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Kavanaugh protesters march through downtown Boston



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Justice Kavanaugh

Or so it would soon seem.

We'll see.

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President Trump predicted we would win so much, we would get tired of winning!

Great to see one of the last honorable Democrat Senators, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) voting for Hon. Judge Kavanaugh so that Montana Republican Sen. Steve Maines can attend his own daughter's wedding without having to fly back to D.C. No need for that extra vote. Bipartisanship!

Farewell to Sen. Mary Kathryn Heitkamp (D-ND) down 15% in the polls with the election a month away, voting against Kavanaugh in a key red state. Great career move, MSNBC / CNN probably pays more. Heidi, we hardly knew ye.

We'll see if Justice Ginsburg age 85 and Justice Breyer age 80, can hang on for 6+ years.

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voting against Kavanaugh in a key red state. Great career move

I’d rather our elected officials have spines and do what’s best for their country, not their careers. But hey, that’s just me.

Manchin was already facing an uphill battle, and undoubtedly just lost a huge chunk of his party, so he can be honorably out of office soon too. Here’s hoping he’s holding the door for Susan Collins, whom I just lost all respect for.

Meanwhile in WV, poverty is increasing and the economy is growing at a slower rate than the national average.

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President Trump predicted we would win so much, we would get tired of winning!

If the past two years is called "winning".. I'm ready to get off the winning merry-go-round then...

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If you are on the right side of political spectrum then yes there has been a lot of winning. Even the "never Trump" conservatives came around to support Kavanaugh.

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Fish is trying to hang a W on the wall in the first inning after scoring a run or two before the other team has even come to bat. The longterm effects of his policies will reverberate for years.

God help us if we need a favor from say Germany or Canada. They'll tell us to go ask Russia and North Korea for help.

And generations of kids will pay for the insanity that passes for budget and tax policy.

And while I believe kavanaugh should be confirmed, this case shows how horribly divided our country is. Every president for decades is partly responsible, but Trump raises it to a whole new art form.

Where's the "not art" guy when you need him?

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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is up by 10% and could have voted no, even though Trump won WV in a landslide with support for clean coal. Heidi (D-ND) is down 15% so basically showing the middle finger to her constituents and the country. As old Hollywood used to say, "leave them laughing." Farewell, Heidi.

Perhaps one of the best speeches of Sen. Susan Collins' career. I remember her on Joe Malone's MA State Treasury staff in 92-93, prior to two clowns who engaged in corruption and hurt Joe, a good and decent man.

I love Maine and will be happier spending money there with Susan's vote. Try the Amrak Downeaster, right out of North Station. Very scenic and a nice lounge.


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BETO 2020

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You think the downeaster will last past Drumpf's fellation of the automakers?


After these guys are done with your Social Security and your Medicare and taxing your pension heavily, you'll be enjoying dog food in Massachusetts.

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I doubt Trump has plans to cancel the Amtrak Downeaster, especially after the courage shown by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Gov Paul LePage (R-ME). Your prediction sounds like the disastrous fake Globe front page against President Trump.

The Boston Globe predicted if Donald Trump was elected President, we would have a stock market crash. Instead we have record highs.

The Boston Globe predicted nuclear war with North Korea and Iran. Instead we have peace with North Korea and sanctions restored on Iran, bringing them to desperation.

The Boston Globe predicted that under Trump, blacks would be returned to slavery. Instead, African-Americans have record employment and prosperity.

When I called the "Boston" Globe's fake Dorchester number to cancel, the phone was answered by a lovely woman in broken English located in Manila, Philippines. She said "many, many" had called to cancel after fake Trump front page. Meanwhile Globe owner John Henry is worried about "racism" on Yawkey Way. Speaking of slavery, I should have asked the Globe's woman in Manila what she was being paid.

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Mr Fishodor

I am so very very sorry that the Globe has caused you so much hurt and stress that you feel the need to repeat this story repeatedly. Every time I read the part about customer service being located in the Philippines I am shocked and disturbed that you had to deal with a person in a foreign country. So Sad! It appears that you may have a serious case of PTSD. Please seek immediate help for your delicate and disabling condition. But in the meantime feel free to repeat your story again and again and again and again. You gain so many allies every time you do.


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They’re the ones thumbs-upping his verbal diarrhea. Now, the $64,000 question: is UHub being brigaded by right-wing trolls whose comments we aren’t seeing because of the moderation queue, or has Fish discovered he can vote for himself multiple times by clearing his cookies? They both seem equally likely on their face, but never forget Trump’s Razor: all other things being equal, when a right-winger does something, it’s always because of the stupidest reason possible. Thus I vote: cookie clearing.

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Hold on to your hat.

The bond market is tanking and that's never a good indicator for stocks. China and India also imploded this week and the only thing keeping Japan afloat is the government literally buying stocks to prop up the market. In Europe, Italy is rumored to be a much larger Greece in the making.

By many historical measures, the US stock market is 20-35% overvalued. If earnings keep rising, Nobel Laureate Bob Shiller predicts an average return of 2.6% over the next ten years. That's not an opinion, it's math (exact same math that he predicted would drop the market in the late 90s and the housing market in the mid 2000s).

If earnings don't rise, hold on to your trousers. Our 401k's will get pantsed. And if you think your pension is immune from that, go talk to the governor of Rhode Island to see what happens to pensions in a market crash.

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When the Fed Reserver chair, Jerome Powell, says the economy is "too good to be true", we should be listening. The yield curve has been near inversion for the past two months.


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Yeah, of course you had that conversation with a Globe support staffer located in Manila. Or you're deranged. Which is more likely for us to believe?

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I still believe the devil's triangle is a sex thing.

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Whether you agree or disagree Senator Susan Collins continued in the tradition of women from Maine who show political courage while her male colleagues cower. Remember it was Senator Margaret Smith from Maine who faced the mob and took on the despicable Democrat Joe McCarthy and his lowlife lawyer and mentor to President Trump Roy Cohn.

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You mention "the despicable Democrat Joe McCarthy." If you are talking about "tail gunner Joe" the US Senator from WI, he was a Republican. Otherwise, you are correct: He was indeed despicable. Bob Pessek, Allstpm

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Sweetheart, did you truly believe that the alcoholic, closet case Joe McCarthy fo Wisconsin was Democratic? That is comparable to claiming that the US and Japanese fought the fascist power of Germany and Great Britain.

If you knowledge of basic recent US history is so bad then I have to take your thoughts concerning Susan B. Collins with a pound of salt.

What does B. stand for? Betrayer. She betrayed everyone woman who have ever been sexually assaulted. Yet the same is true for each person who voted for Barf. With one exception of McConnell. McConnell already took a step beyond betrayer to traitor. He violated his oath of office by refusing to do his job in hearings for Merrick Garland.

Barf O'Kavanaugh made clear that as a late adolescent boy he saw girls as vessels for his pleasure. His lies at the hearing about the meaning of words made clear he was swimming for dear life against a tide of his own words returning to haunt him.

Did he attempt to rape Dr. Ford? Maybe we will never know beyond a shadow of a doubt. But that shadow is narrow and thin. Only an actual criminal trial can get to a legal conclusion.

But Barf's own words set him up as an adolescent who preyed upon younger girls.

But Barf did add a word to the English language: Boofing. Lying to a Senate hearing while drunkenly yelling at Senators (and the nation) that they have no business questioning him, who makes grunts that sound like, "I know you are, but what am I" while repeatedly proclaiming his love for beer; a man whose love for beer exceeds that of justice, the nation and God.

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And, yes, anybody who really thinks McCarthy was anything but the vanguard of the coming Republican Party needs some remedial history classes (especially because Smith was also a Republican, which makes her courage all the remarkable and an example of how far Maine Republicans have fallen).

But I think the Man in the White Castle was a comedy with Harold and Kumar :-).

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Is Mr. Yale from south of the Mason Dixon or just trying too hard?

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I'm from NY originally. But a lot of my friends in college (DC) used it and I gradually found myself using it too. Much easier to say than the NY version of "you guys". I kind of went away from it after college, but now find difficult to say you guys especially if women are in the group (common even with women in NY).

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So we're taking our protest to the streets of one of the most liberal cities in the US. To the state house where Dems have a majority and a liberal masquerading as a Republican is sure to win a second term.

Do something productive people. Take the message to the heart of America where we need to make an impact. Think outside of the liberal bubble.

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if you think what they're doing is so "unproductive". concretely, what could any of those participants have done that would meet your standards? jump on a plane to "the heart of America" (whatever that is).. and do, what, exactly?

for that matter, what have you done, besides internet commentary?

this is what people do, they express support or discontent physically, where they are. yes, of course it's not "useful" in that they dont have local lawmakers to convince, but often protests and demonstrations are not really intended to reach lawmakers, they are intended to reach other citizens, to make a display that is visible and concrete.

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Actually work on a campaign (which involves talking to voters either in person or on the phone).
Donate the money normally spent on soy lattes or avocado toast.
Don't wear a man bun. No one will take you seriously.

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your hatred of an invented "hipster type" is a little distracting. what do soy lattes and toast and man buns have to do with anything?

but more to the point, why do you assume that public demonstrators are not also doing all those virtuous things you talk about? they aren't mutually exclusive categories

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Ah god, it's always so amusing when a "conservative" lectures liberals about what they should be doing. Kind of like a thief who plans to rob you advising you on how to secure your house.


Do you think they don't?

Actually work on a campaign (which involves talking to voters either in person or on the phone).

Do you think they don't? I did. Did you?

Donate the money normally spent on soy lattes or avocado toast.

Do you think they don't? Do you?

Don't wear a man bun. No one will take you seriously.

Better a man bun than a MAGAt hat, the 21st century's equivalent of a white hood.

Thank you so much for your kind words and your sincere and well-intentioned advice, chucklehead.

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Y’ALL IN CHAINZ.” - Sweet Joe Biden

Instead of perpetuating this guilt ridden slap fest. Dems, regroup and get ready to make change instead of wining about what was obvious. Susan Collins, a woman, yes—but has she ever upset the apple cart? Maine is Maine. Hard to leave your constituents out in the cold from a pure business standpoint.

Democrats need rebranding but sadly it will be as confused, disjointed and out of touch as Dunkin.

Trump is good in that we need to air all this shit out. We certainly have trouble taking our medicine here in the USA and that makes our current “radical new therapy” all the more vital. Trump has brought about a type of spiritual and social herxheimer; The purging of the shadow is a serious and important part of human evolution. It is however certainly uncomfortable in many ways. Alas, sweeping change in CONSCIOUSNESS will rarely come by our own volition collectively. America is like a life long smoker who has a few cancer scares and continues to smoke. It’s usually not until things are terminal that we finally give up the scherade and focus on what’s important in earnest.

Let’s stop fighting amongst one another. These folks work for us but still honestly and truly, barely represent America, except for the worst parts of it. Politics, the entertainment branch of the military industrial complex.

Oh, hai China....

I’m a human being. We all are. Don’t let think make you think otherwise.

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Maine is Maine. Hard to leave your constituents out in the cold from a pure business standpoint.

Do tell. Please, explain for the slow kids exactly how voting against Kavanaugh would have "left her constituents out in the cold from a pure business standpoint". Is he going to rule in favor of some economic policy that will measurably improve their lives from a "pure business standpoint"?

Kavanaugh won confirmation by the slimmest margin ever. Do the math. It's really not hard.

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