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On the Commonwealth Avenue Mall, one does not simply replace a bench


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Be careful what you wish for. Historically anything nice in Boston ends up with graffiti, spilled sticky drinks, and human waste on it.

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" the donor decided that the proposed design was a good one"

No offense to the donor or the Friends of the Public Garden, but unless the donor is a World ClassTM architect, furniture or urban landscape designer of high esteem and reputation, they are not the deciders for what is proper to be installed at a designated landmark and the Friends should've come up with a better excuse other than the one provided.

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Don't ever cross The Friends Of The Public Garden. You'll could wake up like that Senator in the Godfather II one day.

There is an attitude from them which I have seen in the past protective of "their" turf that would make most mafioso blush with jealousy.

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No, I'm from here, lived and worked in the Back Bay for many years and unlike yourself I'm still here in Boston and am well aware of the powers wielded by the neighborhood groups, as it should be as they're the folks who've decided to invest their time in fostering a community that works toward a future common good instead of making for the suburbs and sniping from afar. And while I make fun of them I also respect their efforts and give my support when needed.

Also, I'm old enough to remember what it was like replying to an innocuous UHub posting in jest just for the fun of it without having someone like yourself mansplain their limited understanding of the wider world as if it were fact, when their misuse of simple grammar and poorly copied metaphors betrays the contrary.

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What was it about that post that was "mansplaining?"

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I understand the reasons for historic preservation, etc. But this is one more example of how exhausting it can be to get something done.

Rather than being annoyed, I'm just grateful that people (both volunteer and paid staff) do work for "The Friends" and other city agencies, and are patient enough to stick with the process and get things done over time.

Boston may no be perfect. But it's pretty.

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... there are a lot of stakeholders, each with a different set of entirely legitimate interests. Sometimes those interests come into conflict. Broad engagement is on the whole a good thing. A sound public process gets everyone heard and leads to solutions that everyone can live with. Yeah it is messy and takes time, but it leads to good outcomes, generally.

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I agree with you in principal, but occasionally it leads to a stalemate where nothing gets done. I'm hoping that the Mass Pike project in Allston doesn't suffer that fate with a rebuild of the existing viaduct. That would be an absolute shame as the area has a ton of potential but not if it exists in the shadow of a giant overpass.

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I read all the words in the Sun article but I still have no idea what the new proposal and the old bench look like. But there is no picture, not even a link to a picture.

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Based on description, it sounds like this one...


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