By adamg on Tue., 11/13/2018 - 10:53 am
The State House News Service summarizes a panel discussion with Rachael Rollins, newly elected Suffolk County DA and Liz Miranda and Nika Elugardo, both elected as state representatives.
Miranda said that as a candidate this year, she felt she was "fighting" against a party that she says should have been helping her.
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By Residente
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 11:40am
It's a pretty good article and very in-depth. Do take time to read the whole thing before you comment. Same thing is happening in other states. A college friend of mine, a woman, had an extremely hard time "breaking-in" to the democratic party in RI. She won her primary and the general, but they didn't make it easy. I get it, you have power, you don't want to give it up, but times they are a changing.
Rollins said
By anon
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 11:44am
"White women are wonderful. You don't understand the black community, right. You believe that you can speak to us and about us but you don't even include us in the decision-making and I don't have time to be nice about it anymore because things are urgent right now. It is life or death. We don't have the death penalty in Massachusetts. We send people away for life without the possibility of parole all the time and we are impacting people's lives that changes them drastically all the time. I don't have time for your feelings. We're going to change it now."
Ummm, what?
It's a weird quote to write
By RoseMai
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 9:55am
It's a weird quote to write out, but I'm guessing it made sense in person. The first part makes sense, and if I had to guess on the rest I'd think she meant:
"It is life or death. [No, ] we don't have the death penalty in Massachusetts, [but] we send people away for life without the possibility of parole all the time... we are impacting people's lives [in a way] that changes them drastically. All the time. I don't have time for your feelings. We're going to change it now."
Sounds right to me.
By tmrozzie
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 12:34pm
These women worked at least twice as hard as their opponents, overcoming headwinds of incumbency, race, and the "old pol network". May they serve as a model for future candidates who dare to rock the boat.
Rollins and Miranda ran in
By The Guy
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 12:36pm
Rollins and Miranda ran in open primaries. Elugardo challenged a liberal incumbent. Why would any of them expect the party establishment to choose sides in those? It never does. And if it did, the criticism would be the party shouldn't be picking sides. Can't have it both ways.
By tmrozzie
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 2:39pm
I don't know about you, but I would count the sitting mayor, a bunch of the city council, the city employees who "volunteered" as the establishment.
So, to summarize
By Waquiot
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 1:25pm
Liz Miranda defeated the longest tenured African American in the General Court, Nika Elugardo defeated one of the highest ranking Democrats in the House who is also a "person of color," and Rachel Rollins, whose father would not look out of place in a rural pub in Co. Kerry, defeated a field as racially diverse as she is, yet the Democratic Party is somehow racist? Congratulations, Massachusetts, I think we've okay with the race issue when people of color are griping about not getting support in their races to defeat people of color because of racism.
On the other hand, I'll be assuming that these three will do everything possible to make sure that Van Ness is not on the ballot in two years' time so that Idowu can have a decent shot against Scaccia.
CORRECTION- I somehow confused MIranda's win of an open seat with Jon Santiago's defeat of Byron Rushing. My bad. I don't know how to do a decent job correcting this without messing things up. Still, I'd love to know what the state party did to support Miranda's opponents. Also, my points on Elugardo and Rollins stand.
By Parkwayne
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 1:21pm
You see that guy on the VFW with equally huge Diehl and Steve Murphy signs? I'd bet heavy money that's the kind of institutional voter from the Steve Lynch arm of the regional party who's not phone banking for candidates like these.
I'll double your bet
By Waquiot
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 1:28pm
That the guy might be a registered Democrat, but he is not a part of the party apparatus. Conversely, how many elected officials who are Democrats (an oxymoron, I know) endorsed Baker this year? That's a different problem right there.
Still, the issue was racism, and both Murphy (in the primary) and Diehl (in the primary and general) ran against white people (and Shiva, who is honorary white by now.)
Honestly, I don't know
By Parkwayne
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 1:43pm
I am picturing people like Marty Walsh's cousin Marty Walsh and the 'Top Chef' case guys - you think they're out phonebanking for Nika! after she beat Sanchez? You think the people in DeLeo's orbit were? I suspect not.
Let me put it to you this way
By Waquiot
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 5:44pm
Nika needed as much help after two days after Labor Day as Scaccia, Dan Hunt, and even DeLeo himself needed, which was none, mainly because there were no other names on the ballot in November. Rollins might be able to make the case, but she was able to destroy Maloney in the general election without breaking a sweat. The reality in Boston was that each candidate works on their own.
Conversely, it never ceases to amaze me that the Republican Party doesn't even recruit candidates for all the races. There should be 160 Republicans running against 160 Democrats for the MA House, 40 against 40 for the MA Senate, and 9 for 9 for Congress. Sure, the results might be the same, but at least they should have tried. And I always imagine that in states like Wyoming the same is true in reverse. It's just sad.
EDIT- I changed the third sentence in the second paragraph so it might make sense this time.
"At least they tried"??? um,
By Bev
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 3:33pm
"At least they tried"??? um, what? Why waste money and time campaigning for an unwinnable seat? Add to that the current atmosphere of nastiness - who wants protesters picketing at your children's school and defaming you with labels of racist and Nazi? I'm an Independent and even I can understand why Republicans don't want to run for office in Massachusetts. I don't blame the Republicans at all for sitting it out.
I mean
By Parkwayne
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 4:46pm
they could try not supporting racist policies and not get called a racist? It's not defaming if it's true.
I'm also very interested to know where exactly in MA a GOP candidate had their children's school picketed - please post a link.
I'm editing that post
By Waquiot
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 5:43pm
Since even for me, that don't make no sense.
Setting out 200 candidates, with hopefully good temperaments, will affect the public's view of them (assuming, of course, they aren't all Scott Lively clones.) Then, it becomes a question of platform and whether or not the Democrats should be returned.
Pro Tip
By anon
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 10:09am
Don't act like a racist, don't be a Nazi and people won't "defame you" with "labels".
Got it?
Romney did that while gov.
By anon
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 3:45pm
Romney did that while gov. Candidates ran for all offices. Slaughtered. Even lost seats I think.
What is Elugardo even talking
By Max Filth
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 1:43pm
What is Elugardo even talking about? She knocked off the most powerful Latino in state government who is from an immigrant family, for one thing, by calling him a racist against immigrants. And look at her supporters in photos. They are whiter than a bar of soap. JP gonna JP. Good luck.
By Bugs Bunny
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 1:53pm
They won and yet still complain. Some people are never happy.
My coffee order was wrong this morning
By StillFromDorchester
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 2:02pm
I said cream and sugar and only got sugar, I blame racisim because everything is racisim.....
By tmrozzie
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 2:37pm
Everything is racism. Hard to disentangle 500 years of racism as policy in this country. It's pervasive and pernicious.
That's what I said when they messed up my coffee
By StillFromDorchester
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 2:50pm
But I just got the eye roll.
So black
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 9:20am
coffee is not good enough for you?
It's gotta be white, huh?
Why all the sudden is this a headline?
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 3:55pm
Am I the only person that watches "Basic Black"?
You and 100 others
By StillFromDorchester
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 4:03pm
That is 3 more than Beat The Press with Emily Rooney
Not that hard
By Luke Warm
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 4:52pm
to disentangle racism from policy if you have a clear unmuddled intention, the facts, and a national platform. fade on even one of those necessities for a minute and you will lose ground big, because the unconscious reigns.
I see no lies
By Jay
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 6:26pm
Massachusetts is impressive because it ignores and excludes it’s large and substantial minority population from civic live,political life, and many other parts of every day life better than almost any state in the nation. Massachusetts rarely releases racial demographic data and will rarely tell its constituents what the changes in their communities are occurring. Massachusetts- whether you believe it or not- IS one of the fastest diversifying state in the country behind only (NV MN WA and just behind RI Which is still not l quite as diverse as mass) and has been for about 15 to 20 years.
30% of this state is minority right now many of our biggest cities a majority minority. And 58% of births in 2017 were minorities. That mean about 40% of all parents in MA are minorities.
Many of our suburbs exhibit SIGNIFICANT minority populations. The demographic shift has largely occured and the under 40-year-old population. The older white population who runs the Democratic Party of Massachusetts is used to a state that is about 90% white as it was into the late 80s and early 90s. The fact of the matter is Ma demographically is more similar to 1998 New Jersey than 1990 Mass or even 2008 Mass. Democrats have been comfortable with MA having token minority representation since the 1980s but the 2 million POC in the state have outgrown that role. The MA Democrat party must look to model NJ or risk being a CT (slightly more diverse than MA but not NJ levels).
ThIs states democrat politicians emulate from and cater to MetroWest and the Northampton/Amherst area. They ignore diverse area in Plymouth/Norfolk and Essex. Hampden gets attention because Springfield/Holyoke is relatively dire. Boston residents south of the pike get relatively little attention minus JP.
Anyone else who’s lived in another urban blue state can tell you exactly where when and why Massachusetts has a racist system. Sadly most white residents from Massachusetts just have their heads so far up their ass about how great it is here “for everybody†they’re unable to see what’s right in front of them...which is why people tend not to like us
By Waquiot
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 8:35pm
The South Shore gets a lot of political attention. And there is little care given to the state west of Worcester.
Which south shore?
By Jay
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 9:10pm
Hingham Cohasset Duxberry Norwell?
When both Brockton and Randolph have black mayors I’ll believe South Shore Democrats are diverse and supportive of minority candidates. And I don’t think the south coast gets lots of attention. Unfortunately Jasiel Correa has probably hurt minority citywide candidates in some circles.
I had a lengthy talk today with an intern at work from Whitman she told me how working in Baltimore and coming back to Whitman has been a huge and upsetting realization of how bad prejudices here where she says she knew but she didn’t realize it just how many whites and prejudice many south shore towns are including virtually all of the ones I listed above. Mind you this is a young girl who was born and raised in Whitman as was her mother and most of her friends mother she’s grown up with the same friend group since elementary school and all of the mothers are still friends. I told her about a recent negative racist Experience I had with a man from the south shore and she says “I’m not surprisedâ€
I think the rest of my piece still holds water.
You know what a shore is, right?
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 8:36am
Also, Randolph does not have a mayor, and Brockton is far from being a black city. The political leadership of Massachusetts is mostly from the Metro Boston area, and if you ever met someone from West of Worcester, you'd lean very quickly that they are ignored on Beacon Hill.
If you piece was a pail, it would be more like a sieve.
Brockton is pretty much a black city now.
By Pete Nice
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 9:51am
Boston Herald actually has an interesting article on Roxbury residents getting forced out of their homes. A lot of them are basically being forced to relocate to Randolph, Brockton, Avon, etc.
I won't doubt that black people live there
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 10:00am
Since I just provided the statistics, but we're not talking Atlanta stats, either. Given the raw data and throwing in citizenship issues, the city having a white mayor is not a sign of anything. Heck, Detroit has a white mayor.
I used to also throw Washington DC as an example of a black majority city, but from what I hear and saw recently, that might be, um, "changing."
This is exactly what I’m talking about
By Jay
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 1:42pm
Brockton is at least 43% black. Atlanta is 52% black. Blacks are the largest ethnic group in Yhe city. The schools are 61% black. Brrockton has the highest black population percentage wise in all of New England. Bloomfield CT has a higher percentage but it’s a small town of barely 20k. To say Brockton isn’t a black coty is the exact ethos the candiates are talking about. Randolph is also over 40% black. But whatever this is a typical Mass attitude.
I don't know if you know how this works
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 3:54pm
But 43% is not a majority.
Meanwhile, Framingham has an African American mayor because she worked her behind off to get elected. That's how these things work. Augie Grace represented Burlington on the Massachusetts House of Representatives back in the 1980s. On the flip side, William Carpenter is currently the mayor of Brockton. Are you going to claim he doesn't care about his black (or Hispanic) constituents?
Your idea of places demographically outdated
By Jay
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 1:45pm
Dc hasn’t been majority black since 2010. Brockton is essentially just as black as DC 43% vs. 46%. New Haven and Hartford are less black than Brockton but have had black mayors.
Sure, now
By Parkwayne
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 3:46pm
Remember a fella named Stan Rosenberg? What was that, two years ago?
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 3:55pm
And I remember Jane Swift, too. Can anyone come up with another example of a West of Worcester politician having any clout?
Sure, let's just throw out the facts we don't like, right?
By Parkwayne
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 4:17pm
I mean, he was head of the Senate for 3 years - that's the third biggest job in state government.
So, let’s summarize
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 5:52pm
The State Senate was run for 3 years by a guy who represented Hampshire County, and the last person to have the post from out west was?
Similarly, the last person to act as Governor from out west, who was elected as lt. governor, held that post for less than two years. And the governor before that from west of Worcester was?
And of course none of us can name the last Speaker of the House from, well, west of Weston.
Cool story bro
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 9:18am
Could you point us to a factual reference for your demographic assertions? I keep finding references that say that MA is more than 80% caucasian, and less than 9% black. I must be looking in the wrong place.
Go due South
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 9:57am
Randolph and Brockton are about 39% African American (Non-Hispanic.) Milton is 14%. Beyond that you are talking towns that went from a rounding error to an actual percentage but less that 9%.
From 2017 Census (see sock puppets link)
By Pete Nice
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 10:08am
44.5% white
41.1% black
10.1% Latino
3.7% Two or more races
39.6% White (non hispanic)
I'm not sure what officially makes a city "black" or not, but I'm sure the school system has some numbers as well.
I stand by my numbers
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 11:42am
If we are knocking out the 5% of white people who are Hispanic, then let's knock out the 2 to 3% of black people who are the same.
I don't know what I'd call Brockton. White plurality (barely.) There has been a rise in the view that since white people are no longer a majority, there should be a black mayor for some reason. They tried that in Chicago only to discover that the Hispanics, the #3 group in that city, can make or break the mayoral elections. And Chicago's numbers are close to Brockton's.
Brockton is like 41% black 7
By Jay
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 2:32pm
Brockton is like 41% black 7-10% Hispanic 38% white form my recollection of 2017 stats.
Randolph is about 43% black. I know Stoughton is about 14% black as well-their school system is exactly 21.5% black and The rough estimates I’ve seen out of Bridgewater show about 850 black residents out of about 8100 total residents...
So we are talking 2 municipalities
By Waquiot
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 3:57pm
And you do know that school kids don't vote, right?
But sure, 14% is a big number. Practically a majority.
2010 data?
By anon
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 10:07am
Try 2015 instead.
2017 AmericanFactFinder 1year estimates for jurisdictions 65k+
By Jay
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 2:11pm
Your looking at numbers that include Hispanic. Black Hispanic or white hispanic. I can also tell those aren’t 2017 number. This state isn’t 9% black it’s really only 7% black those numbers are also my the most recent 2017 estimates. American Fact Finder has the most comprehensive stats for any jurisdiction over 65k in thousand of different cross sections. They also have yearly updates for all municipalities over 30k people at the end of the year. You can compare cities states, PUMA, metro areas etc. you can also find data back to about 2005. American fact finder are generally the stats municipal governments use.
MA is
71% non Hispanic white
12% Hispanic
7% Black non Hispanic
7% Asian
2 mixed race
1% other
Potato, batata
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 4:07pm
A different way to look at the same numbers is that the total percentage of MA that's white declined only 5% and not 8% from 2005 to 2017, because of white Hispanics, who are the fastest growing demographic group in MA.
Who gets counted as what is pretty political.
Both on a collective level and on a personal level.
Ever hear of the US Census?
By anon
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 10:05am
Also, the Donahue Institute at UMass?
These both release demographic data on a regular basis. US Census ACS 2014 is down to the tract level.
Yeah, ya see
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 1:37pm
The census? That's that linky thing that's in another color on the page. Go ahead and click. The data I linked to is for 2017.
What I'm looking for is not a demonstration that the demographic of Brockton is unusual for the state. I'm looking for any support for Jay's assertion that the diversity of the state as a whole much resembles that of New Jersey.
Because the census does not support that. Here's the census again:,ma...
New Jersey is rapidly heading towards being a majority minority state, and MA is not. It just looks that way if you stand on certain street corners. Say, in Brockton.
By anon
Wed, 11/14/2018 - 2:01pm
Check your thread. I replied to Jay.
Bit oversensitive about these things are ya?
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