tenuous connections in an attempt to justify why his opinion on the topic is right (if he's even on topic and not just using the topic as a way to slam lefties/Democrats).

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Lie. But for those unfamiliar:

What those commies at Fortune have to say about the matter.

In point of fact, Trump has been a notorious racist his whole life. The old Kraut in the sheet told him never to rent to blacks, and he went downhill from there.

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Hey, now that was comedy gold!

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...and the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville was erected nearly 60 years after the end of the Civil War.

You apologists for white supremacy love to make everything contemporary when it suits you and ancient history when it doesn't, don't you? You are a shameless bigot and you are fooling no one.

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Punching Nazis is heritage for respectable Americans!

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Which is particularly stupid in this case, as you can find plenty of crass quotes from JPK, if that's what blows your skirt up.

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For someone with biblio in their name, you should read the book. It's called "Mr. S." and the quote is on pg. 118. Particularly stupid? Let me help.

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Not all books are worth reading. For example, Mein Kampf. And most salacious celebrity biographies, written to cash in, are also not worth it.


You are quoting a celebrity biography, ghostwritten with the fired valet of Frank Sinatra, written in 2003-- 45 years after JP Kennedy's death, 60 years after the time the alleged incident occurred.

Joseph Kennedy suffered his first confirmed stroke in 1961 and had complete aphasia within months. People close to him suspected he may have had a stroke, or some other neural debilitation, a few years earlier-- roughly, the late 1950s. That is one of the reasons he did not publicly participate in his son's presidential campaign, as he was sometimes confused, feeble, or forgetful. He was rarely alone when outside of the family homes during this time, and it is very unlikely he was hanging with Sinatra. The book you quote was "written" by the guy who served as Sinatra's valet from 1953 until the late 1960s, so we're talking about a possible 5 year period in which this exchange could occur.

So. What are the chances that Joe Kennedy, Irish-American social climber, in the middle of the 1950s, before frozen pizzas were a thing and before pizza chains were ubiquitous, would even know how to make a "joke" that relied on putting pizza in an oven? And would tell it in front of Frank Sinatra's valet? And the valet would recognize who Joe Kennedy is? And would remember it 60 years later?

You are free to go wade through the Joseph Kennedy collection at the JFK Library. You will find a lot that would make most people wince-- maybe not you, but most people.

But I'll bet $20 you won't find that joke or anything like it. It simply doesn't make sense. It's not the sort of joke he would have made. Hell, it's not the sort of antisemitic comment he would have made. He was one of those anti-semites who grappled to find the illusion of intellectual and historical validation for his antisemitism, like Roald Dahl or Winston Churchill. Just like so many racists and bigots do now, sometimes by quoting Breitbart, then doing a quick google search to find a different questionable source for the quote.

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How ironic the notorious liar and white nationalist sympathizer Fish lifts passages from an editorial written by Howie Carr for Brietbart News as the basis for his latest right-wing, talking points, regurgitation.

Brietbart News is the "alt Right's" media platform for disseminating a myriad of myths, misrepresentations' lies, distortions and general bigotry. No surprise that the arm chair cop wannabe Fish can only turn to that source to advance a plausible deniable message of hate.

Fish hides his identity because, like Trump, he does not want the real facts to come out about himself. He portrays himself as some sort of introspective commentator of social issues when in fact he is no different from the holder of a Nazi flag demonstrating against people of color, religions he hates and society in general.

I challenge him today to identify himself to include which police department that he worked for and the specific dates he work for his employer. He won't, of course, because he has much to hide.

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Dave-from-Boston, your reason for using a fake name? Ha! Always fact check me, please. I try to provide a link as I did at 1:10 pm. Just click the blue "help" and it will take you to the shocking racist and antisemitic comments by Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. on page 118. Those are pages in a book, "Mr. S" by African-American George Jacobs, an aide to Frank Sinatra, not Howie Carr.

Adam and others dismiss the Kennedy racism and antisemitism as old news but even in 2008 during her disastrous campaign to fill Hillary's U.S Senate seat, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg conveniently dropped the Schlossberg name long attributed to her. An obvious attempt to hide any trace of Jewishness. The dutiful media allowed her to get away with it. As for young Joseph P. Kennedy's comments on "too many have fought hard to bury hatred," will he denounce the racist, antisemitic history of his namesake and return his inheritance made possible on the backs of suffering Jews? Will he call for the removal of his great grandfather/namesake's massive Brookline memorial or will he call for preservation of the Confederate statues? You can't have it both ways, unless Democrat. Achilles called, his heel hurts.

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George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
. . .
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

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Here, here. I couldn't agree more. I was very happy to vote against Jeb and I regret my donations to G.H.W.B and G.W.B. although they were the lesser of the evils at the time. Don't forget the disgraceful racial history of the Gore family. No wonder why Al Gore wants to change the subject and make billions with Global Warming rebranded as "Climate Change."

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You think you know more about climate science than thousands of climate scientists. You could not be more delusional and incorrect on every topic. The only ones making billions are the oil companies who own the politicians you foolishly vote for.

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You realize that the reason people started calling it Climate Change instead of Global Warming is because Global Warming is one thing that is happening due to fossil fuel emissions, but Climate Change is the entirety of the problem that results from Global Warming, right?

This wasn't Philip Morris changing names to Altria to attempt to hide from some past shame. This was because we are causing Global Warming and that is inducing a horrific pattern of Climate Change as a result...thus Climate Change is the real problem and it's due to Global Warming (which didn't go anywhere).

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I'm curious...you have it straight from Caroline's mouth that she dropped 'Schlossberg' from her name because she wanted to avoid 'any trace of Jewishness'? Wouldn't the more logical explanation be that she was trying to capitalize on the Kennedy brand? Why would someone eager to 'avoid any trace of Jewishness' marry a Jew?

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I'll be over with the crowd of anti-Nazis, mocking you and the rest of the inbred yokels who crawl out of their basements once a year to blink stupidly in the sunlight. How will I recognize you? I assume you'll be wearing your customary brown shirt and jackboots, but that might not be enough to pick you out of the crowd. Should I just keep an eye out for the guy wearing matching brown pants, so as to avoid embarrassment at the pants-shitting that will happen when you realize the anti-fa outnumbers the the Nazis ten to one and you can't hide behind a pseudonym and a nonexistent badge in real life?

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I'll be on the anti-Nazi side, erik. It was your Democrats like Joe Kennedy Sr. who supported Hitler. Democrat FDR who delayed getting involved, turned away at least one shipload of desperate Jews and sent them to their slaughter and placed thousands of Japanese Americans into Concentration Camps.

Democrats like Bull Connor, Al Gore Sr. and KKK leader Sen. Bob Byrd (2007 Democrat President pro-tempore) hated blacks. The Democrat boss and Klan leader Byrd apparently had a close, behind the scenes relationship with the Kennedy's, weeping at the mention of his "good friend" Senator Ted Kennedy and second wife Vicki. She is the daughter of a convicted federal judge. Which side will you be on? Will you join me in calling for a tear down of the JFK Library and EMK Museum along with the Confederate statues? Fair is fair.

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Rather than acknowledging your rabid support for the living, active white supremacists now in residence in the White House. So, not the anti-Nazi side.

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...is the day you wear your BPD uniform to do it in.


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Does the phrase 'Nixon's Southern Strategy' mean anything to you? You realize that many racists jumped the Dixiecrat ship after Kennedy and Johnson secured voting rights in the Southern states, integrated schools, eliminated Jim Crow laws and passed the Civil Rights Act? Byrd repudiated his membership with the KKK publicly and tried to redeem himself through public service. But alas, from you, no forgiveness for Democrats.

You seem to think if a Democrat said something remotely racist 50 years ago they should be accused of hypocrisy and the ignominy of having their memorials (that includes tombstones according to you apparently - I can't find a public memorial to Kennedy Sr) torn down. But surely what public figures must be judged upon are their public actions and legislative record rather than any private beliefs, as hypocritical as they may seem to you?

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Why are these people wasting time protesting? Nothing will come of it, the Nazis (idiots) won't change.

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The Nazis will just get more accelerationist. They're already directly responsible for one death this weekend (three if you include the state troopers who probably wouldn't have been in that helicopter otherwise). How many more do we want to let them try to get away with?

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three if you include the state troopers who probably wouldn't have been in that helicopter otherwise

Huh? This is the type of reasoning that people use to blame the 1996 Olympic Park bombing for 2 deaths. The bomb killed one person. A photographer heard the blast and rushed to the scene to take pictures. He ran too fast and had a heart attack. People consider him a bombing victim, even though it's nonsensical to do so.

This twisting of facts to pursue an agenda (anti Trump, anti Republican, anti Nazi, etc) are what makes the environment worse.

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The hatred on display in Charlottesville, Virginia yesterday is sickening. White supremacy and Nazi sympathy have no place in America.

After the September 11 attacks, President Bush stated plainly, “you’re either with us or against us” in the fight against terror. I spent four tours in Iraq fighting terrorism, and I will fight it just as strongly here at home.

Let us be clear: this is domestic terrorism. There are not “many sides” to this violence. There are two sides. Right and wrong. Good and evil. Peace and terror.

On this Sunday, when we worship or spend time with our families and friends, let's remember the victims of yesterday’s violence, but let’s also reflect on terrorism’s political goals: to silence and subjugate through fear and intimidation. We cannot be bowed by this attack.

As we reflect, let's honor the courage and righteousness of the students and others who counter-protested to stand up for American values. Brave acts like this will keep us on a path toward equality and justice.

Because we must, and shall, overcome this together.

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Too many have fought too hard to bury hatred and intolerance in our nation's past to allow it to resurrect in Charlottesville. Disgusting and dangerous.

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All I know is what has been reported in the media, but it seems clear that the murder, and violence committed yesterday is due to the hate generated by white supremacists. Any civilized society must condemn such hate - either we live together in peace or perish together in hate.

I am one who will defend the right to say and believe things I find abhorrent. That tolerance does not condone violence but embraces American values. But the proper reaction to wrong-thinking is not silence - it is renewed vigilance and commitment to answer the call to a higher social order.

Today, I pray for the people killed and injured and seek calm amidst the fury. Once done, we should all refocus on the difficult task of ending bigotry in all its forms and building a better, more tolerant, more compassionate society.

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The same guy that once said things can "get a little bloody when necessary " calls for a stop to violence.

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Which Capuano immediately apologized for saying. Trump, meanwhile encourages violence often and never apologizes for anything. Trump couldn't even bring himself to directly criticize the White Supremacists.

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