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Leader of Boston Covid-19 response looks at running for mayor

Marty Martinez, Boston's chief of health and human services, said today he's thinking of running to replace his current boss, Marty Walsh, when Walsh moves to Washington as labor secretary.

Martinez said he's proud of the work he's done to help Boston respond to Covid-19, but said that whoever follows Walsh will have an incredible amount of work to continue the fight. "I'm absolutely considering running for mayor," he said in response to a reporter's question at a City Hall press conference about Covid-19.

Martinez wouldn't get drawn into the battle over whether Boston should hold a special election for mayor should Walsh leave before March 5, but said that whatever happens, he would work to ensure in-person voting is as safe as possible, as was done last year.

Under the city charter, Boston would have to hold a special election - and likely a preliminary for that - to elect somebody who would serve until the winning candidate in the regular fall elections is sworn in.



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What has he ever done in his life to deserve being elected mayor? Imho, he has a grossly inflated opinion of himself . His relentless self promotion of his wedding and his condo, and details of his life history in the NYT and the Globe have been over the top. Why does he think he is so important? He runs Health and Human Services for the City, and does a mediocre job.

How about some concrete proposals about solving Methadone Mile instead?

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Uhub exclusive. Hereye hereye. Magoo is running for mayor. Write in candidate. Magoo.

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Yeah, no.

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To know the identity of Magoo. More than anyone else on here by a million.

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I've know Martinez for many many many years, like so long ago, he was in college.. He was a douche bag back then, and still is a douche bag now.

I dont live in Boston propper so it doesnt matter, but you couldnt pay me to vote for him. Not that f**king douchebag.

This is where being a sh*thead for decades to people is gonna come back to haunt him. I'm not the only one who feels this way. He's all nicey on camera now, but he's a real work when the camera is off.

Vote for someone who has real qualifications, Like Wu . Not someone who's just on an ego trip with no experience.

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Is not inaccurate at all.

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So he would maintain the status quo.

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Wondering who Magoo is? Magoo is you. Or is Magoo? Magoo.

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