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Yep, now former Woburn cop is a white supremacist who should never work in law enforcement again, police chief says

Woburn Police Chief Robert Rufo and Mayor Scott Galvin say an investigation into a local cop's role in the 2017 Charlottesville Nazi tiki-torch rally that ended with a counter-protester dead has confirmed that the guy was, in fact, a Nazi.

They say they will forward their report to the Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission "with the recommendation that Donnelly be de-certified and therefore rendered ineligible to work as a police officer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."

Donnelly resigned as a Woburn cop on Monday after news broke of his role in Charlottesville.

Rufo and Galvin said an investigation, conducted by a Woburn PD lieutenant, found:

  • Donnelly went under the alias Johnny O'Malley in person and online.
  • Donnelly did indeed attend, help plan and provide security for leadership of the Charlottesville event.
  • Donnelly was found to associate himself with Identity Evropa, described by the Anti-Defamation League as "a white supremacist group focused on the preservation of 'white American culture' and promoting white European identity" that recruited largely on college campuses. The group changed its name to the American Identity Movement after the Charlottesville rally and later disbanded.
  • Donnelly used racist and antisemitic language.
  • Donnelly was seen in photographs and video as part of the security detail for Richard Spencer, described by the ADL as a white nationalist alt-right leader who was a promoter and scheduled speaker at the Charlottesville event.

Rufo said Donnelly refused to be interviewed as part of the investigation.

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Good now the Commonwealth needs to revoke his real estate license for ethics violations.

Sadly neither will prevent him from going to a different state and joining law enforcement there.

Sadly there are more people like him in departments across the state.

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...he seems like a regular guy.

(snark off)

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in Woburn didn’t have the capability to, oh, I don’t know, DO A BACKGROUND CHECK on the filth before they handed him a gun.

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Just that... Once he is decertified in MA he cannot go to another State in US and be a police officer ever again. I am proud that the concept I introduced is now law and is slowly achieving the desired effect!
No different than a doctor or lawyer... once unlicensed or disbarred you cant just pick up and start over in another state.

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Of course.

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Every conviction he was involved in should be immediately expunged.

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The Middlesex County DA's office is looking at all the cases he had a part in.

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"looking at" and immediately expunging the cases from a nazi cop are not at all the same thing.

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Does anything happen "immediately" in the legal system, sorry.

Look at what happened with all the Annie Dookhan cases.

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Good thing he’s not a black kid, they would’ve needed to do wall-wall, round-the-clock coverage for the past week.

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An ace photographer for them...

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And if you point this out to them on Twitter they will block you because that’s easier than admitting they lick nazi cop boots.

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...for the incurious Woburn Police to figure this out. Bake 'em away, toys!

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And the police chief still has his job.

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They had to be told.

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So, when do we get to read the report?

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So, the Woburn police Lieutenant who conducted this "investigation" apparently just read the same news articles we read?

Also: if you are running a cop shop, and you have a Nazi in your ranks comfortably for five years, then you are running a Nazi cop shop.

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there are always more rats.

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It's worth repeating that the original saying about "one bad apple" is "one bad apple spoils the whole barrel." It's wrong to use it to mean that the one is an anomaly, unrelated to the rest of the barrel of cops. Five years is plenty of time to spoil the whole department.

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He couldn't even take a fucking Uber in Charlottesville without "red-pilling" (trying to convert) the driver with questions about whether the guy noticed Jews trying to take over the world.

You don't think he might have mentioned it around the station?

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This is what we're looking for when we say "defund." No Bay Stater needs to spend a nickel to have this jerkoff protect them from anybody.

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can either make sense or not make sense. and the hell of it is, that because logic, "DEFUND" the police makes no godddamn sense at all. What 'you' mean when you say DEFUND?

When you say 'water,' do you really mean 'fire'? How fucking stupid are you?

OF COURSE this shit bag should not be a cop. He should be a fucking garbage collector so he can learn some fucking humanity from his coworkers, who I am sure would be game to share it with him.

REFORM the police you fucking tool. DEFUND the military industrial complex. wtf happened to language.

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They really DO mean to ELIMINATE the police. They have the evidence of harm and the alternative targets for the billions currently spent in this country on "armed violence workers."

Check out Mariame Kaba's "We Do This Till We Free Us" for some recent work, or Ruth Wilson Gilmore for longer-term scholarly work.

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Some mean it literally, some mean it as "like, partially", some are just using it for the shock value or something and really mean "reform".

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*before* hiring?

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the background checkers?

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"But if you're the police, who's going to police the police?"

Homer: "I don't know, Coast Guard?"

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