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Right-wing Senate candidate learns a Whole Foods might not be the best spot to collect signatures
By adamg on Mon, 05/28/2018 - 5:32pm

Candidate on the far right.
Shamus Moynihan happened to drop by the Dedham Whole Foods this afternoon as independent Senate candidate Shiva Ayyadurai and some minions were outside trying to collect signatures.
People are running away from him like that street scene in Borat.
Free tagging:
As I was leaving I couldn’t help myself
When one of the signature collectors asked me again I responded with “Sorry, I can’t support a woman beater”. To which one of the collectors yells “That was dismissed!!”
Then Shiva says “That’s why we have American law not Sharia law. Get with the program!” He then asks “Are you a Muslim?” To which I of course respond “Yes!”. He says “that figures”.
Definitely the best thing to happen to me in a while. I’m still laughing.
Boring. Of course this fool won’t get any signatures.
Are we supposed to give you a medal now?
If Lively can do it then
If Lively can do it then Shiva can do it.
Beth Lindstrom.
I'm holding out for Beth Lindstrom. She's got experience in government, she's practical, doesn't have the baggage of a couple of the others and would mount a viable run against Sen Warren.
I think she presents the biggest danger to Warren being re-elected.
Oh, guffaw!!!
Beth who?
Lets get her name out there
If she wins the primary, it is very unlikely she can counter Liz Warren's 65+% approval rating.
If she loses, the brownshirts have shown their hand in rejecting a qualified women.
Yeah, right...
I'll get right on that.... She's a loser. All the way around.
She's just my preferred candidate.
"If she wins the primary, it is very unlikely she can counter Liz Warren's 65+% approval rating.
If she loses, the brownshirts have shown their hand in rejecting a qualified women."
Hillary lost...
That's right. She did...
What's that got to do with a more stylishly attired Geoff Diehl?
I signed for Lively
I want him to be on the Republican ballot. Lets see a show of hands as to what percentage of the Commonwealth's Republicans are backward lunatics.
Inside joke or non sequitur?
I can't make heads nor tails of this.
You are not alone...
Just sayin'.
I hate to defend this crazy politician, but I think he meant
that US law is supposed to only punish people who've been convicted. A dismissed case does not imply guilt.
I am a right wing male
I am a right wing male
Let's send all the libs to jail
I'm here at Whole Foods
They all think I'm a fool
I should just grab some kale
Sue me, Shiva...I long for the chance to appear pro se just for you!!!
You didn't invent e-mail, you're a racist loser and Liz Warren is going to crush you like the Silicon Valley punchline that you've been since 9600 baud.
Don't bait him, Brian...
He beat Cambridge like a rented mule.
You're taking a hell of a risk with daddy's money.
Cambridge didn’t pay him a nickel
and their lead counsel got in a couple of pretty vicious jabs in the legal paperwork they filed. That sure doesn’t sound like a rented mule to me. But you’ve got kind of a weird fixation on this guy, don’t you?
The city lost. Period.
"and their lead counsel got in a couple of pretty vicious jabs in the legal paperwork they filed."
Well, I guess that settles that. Oh, I'm sorry. They lost. The building inspector went out there to fine him and make him take the sign down.
Neither one happened.
"That sure doesn’t sound like a rented mule to me. But you’ve got kind of a weird fixation on this guy, don’t you?"
Is the bus still there? So, if the answer is 'yes' I guess he won. Not a fixation, I just like the LOL factor of the whole thing.
You’re very confusing...
Daddy’s money? And Shiva? He doesn’t have the balls. Or the brains. Just a lot of lawyers.
Save your quarters, kid.
"...Just a lot of lawyers."
Which takes money. Ask OJ.
Ha ha
Beat Cambridge like a mule? Yes, he won the right to park his bus in his parking lot only after proving it wasn't parked there permanently. Big win. In the meantime, you might want to read up on the disposition of the case, in which a judge agreed to let him withdraw the suit without compelling Cambridge to submit to his other demands, or as he called them, his "terms of surrender."
He way overreached. The bus, which has wheels, is still there. Is there a poster on it?
Hey, he can ask for the Crown Jewels...but the bus is still there.
So he won.
We have a Shiva Fanboy here!
Oh, hi.
So why ARE you a fanboy?
Shiva is a nutjob. He's useless at best. So why are you a fan?
Scroll WAY the hell back up.
Look for a post that mentions Beth Lindstrom. As a matter of fact, you get extra points if you can find two that reference her.
Reading comprehension...you should try it sometime.
Shiva is a little 'off'... the word 'nutjob' is so demeaning to the differently enabled, but he is fun to watch.
I'm a Beth Lindstrom fanboy. At least she's not a shyster screwing cancer patients out of $500 mill...and you'll never convince me Warren didn't see it coming, if she didn't then maybe her competence should also come into question.
Not one for good PR
Let us not forget that this real, actual Senate candidate freely uses the n-word on Twitter too.
I love seeing terrified
I love seeing terrified liberals run far away from anyone who dares to think differently.
There is thinking differently
And there is toxic weaponized hate and misogyny.
The latter smells like last week's roadkill on a hot day.
Hey, Libs! Look! I'm eating
Hey, Libs! Look! I'm eating rotten garbage! What's the matter? Are you afraid of someone who dares to think differently about cuisine?
Hey, why are you running away? Triggered much??
I'm neither terrified nor
I'm neither terrified nor running. I love having conversations with ppl that think differently. As long as that "thinking" is born in facts and research :)
I love seeing
how every halfwit denying climate change, or declaring that vaccines cause autism, or that the earth is flat, or that school massacres are all faked, or that Shiva Ayyadurai invented email, praises himself for "daring to think differently".
Will UHub ever describe a
Will UHub ever describe a candidate as "left wing"?
Sure ...
Show me a candidate calling for a Communist revolution that would feature putting men up against a wall and campaigning at the Dedham Whole Foods, as opposed to a guy who announced his candidacy at a party organized by a rabid misogynist white-nationalist pizzagater and, sure, I'll describe that candidate as a left-winger.
Bernie stands for election in Vermont
Signatures in Massachusetts would do him no good.
Ditto for Corey Booker and Kamala Harris.
Comrades Markey and Warren have secured their party's nomination and will appear on the ballot without needing to collect signatures.
Nice technicality you've got there, Adam.
Oh, please
Warren is hardly as far to the left as your pal at the Whole Foods is to the right.
And you think Corey "I heart Wall Street" Booker is a leftist? You don't know many leftists, I take it.
AG's right Roman
After making some decent coin flipping bank owned (repo) houses, she finally made it to the Big Leagues...in front of the Supreme Court, where she lent her expertise to a case involving Traveler's Insurance, protecting the rights of the workers that were suing them because of occupational disease caused by asbestos. Oh, by 'protecting their rights' I mean she worked for Traveler's Insurance. Did a good job, too...seemed like they reserved $500 million for the workers...until they didn't. Traveler's has some type of immunity and workers got
fuca poor deal. They paid her $212k.As far as her ancestry, hey, she might be part Cherokee. She's from Oklahoma, sure why not? Even if not, I don't care, she didn't screw me out of a job at Harvard.
Oh ya. Leans leftie on on the political stage, but sure as hell knows how to butter her own bread.
Warren made a small profit selling houses to family. That’s it. Anything other Howie Carr racist talking points you need rebuffed?
Sorry, nothing racist here, kid.
"Warren made a small profit selling houses to family. That’s it. Anything other Howie Carr racist talking points you need rebuffed?"
Very altruistic of her. Selling houses to her downtrodden Native family. Don't shit yourself, Brian. She made over $100K on just one deal. Just ask Mary Frances Hickman's granddaughter.
Care to expound on the Traveler's $500 mill clusterfsk?
Woman whose politics you disagree with makes a few bucks...
Pussy grabbing scumbag robs seniors with a fake university, some of whom died waiting for the settlement.
What's wrong with this scenario? And a quick Google on Hickman turns up at least 10 RWNJ sites that seem to be where you get your information. Good luck with that.
Try the Globe.
Or the Puffington Host.
Well...anything interesting on the Traveler's Insurance thing?
We're not talking about Trump. We're talking about Shiva and Warren. Try to focus. Take some Adderal.
Anything interesting to say on
Trump University, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, bankruptcies, sexual assault, racism, embracing Nazis, Central Park Five, Ivana’s rape, the thirteen year old girl who accused him of rape..,,,,
Warren's Ancestry Irrelevant in Hiring, Law Schools Say
"All of them, Katie."
"All of them, Katie."
New here?
There is a little search box on the upper right hand side that might help you find where even some of us lefties have discussed our ideological left elbows.
Like here: https://www.universalhub.com/node/16809
You had to go back 8 years
To find an "article" which hardly has the same syntax.
So what did you find?
When you used the search function?
Were you expecting that someone would post each and every link?
P.S. ten years.
The stupid is strong on this one.. I mean, at least know your audience. And they ain't at Whole Foods. Not even close.
A signature is not
A signature is not necessarily a sign of support.
Yes I know.. I ran for office once myself. But even still, know your audience.
Why would a person sign a petition
for someone or something they don't support?
Sometimes you just want to put someone on the ballot
without committing to vote for them. For instance, I think I signed both Mike Capuano's and Ayanna Pressley's nomination petitions, and I can only vote for one of them in September.
That was the tactic that a
That was the tactic that a woman gathering signatures a few weeks ago was attempting at the Star Market on Mt Auburn across from Mt Auburn cemetery (on the Cambridge/Belmont line).
Her: "Hi, would you like to sign a petition to get another candidate on the ballot? Better for democracy to have more than just two candidates, don't you think?"
Me: "Who is it for?"
Her (embarrassed, but truthful?): "Shiva..."
Me: "Haha, no thanks, and you've gotta be kidding me. Have a great evening."
For a candidate?
Because you want to see them run in a crowded field of second-rate independent candidates, so as to dilute and divide the vote of the 27% between as many lunatic fringe mouth-breathers as possible.
For ballot initiatives? No idea, which is why I was very confused when the dude at the JP Whole Foods wouldn't accept "Sorry, I don't agree with that initiative"as an answer last week.
I'll sign nominating
I'll sign nominating petitions for people I don't oppose, because I think voters should have a choice of candidates, not wind up reelecting someone just because they have more campaign funds. Using Ron's example, I don't see a large difference between Capuano and Pressley; I signed a petition for him, and will sign one for her if it's offered, and decide sometime in the next three months who to vote for in the primary.
It's not like signing a petition for a ballot initiative. Those are yes/no, and if they don't pass, or don't get on the ballot, things go on as they were. With a senate seat we're choosing the best (or least bad) candidate, given that exactly one candidate will be elected.
He may be a right wing nut
He may be a right wing nut but that doesn't mean he is not a locally grown, organic right wing nut.
The blur between reality and phoniness these days......
I am convinced that this guy's entire campaign is performance art. Has to be. Invented email? Married to Fran Drescher? Truck parked in Cambridge with "Fauxchahantas" on the side? This guy reminds me of that "mockumentary" a few years back with Joaquin Phoenix growing out his beard and getting into fights while launching a rap career.
I smell something funny too
I too suspect this guy is a bit of an act. The relationship with Dresher alone shows he is showbiz oriented. I always felt that way about Ann Coulter also. People get so worked up about her, but I suspect that, though she may hold some conservative beliefs, she is basically having us all on.
Seems par for the course when
Seems par for the course when a thrice married reality show host who brags about sexually assaulting women is president. It doesn't matter if they are "real" or not if morons vote for them.
If by 'brags' you mean...
..."They let you grab their bleepy", then I guess it's bragging, but not about sexual assault. Assault is an unwelcome advance.
He, on the tape, plainly says, "...let..." See? A famous man once said, "Words have meanings."
See that word, "let"? It means something.
Plus, he's getting so many things done on the world stage. It's fun to watch.
" It doesn't matter if they are "real" or not if morons vote for them." Coming from someone who thinks that representatives are there to 'protect' their constituents, I'm wondering who's the moron?
Trump IS getting things done on the world stage!!
Ivanka Trump is doing a GREAT job getting licensing deals from China, while a fat baby faced lunatic makes her father look like the biggest sap on the world stage.
"Ivanka Trump is doing a GREAT job getting licensing deals from China, while a fat baby faced lunatic makes her father look like the biggest sap on the world stage."
Right...by meeting with him to discuss getting rid of nukes on the Korean peninsula? What's next?
...2014...never mind...
Here's what worries me
And it's not just you, so don't take it personally.
Ivanka Trump had some trademarks registered in China, and somehow the story has become her getting licensing deals. I fear for this country when a little tidbit of news becomes something completely different. And yes, the other side does the same thing, but that certainly don't make it right.
Making Duterte Great Again!!
Nothing to see here.....move along....
Once again, I'll note
Registering a trademark is very different from becoming a spokesperson or anything else of that ilk. But sure, double down.
Companies from Starbucks to Walmart have internationally trademarks. Are they also stooges of the Trump administration?
....after her father took office.
I'm reading a book about what Hunter Biden started doing with one of the Heinz kids back in 2009. The first thing they did was ink an equity deal with the Bank of China. Trust me, his business was a lot more interconnected with the Chinese government, but sure, someone who sells clothing in her name keeps on registering trademarks after her dad is elected President and....
Wait, you still haven't figured out the difference between a registered trademark and a "licensing deal" yet, have you?
I see the word "Let"
I see it as meaning, "...are sufficiently intimidated by the power imbalance, and sufficiently despairing of ever prevailing in a court, given the size of your legal team, to protest when you...."
Try splicing that into the sentence in place of "let" and see what you think.
Maybe Senator Joe was on to something...
Tinfoil hat-alert!
What is Joe McCarthy was on to something... The Russians infiltrated Hollywood because they saw how weak minded Americans had become, trusting their beloved TV stars above everything else. The Philip and Elizabeth Jennings of our timeline actually became Fran Dresher and Uncle Donnie.
I don't actually believe this, but I also starting to think that I should invest in Reynolds wrap...
Echo chamber, echo chamber, echo chamber...
As sure as the sunrises...
Does Shiva drink alcohol?
If so how much? Every high functioning alcoholic I've encountered is both brilliant in the bs and the biggest liar.
Or maybe Shiva just can't help being a fanatic for himself. He has a good example in D.C.
Can we not?
Since we're not talking about the Republican representative from Virginia's 5th district, let's assume he comes by his views without the help of alcohol, please.
...but at least he's not a member of the Choom Gang.
It takes 10,000 signatures to get
onto the ballot as an independent candidate for the senate. At the rate he was scaring off customers yesterday, he’ll struggle to have that number in time to see if his email invention suffers from the dreaded Y2038 bug.
He claims to be an anti-GMO activist
which is probably why he chose a Whole Foods, rather than say a Roche Bros., to do this.
I could maybe see the connection
if he were actually talking about his anti-GMO stance, rather than spewing word salad about Elizabeth Warren. But he opted to go the word salad route, mixed with a healthy dose of anti-Islam bigotry, so he can go fuck himself.
Also, I have a nascent theory I'm working on about the alt-right and their connection to the anti-GMO movement... the nazis who rallied on the Common last summer made a last-second pivot to some generic anti-GMO messaging, after it became obvious that they wouldn't be able to recreate what they did in Charlottesville. The InfoWars crowd has begun picking it up, in the same vein as the "fluoride in the drinking water is an insidious communist plot" wackos. Now this chucklehead is jumping on the bandwagon. GMO protest was once a leftist cause, but now I feel like it's on its own axis. Working theory: if you get rid of GMO-enhanced food, a billion people in the third world die of starvation. Those people are mostly brown, so it's your average alt-righter's wet dream.
Sounds reasonable
Sounds reasonable
You also have the fact that people who are anti-gmo are already susceptible to groupthink and aren't too concerned with facts, so if you can get them on board with one common cause, it's not hard to use that as an indoctrination springboard. like how hard righters have co-opted the pick up artist community, which on the surface has little in common with conservationism either.
*Doing Fenway-like chant*
"Shiva sucks...Shiva sucks"