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Westie tough guys vow to protect 'hood from phantom menace

Spray painted warning against Antifa

Photo by Chris Lang.

Aw, looks like the Fruits and Veggies Gang is all growed up and back living in West Roxbury. Litnana spotted their work on the retaining wall along the CVS parking lot on Centre Street this morning. Despite a doctored-up fake flier alleging Antifa was coming to West Roxbury on Monday to level the place, in fact, the vigil they were allegedly going to burst out of was entirely peaceful and nobody went down Centre Street looting.



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Jesus Christ, this neighborhood is full of so many fucking tools that it could be a hardware store.

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Lol. The NIMBY who owns the hardware store boarded up his place too.

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do you know if he has been vocally opposed to certain proposals/issues?

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Why all the hate against this area?
Lead as usual by our neighbor

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You must or are you just assuming it's someone from West Roxbury. Just like people assume it was the protesters who were looting.

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Because going to other neighborhoods to write political graffiti in a CVS parking lot is definitely something that people do.

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...it was Antifa doing the painting, no Westie tough guys have that kind of graphic design skill

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What a well written and fine piece of professional journalism. I like how the story starts off “aw”. That’s how you know it will be a factual and useful piece of writing.

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This vandalism and its merits should be soundly mocked.

Do you have any counter reporting on this? Oh no! Maybe ANTIFA did it themselves, I'm sure you can come with some Alt-Reich narrative to explain this!

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Are you tying to imply that the graffiti doesn't actually exist? Because I can run down to the CVS and check for you.

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If so, please ask for help! You can disguise it as another unnecessary complaint about the journalism standards of a free blog that the rest of us are free to ignore if we don't like its content.

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Dear Mr/Ms Republican:

Which of the facts exactly would you like to dispute? Or are you just pounding the table?

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

― Carl Sandburg

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Complete sentences, correct punctuation, proper use of case. Much better than the comment section on FoxNews.

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There’s a hyphen missing in the compound adjective and the period belongs inside the quotation mark.

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Republican: If you were to study the history of journalism you would know that journalism comes in all colors and flavors. It ranged from regular political papers that support one party or another, to the yellow journalism of Hearst which encouraged an illegal war, to the new idea (at the time) of a journalism that was objective.

A criticism about the use of "aw" does not amount to anything more than ignorance and naïveté.

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Worth noting no one was talking about Antifa, the group best known for punching actual neo-nazis, until Trump grabbed it out of bag O' distractions. That group has no leader or fractions. It's mostly a bunch of guys on reddit trying to track what white power guys are up to. They sometimes show up to get in the face of people protesting against civil rights.

Unemployment is at 20%, 100k people are dead, millions are infected, and we're seeing protests unlike any other in the last 50 years because people are tired of being threatened and killed by the police.

Go write that on a wall.

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All the teabillies are turning out in small towns now because they seriously believe that 1) antifa is an actual organization (rather than just people opposing fascism like our grandparents did); 2) that busloads of "Antifas" are going to descend on their rural burgs to riot and loot - as if that would be worth the gas money; and, 3) Meal Team Six cosplay will look strong rather than ridiculous.

I suspect that efforts by the "very fine people" to make people afraid of antifascists has resulted in people trolling themselves, largely due to their piss-poor grasp of demography and geography.

See also: Coquille, Oregon, a small isolated coastal range town in one of the more isolated regions of the extreme western edge of the continent (about 2.5 hours from ahy real metro area), known for giant illegal marijuana growing plantations and the more rational hardcore preppers.

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Speaking of Oregon. Cops there were caught coordinating with armed militiamen and Proud Boys before tear gassing protestors.


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The idea that three busloads of "antifas" would bother to travel three to five hours each way to "loot" their shitty downtown?

That's a pretty extreme detachment from rational reality.

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C'mon man. I want to see changes too on a large scale but what's happening now is this.

1. Right or wrong media hates Trump. We agree here.

2. Blue states issued strict lockdowns on covid. Blame covid onTtrump if you want but then so to should you blame most of the leaders of the western world. European countries have far more cases and deaths than we do per population.

3. Bernie supporters are pissed and feel the DNC ain't working for them.

4. This country is neither Nazi Germany NOR has it lived up to it's potential. Lotta inflammatory things being said.

5. Leaders and media conglomerates are happy to adopt the narrative that... NO it's not the gargantuan wealth gap in this country (that they are the beneficiaries of) causing much of the issues facing underprivileged communities... it's actually the working class men and women in uniform that are threatening your lives. Look at facts and data.

6. The negative relationship with cops that people feel is real. But teaching an entire generation to think they are worthy of mockery and/or all together disbandment is not the move. Not realistic. And will result in devastating losses to the future of cities.

My take. I respect others.

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"Right or wrong media hates Trump."

There's obviously a spectrum of media in this country, especially on the op-ed side, but the notion that serious mainstream media "hates Trump" in its reporting is patently bogus.

I hear this from my Trumpie friends a lot: I post a bit of reporting that is empirically true -- Trump said this thing, and he's on video as saying this thing, and it's obviously false, stupid, and/or contradicts something that he said a few days or minutes ago. And that shows him to be a bald-faced liar, gaslighter, hypocrite, bigot, or just plain asshole. Point this out, and they get all angry, as if pointed out that sticking your hand in a fire will burn you, and their response is not, "Good to know", but, "Why do you have this irrational hatred of fire?"

I get it: Trumpies have been conditioned by decades of right-wing propaganda to distrust facts, science, education, experts, and experience. But I'm not asking you to trust those hateful, treacherous elites, just fucking acknowledge that Trump said the things that he's on video as saying. If you stick your fingers in your ears and go "La la la lal you just hate Trump! la la la", I'm going to have to respond, "You're either a toddler or a scary cult member, but either way, fuck off with your refusal to acknowledge what on the tape."

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Ha. Appreciate the impassioned rebuttal to my first point. It was in fact meant only to paint a picture of 2020 America and not a defense of Trump. I love to be disproven btw and I mean that. One less thing to hold internal conflict over. It's rare on both sides.

I don't know if you've watched Diblasio's press conferences, but something interesting is happenning. He's getting a taste of activist media questioning and I swear he was on the verge of saying 'fake news' the other day. Agenda in media is real. And even a super progressive like DiBlasio, being unwilling to discount the humanity of the NYPD, is getting called to resign. He's earned a ton of respect from me through this.

The finger in ear sticking is strong in the 2020. We're seeing the result of that right now. And I know my list of repugnant things Trump has said and I won't defend them. But they aren't quite as long as yours I'm sure.

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Not sure how many times people need to hear this before it starts to sink in, but "Antifa" is not an organization. There is no way to join Antifa. There are no Antifa leaders. There is no Antifa membership charter. Nobody pays dues to Antifa. It's literally just a label (anti-fascist) that anybody can identify as.

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If someone is forming a organization for the purpose of hating on the DMB, please contact me directly. I am interested.

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As am I!

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You guys are Tripping (Billies).

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Go crash into someone else.

Christ, I'd forgotten about that Ants song until just now. Holy shit is that bad music made by (I think?) a group of kind and decent people. They're like a Portrait of Dorian Grey for Morrissey or something.

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That's a fantastic simile--might have to steal it.

Unfortunately, a long-ago girlfriend of mine decided that DMB was mood music for... um... romance. I'm still dealing with the emotional trauma.

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I will even pay dues.

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the Eagles. I hate that band.

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I think people who dress in black, want to eliminate the police, and were Bernie Bros in a past life are now lumped together by the right as Antifa

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That's not easy for so many consecutive characters, so, there's that.

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...keeps their kids out of BPS so penmanship looks better across the board.

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I too an impressed. It's refreshing to see graffiti written in such a clean typeface.

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White paint on concrete? Should have gone for something that would stand out more. But I guess black might have been too triggering for them...

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I'm sure the color was part of the message.

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Or chalk?

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They could have accomplished the same thing with fewer words by just writing "I'm a Nazi." No?

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There was no looting. Or antifa.

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Maybe they'll catch a snipe while they're at it.

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It's easy to laugh at this tough guy posturing, until we find the next Travis McMichael living in West Roxbury. The police need to squash any of this vigilante nonsense immediately

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The fruits and veg are all cops now. They’re crying on their way to the protest OT shifts because they have to “work” the whole shift. And Rachel Rollins is mean to them.

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We have a bunch of firefighters too.

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Now I understand why Trump cares so little if people of that generation die of COVID-19.

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The original?

Compared to who? I certainly hope you aren't thinking anyone calling themselves Anti fascists today could be even remotely compared the men in this picture.

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... Bourne and all the other national cemeteries for major soil disturbance since the WW II vets, including my Dad, have been rolling in their graves since Pvt. BoneSpurs’s fascistic Operation Co-op The Bible the other day.

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We wouldn't have any standards at all.

The people that are authoritatively dismissing Antifa as a figment of Sean Hannity's fevered imagination are the same ones that assured us, for three years, that Trump and his crew were Roosian operatives. Just Wait Until the Mueller Report Comes Out!

This site has become the online equivalent of Eagan and Braude's Echo Chamber of the Air.

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If not for Moscow Mitch Putin could no use his "athleticism" to dominate the hamburglar of the White House, the bloated gasbag, the ambulatory puddle of silly putty that occupies the White House today.

Just wait until the reality of the Trumpy-Puty marriagecomes out.

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The people that are authoritatively dismissing Antifa as a figment of Sean Hannity's fevered imagination are the same ones that assured us, for three years, that Trump and his crew were Roosian operatives. Just Wait Until the Mueller Report Comes Out!

Not really.

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How to we know it Westie kids, were you there. Could have been a pink hair J.P. cyclist trying to make peaceful West Rox residents look poorly.

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And where are you from?

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Roslindale unlike you!

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Or just a poseur?

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Where your mom happened to live when you fell out of her isn't a life accomplishment.

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It's not all bad, you have a hooters now.

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Moved up the road to West Roxbury.

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That porn shop that used to be next to Little Peach is long gone

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Firebombed it.

I'm talking about the sex-toys shop on VFW Parkway, you know, Rte. 1, just past the McDonald's, the new Popeyes, the Burger King and the Taco Bell, the part of the road that everybody thinks is Dedham, but no, it's West Roxbury.

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Ok... that one.

That one is so non-descript that I barely remember it's there - there are a few other businesses there too that I wonder if many people go into.

For what it's worth - I think the WR/Dedham line on the VFW (formerly Rt1 at least colloquially) is right after where ChuckECheese used to be and before Ocean State Job Lot

This is a stale post so there won't be a deluge of people to correct me if I'm wrong sadly.

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Better tell that to my kid’s friends who are from JP.

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Well I know it wasn't you. The message on the wall was spelled correctly.

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1. The graffiti is upsetting and I hope it will be taken down swiftly. Believe it or not, it has been an upsetting week for a lot of people in West Roxbury. There are allys here.
2. I have lived in West Roxbury for my entire life and know that this does not represent the majority sentiment that currently reside around me. The neighborhood is diversifying and we do care.
3. The majority of people who grew up in West Roxbury can't afford to live here any more! Guess what? I don't recognize any of my neighbors from my childhood! They are mostly priced out or sold out for the south shore or Florida or suburbs or elsewhere! The people who used to cause trouble are gone, or in their late 70s and on the way out. We can all take a collective breath.
4. We do have a few hardware stores, so you're spot on with that tools comment. For the most part though, the people of West Roxbury are (sit down for this one) EXACTLY like the people of JP and Roslindale! (Gasp! I hope you aren't clutching your urban pearls too tightly - I know it is scary to think that people from West Roxbury might actually be like you!) We are even like people from other parts of Boston! Actually we are almost 1:1 in terms of culture with Roslindale, Newton and Brookline at this point! I challenge you to bike on the VFW and discern the borders from us and our neighbors! (Hint: there is barely a difference visually or culturally)
5. It is really unfortunate that what should be inspiring and empowering messages to do better as a society are missing entirely from this board, and these comments devolve into grating attacks on an entire neighborhood. I normally love Uhub, but lately it is getting hard to love. What if whoever did this is from Roslindale? It is pretty easy to walk over the border. But, I guess it is easier to "other" the people next door and hate, right? We went from a Tweet saying "Guess the Fruits and Veggies are back" to "Looks like the Fruits and Veggies are back" That is definitely one way to spin a narrative, huh? How much further are you willing to stretch things to justify how you feel about a place based on what you assume about people from there?

The tone in these comments is so smug and the understanding of West Roxbury is so, so far from reality. Does anyone here even actually know a real person from West Roxbury? Doesn't sound like it.

Key takeaway - uplift. Imagine the difference you could make.

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That's amazing. You called yourself an ally, then spent six paragraphs talking about yourself and your overwhelmingly white neighborhood.

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I know plenty of people from West Roxbury. People who were born and raised there. And yes, there are a lot of lovely, wonderful people...but
I've also met some of the most racist, classist, NIMBYish " Why can't the blacks just get over it but here's my screed about bussing even though I went to private school" chip on their shoulder jerks, in the largest bunches I've ever encountered.
There's this weird dichotomy where they're all about being "from Boston" city living tough guys and taking advantage of the benefits of living in a large progressive city, while also hating and being terrified of huge portions of that city and interacting with it as a citizen as little as possible.
They have a chip on their shoulder where they hate on the richer tonier suburbs while also being desperate to not let outsiders into their little enclave. There's also a weird obsession among this crew about how great and amazing West Roxbury is when it's pretty similar to every other middle class mostly white suburb in the state. Which is why I think the stupid "antifa" rumor was able to spread so quickly. They truly believe everyone who isn't them wants to be them, or wants what they have, and can't believe no one else thinks they're that special.

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People are going to hate on West Roxbury without ever talking to most of us. Double standards, you know. That’s ok. We’ll keep collecting food for those in need and contributing to many causes without all the fanfare. And when things open up again, lots of fundraisers will be held as they always have been. I don’t care what anyone thinks of me or my town. If people want to hate my neighborhood or me without even knowing me, that’s on them. It will not affect me because I know this town and it’s people.

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...but they're still not gonna cast you to star in an "uplift" themed Pepsi commercial.

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Magat 1: "There! How's that?"
Magat 2: "Terribly rude."
Magat 1: "Wait, isn't that the point?"
Magat 2: "Look, if we expect ANTIFA to participate in 'The Most Dangerous Game,' we should at least have the courtesy to tell them when it starts."
Magat 1: "Yeah, true. Should I send around an invite and coordinate schedules?"
Magat 2: "How about 'NOW'? 'NOW' works."
Magat 1: [Spray paints "NOW"] "I like it--has a real sense of immediacy to it."

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People called Romanes they go the house?

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I had completely forgotten that one.

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This time, instead of translating from the original Aramaic, it was from Russian

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on this one.

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I'm from and live in West Roxbury but have lived in Roslindale too and don't identify with either specifically - neither is as homogeneous as people believe to any degree

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West Roxbury? Roslindale? What about the other Boston neighborhood bordering West Roxbury,. Hyde Park. We get forgotten about.

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I'll try to cover it.

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and this is the sickest burn I've ever seen administered.

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Too much wooded land between WR and Hyde Park to consider it a neighboring neighborhood... just an opinion

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High-five for the title, Adam!

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