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North End restaurant owner who hates paying to put his tables on the public sidewalk also hates Biden voters, hopes they crack their skulls

Did you vote for Biden in 2020? You might want to think twice before dining at Rabia's Dolce Fumo on Salem Street in the North End, because its owner hates you.

When not suing Boston for the $1.5 million he claims he's owed, Christian Silvestri likes to drive around fuckin' rantin', most recently about Biden voters, whom he thinks all wear masks as they pedal around on bicycles:

I hope someone sticks a stick in your fuckin' tire and you fuckin' go flyin' a hundred feet and you crack your fuckin' skull, you fuckin whack jobs, you're fuckin' the whole world up.

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“And… scene.”

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I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion and has a right to say how it is, we in this country are privileged to have Freedom of Speech… to ridicule political figures on YouTube is also in the category of Freedom of Speech.

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Agree. As it is freedom of speech to report on what he chose to write. He has his freedom of speech. He isn't in jail.

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The statement "everyone has a right to their own opinion" is a fatuous truism. Yes, dear, you have the right to think whatever thoughts you want, and no one can stop you, and as much as it may disrupt the story line, no one really cares to.

The statement "everyone...has a right to say how it is" is true in "everyone's" own living room, but not everywhere, and so asserting this "right" categorically is nonsense.

to ridicule political figures on YouTube is also in the category of Freedom of Speech.

The "category" of freedom of speech to which you are clearly alluding is that in the 1st amendment to the Constitution, which states that government may not infringe on certain types of speech. The Constitution does not guarantee any spurious "right" to say whatever you want on private platforms such as YouTube; that's a matter of TOS. And nothing in the Constitution gives you the "right" to air your blowhard opinions on any platform and not face consequences.

tl;dr: the guy's an asshole, he's waving his asshole flag, and he will face the consequences of being a known asshole who spends his time publicizing the fact that he is a violent asshole.

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Why isn’t that particular video banned from YouTube yet..

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Why isn’t that particular video banned from YouTube yet..

No idea. Has anyone reported it?

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I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion and has a right to say how it is,

You're absolutely right. Did anybody say otherwise?

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This is just a guess, but for a guy who seems to have just a bit of affection for TFG, how many people in his kitchen got here and live here under the table?

Something tells me it is not all guys from just outside of Messina working the back room.

If the Mayor wanted to have fun, she could pull a Curley and have "emergency street repairs" on Friday and Saturday nights on Salem Street.

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on his closet being full of Ed Hardy tshirts?

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Of his "Spartan" stickers on his car now

Of Orange County Chopper stickers on his car in 2006.

Of his W - The President stickers on his car in 2004.

Of his Geoff Diehl signs in the window of the restaurant this summer.

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…and thankfully Mayor Wu doesn’t use the Office as a hammer to reek havoc on innocent people to retaliate against one person (see Governor Chis Christie and Bridgegate- another politician who should be in jail)

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Still waiting for someone to do time for manslaughter for that whole thing after the ambulance passenger died.

Of course, they're in the big club with bailed-out Wall Street types, so nothing happened.

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As a democrat myself some of the rants on President Biden are realistic in a sense.
We get it, no US President is perfect ..
Why doesn’t Christian rant on the Boston Mayor on other matters other than outdoor dining , how about she should focus on placing low income immigrants to reside on Beacon hill or West Roxbury, stick 7 people in one apartment and let them eat up all the parking spaces, Eastie style. . I would love to see that happen in my lifetime.

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I wonder if he chooses to live in New Hampshire in order to avoid the crowding, parking, traffic, and noise problems caused by North End businesses?

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He lives in Revere. Also - you're giving him a case for defamation here. Might want to be careful with the continuous negative posts about he / his restaurant.

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Who knew that misstating someone's address is defamation? Hilarious.

Maybe he lives in Revere, maybe he lives in New Hampshire. But his videos show him driving on what looks like 93 north of the city on a regular basis. (shoulder shrug emoji)

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Where he lives / where he doesn’t live has nothing to do with defamation. It looks like Carlo was just correcting someone. However, Caro does have a point - lot of internet slander about Christian / his Restaurant. He 100% has a case and knowing him (though I don’t actually), he seems like the guy that would pull that string.

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Then maybe Biden should jail him for what's coming out of his stupid mouth?

Where does it stop with this nonsense?

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how? what "slander", specifically? where have you seen it here?

if it's such an open-and-shut case, you should have oodles of examples.

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..It's almost impossible to slander someone here. I don't think the original poster thinks that word means what they think it means.

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I don’t think Adam said anything that this guy didn’t literally say himself in a public FB post.

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even in cases where pretty much everyone agrees that's what's happening.

Shit-talking someone is not "a case for defamation". For better or worse, people have a great deal of freedom of speech in that regard.

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okay, Christian -- I'm sorry, "Carlo".

Tell "your friend" to maybe lay off the vague (and not-so-vague!) threats against people in his public I'm-In-A-Car Rants.

- An actual resident of Revere

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Better call Saul.

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would eat you up for lunch (unless it’s sushi day).

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To be defamation, legally, something has to be presented as fact, not opinion; be something that might harm the reputation of the person suing; be false; and be something that the speaker/writer knows or reasonably might have known is false.

Quoting someone's public statements about himself is not defamation, in the legal/actionable sense, no matter how bad those statements make the person look.If John Doe said something on Facebook, it's not defamation for someone else to put "John Doe said on Facebook" on a different website.

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Although I can see how that might be construed as an insult, to claim a person lives there is not defamation. Don't you have a restaurant to run? Maybe focus on that, instead of bogus/nuisance law suits, rants, and other efforts to alienate your customer base.

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Who would total your car while filming himself tough guying while driving down the highway and blame you for getting in his way.

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Who would purposefully hit someone with his car.

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I think he should take a detour off 93 south and pull over his Trans AM to Revere Beach and open his trunk blast Bon Jovi on his car stereo and pull out his hand weights and start pumping iron 1980’s Revere beach style.

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i think the american phrase is "pot calling kettle black"?

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of mixing business and politics...
"Republicans buy sneakers too"

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mean when they talk about how full of hate liberals are.

What's that? [checks earpiece] I'm sorry, new information here. It appears that this gentleman is actually a Trumpie "conservative". We apologize for the error.

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Why does he hate Biden? Biden's old, he likes doing stuff for corporations, he's Christian (and actually attends!), and he seems to view women's body boundaries as mere suggestions if he wants to be close to them badly enough.

Sounds kinda like the Cheeto to me.

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your arguments are feeble, but one of them is truly hilarious. Do you actually think Donald Trump is a Christian? It is hard to imagine a person more completely lacking in every Christian virtue. Humility, compassion, sacrifice, yeah, right.

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Not for a (expletive) second.

But his fans do.

My arguments are sound.

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…. those virtues. Though it seems they and many other religious people think they invented them

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A Christian (or even a lapsed Catholic) should know how to pronounce Psalmist - he pronounced it PALMist. It’s a joke. Maybe he’s just never heard of Psalm 23. Or maybe he just forgot? Lol

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Why the business owner hates a guy from DELAWARE, because I don't get it.

Without actually reviewing his Senate voting record, I get the feeling that Biden has helped guys of his ilk out quite well through his decades in public "service."

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Like most Libertarians, you seem to think that most people rationally consider their positions and come to opinions through a careful analysis of self-interest, cause-and-effect, and dispassionate counting of pros-and-cons. (Which, granted, if everybody actually did, Libertarianism starts to make more sense as a reasonable alternative.)

This dude is not doing that. He is irrationally clinging to tribalism, at best, carefully filtering his information intake so the actual reality of what Biden does is irrelevant, clinging to half-fictionalized grievance politics, etc. He hates the dude because he has an emotional need to hate somebody and through cultural and psychological factors has decided to project that on Biden.

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It should be easy to understand because you don't like Biden. You love libertarianism and free markets, and defend businesses all the time. Yet, you criticize the guy.

Also, a person is only as good as the stereotypes of the state they're from? Then you should love Biden because he's from Delaware.

Also, I thought borders are a cancer?

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Well this explains a lot.

Wu = Liberal Biden Voter

Wu = Evil (according to him)

hence the lawsuit. Now I really doubt the merit of his lawsuit for the outdoor dining, when.. if he says his about Biden voters.. is clearly just trying to 'own those libs'. In this case, Wu. It has Z E R O to do with paying the fee and what not.

"own those libs".. its the maga way.

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And claiming victimization.

All about drama all the time. Drama is easier than work.

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Is a one man chamber of commerce for the north end. I will never spend another nickel there

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Let's be honest...you likely never have been there and had no intentions on going anyway. Head back to your leafy liberal paradise in CambridgeVille

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Please look at a map of the area before translating your comments from Russian to English.

Or at least calibrate your comment bots.

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LOL GodsCountry...you seem nice...you seem to have really taken the message of Jesus to heart.


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worth dining at. Some even have owners that aren't puffy, spittle-flecked oafs like this one. Rabia has never been one of them.

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Neptune Oyster, The Daily Catch, Prezza, Mamma Maria and Table by Jen Royle. I like Regina once in a while if I can avoid a line. If I still had an office nearby, I'd be getting to Galleria Umberto and Tenoch once a month or so. Parla has nice cocktails. I shop regularly at J. Pace & Son, The Wine Bottega, Salumeria Italiana and The Modern. Vinoteca di Monica was in my rotation until they joined that lawsuit.

I'm not writing off the neighborhood's restaurants. My to-try list includes Suasday (Cambodian sandwiches), Shasa Cafe (French-Congolese) and Farmacia (fancy cocktails). But there's a giant chunk of menus there that are too dull for me to bother with, serving food that's within the reach of my own home cooking skills.

And I generally prefer full-service restaurants, the kind that take reservations, have a full bar and decent wine list, serve dessert, don't pull clip-joint shit (like only serving bottled water or deliberately not quoting prices on obscenely overpriced specials), and don't drop the check with the entrees as an eat-and-GTFO gesture.

When I want old-school, middlebrow, Campanian- or Sicilian-ancestry Italian-American fare, the kind they serve at Pascal's (the place across the street from The Paradise, Primo and Secondo's more traditional regional Italian restaurant), I've got Anchovies a few blocks away.

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My office moved further away but I make a point every now and then to make the trek over there, I just can't get enough of it.

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1. European
2. Jenny's
3. Joseph's Aquarium
4. Tecce's
5. Al Capone Pizza (Haymarket)
6. Hi-Fi Pizza (Fields Corner, right across from T)

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I remember the European ...

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old-school servers at The European, who really had a polished shtick down and great hospitality chops.

That memory came rushing back to me at one of Nick Varano's joints, where the servers put on a thick mamma-mia-datsa-spicy-meata-balla accent at the table but reverted to a Revere honk when they thought they were out of earshot.

(One I'd add to that nostalgic list: Jasper's. I also have fond memories of Dom's, whose owner would routinely sit down at your table to regale you with the specials, which a lot of my dining companions deemed awkward but I always found charming; he was like your slightly tipsy, oversharing but harmless uncle.)

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When we were kids she and her friend took us and her friend's nieces there after going to The Nutcracker or Pops. So a relatively late dinner with a table including five kids under ten years old. After the bill (and tip) had been paid the waiter told her that he was worried when he saw the group of kids at his table, but had been impressed with how well behaved we were. She never forgot that until the day she died as she was proud that us kids "knew how to behave in a restaurant" with them.

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The European was quite the place for old school ambience. I don't recall ever being all that impressed by the food, but Chuck, the maitre d, with his odd assortment of tuxedoes was wildly entertaining.

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It's in the old Carmen space next to the Paul Revere House.

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This does seem like a weird way to get customers.

I mean, if Biden voters bother him that much maybe he should put a sign on the door asking them not to eat there? It would probably save him a lot of aggravation.

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… he’d better be extra careful never to hit a cyclist while driving. His rant could be evidence of intent to kill.

I’ve never eaten here but I’ll be sure never to do so in the future and will warn out of town guests.

Va fa, Silvestri!

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I’m no fan of Biden. In fact, the guy has serious cognitive issues. But, so does this joker.

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leaders, with so many of them in all three branches pushing past 80.

But the notion that Biden is seriously in decline is a fine old bit of Putin propaganda, a ridiculous lie. Watch him handle a live press conference with articulate, detailed policy answers to a room full of hostile reporters for over two hours, and tell me when's the last time that happened.

I won't bother with the whataboutism on TFG, who has to be the most ignorant, poorly-educated, unworldly person to occupy the White House in modern memory, the kind of howling moron that thinks passing a childishly simple test for cognitive impairment certifies him as a genius.

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TFG, who has to be the most ignorant, poorly-educated, unworldly person to occupy the White House in modern memory...

It's true. I thought W was as low as it could get, but Orange Adolf makes him look like a stable genius.

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And yes, he's old and speaks slowly.

But his answers are what matters, not his delivery.
And he usually does pretty well all things considered.

Keep in mind that Obama is a fantastic orator and handled his questions with class and a swagger that was accepted differently depending on your political affiliation.

Obama made the Press corps swoon while Trump threw paper towels resulting in otherworldy ratings.

Joe is neither. He's boring. And that's what the majority voted for.

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And yes, he's old and speaks slowly.

I doubt his age has anything to do with the cadence of his speech. He stutters, and has no doubt learned strategies for dealing with it during public speaking.

Those who mock people with disabilities of any kind are disgusting.

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As he speeds down a foggy highway, while recording an angry rant and repeatedly taking his hands off the wheel.

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I need a list of the North End restaurants NOT being run by unhinged conservative (wo)man-children, so I know where to spend my money. I'm sure it's a short one.

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The only reason I voted for Biden is because he's a bicycle riding, make restaurant owners pay to use the public sidewalk for dining Democrat.

Well not the only reason. I just could not stomach the harm that TFG could have done to the United States if he was voted in for a second term. If TFG had a second term we'd probably have ended up as a protectorate of Russia. Then he could of had his wish of being President of the US for life.

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