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A long time coming: Government Center Dunk's finally being restored

New Dunkin' at Government Center Green Line stop

Hannah shows us the new coffee/donuts stand on the Green Line platform at Government Center, which will, finally, replace the one taken out when the station was rebuilt, which forced addicted Bostonians to climb all the way up the stairs and shade their eyes from the bright sun as they shuffled to the Dunkin' Donuts roughly 20 feet from the station entrance, or, if that one was too busy, the one just around the corner, past the Starbucks.



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Dunkin is cracking down on franchise's skirting the hiring policy and hiring illegals.

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will you be first in line to take a job picking produce, mopping floors, mowing lawns, caring for babies and the elderly, or selling coffee to commuters once Herr Kommandant Drumpf and his brown shirts finally get all the undocumented workers out of the country?

Or are you latching onto a made up issue designed to distract the country from the real problems (wealth gap, climate change, education/health costs)? Seems like the latter is more the case.

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Do you want people on the country illegally to be taken advantage of by employers?
If we allow companies to hire illegal immigrants then why have immigration laws at all?

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Exhibit A - Why our immigration system is broken, exhibit A.

Maybe if the process was easier, then they wouldn't be undocumented.

You're crazy to think that all these jobs that were once held by undocumented people are going to be quickly employed.

News Flash: if this was the case, we'd never need to report unemployment numbers because they would be less than 1%. The vast majority of these jobs are jobs most people do not want. You wanna fill these roles, then get inline behind the folks who want to increase the minimum wage. It would make these jobs more attractive.

You've just solidified three liberal points

1. Immigration reform
2. Employment reform
3. Raising the minimum wage

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No way, if these people were out of our country, all those jobs would be filled by hard workin', Trump votin' 'MURICANS!


because entitled citizen shitheads throughout this country are so willing to do manual labor traditionally done by minority groups they have been taught to look down upon for generations. but hey, kick out all the 'illegals' - can't wait for lettuce to cost $25 a head, have no janitorial services anywhere, and for our elderly to have to wallow in their own filth because nobody is there to clean up for them when they are infirm.

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If employers can't get anyone to work for minimum wage. The ample supply of undocumented workers gives employers a vast pool of cheap labor -- labor for which they're not paying the true social costs. Without undocumented workers, if employers want workers to pick fruit, scrub floors, take care of kids, etc. -- they're going to have to pay a market-clearing wage, and they're going to have to cover payroll taxes.

"[J]obs most people do not want" are unwanted because the pay is crap. Pay more and/or offer better benefits and you'll get more applicants.

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""[J]obs most people do not want" are unwanted because the pay is crap. Pay more and/or offer better benefits and you'll get more applicants."

Hello. I just said that.. pay more and you will get more applicants who want those jobs.

How do you do this? raise minimum wage and force these crappy employers to pay their employees more.

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we, as a nation, need to do more to recognize the intrinsic value that these jobs actually provide. the stigma over manual labor is foolish and has forced countless people into crippling debt by going into college programs they couldn't afford and which would not actually elevate their career tracks.

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Restrict the supply of labor which can be exploited cheaply and wages must go up if employers want people to work.

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The ample supply of undocumented workers gives employers a vast pool of cheap labor -- labor for which they're not paying the true social costs. Without undocumented workers, if employers want workers to pick fruit, scrub floors, take care of kids, etc. -- they're going to have to pay a market-clearing wage, and they're going to have to cover payroll taxes.

And you're going to have to pay enough for products to support a "market-clearing wage". Are you ready to do that?

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So it's disingenuous to say we need people who will take these crappy, low-pay jobs and also say we need a minimum wage increase. Take away the supply of labor which can be exploited for less than its true social cost and wages must rise.

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yeah, i'm sure your primary concern is for the laborers... kind of hard to take that as a serious statement when you referred to them as "THE ILLEGALS" which in 2019 is nothing but a racist dog whistle phrase.

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I want to update my virtue signaling handbook.

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The way you're using it, it's a bigoted slur.

Be better.

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The struggle is real!

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A reason to go on living...

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Took them long enough.

I remember, I think it was announced here, that a DD was going to open in that spot about a year after the station was renovated...

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The T's banned that permanently.

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Popcorn: The defining smell of Government Center Station (well that and urine.)

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That popcorn was so much better than shitty sugar sponge DD "donuts".

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handfuls. Then people would throw the bag away.

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as a feature of the rebuilt station even before the old station was closed.

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The MBTA should encourage more small business development in the stations. The Downtown Crossing concourse and the Park street concourse would be ideal for more fast food establishments. Food trucks could sell their goods at the larger parking lots and bring back the popcorn and pizza slices.

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I agree with this. It seems like it would be an opportunity for the agency to make more money, while also providing services that enhance the experience for riders.

How did Dunkies end up back in that spot? Nobody else wanted to take a crack at it? I'm surprised it isn't going to be a hipster espresso bar. I bet a business like that would clean up.

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...where would Jacob Wohl sit and plug in his laptop?

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Burnt popcorn smell is the worst...

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The key is of course those other Dunk's cost a great deal more on a percentage basis

For those of us who either are our own employer or whose employer doesn't pay for a T pass -- those other cups of Dunk cost an extra $2.40 as of today....... Do that for a week and you've paid for lunch..

Not to mention the time factor for someone trying to get to North Station to catch a train on a crowded platform where the time between two Green Line departures might be important

So it does make a difference.

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All the, ummm.... ambiance of the attendant's booth at BI's Pilgrim Rd parking garage.

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...any follow-up on last week's stabbing?

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Yeah, no thank you.
I don't buy inferior products when I can avoid it. However, maybe spreading the cream cheese out of the packet and on the rails will reduce wheel flange squealing.

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