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Chihuahua dognapped in the Fenway, last seen at Mass and Cass

Chihuahua and dognapper

Surveillance photo via BPD.

Boston Police reportthey are looking for a tan and white chihuahua that was stolen at 15 Westland Ave. around 10:30 a.m. on Saturday.

Police say Alejandro the chihuahua was last seen about a half hour later in the area of Mass. Ave. and Melnea Cass Boulevard.

Anybody with info can contact detectives at 617-343-5619 or the anonymous tip line by calling 800) 494-TIPS or by texting TIP to CRIME (27463).

Alejandro in better times:

Alejandro the chihuahua


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God help that little dog. Mass Cass regulars can't take care of themselves, so you know they can't take of a dog.

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Please people leave your dogs home. Why leave them outside a supermarket or a coffee shop or anywhere? Especially in the heat on pavement or concrete. Someone will take it. Happens all the time.

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Too many people (especially people who purchased pandemic pets) treat the walks as a chore rather than bonding exercises. They bring their dog on their errand runs, tie them up outside risking theft (or, just as bad, bring them inside where they don't belong, like supermarkets or restaurants). Even when they're actually walking the dog, they're likely absorbed in their mobile devices and not even paying attention to their companion. It's sad.

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They are less likely to spread diseases and are better behaved than many humans I see in those places.
And I understand why people do not want to leave them at home all alone when they could be outside getting exercise and stimulation.
Leaving them unattended tied outside is not good though, I agree with that. One of my dogs was almost taken that way. Fortunately I came back out from the store in time to prevent it. When I see dogwalkers leave dogs tied up outside while they go inside a building to get or drop off another pup, I see a crime of opportunity waiting to happen.
I sure hope this pup is reunited with its people soon!

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Happens all the time.

That’s not what the officer who compiles crime statistics for the BPD told me when I asked, as part of my deciding whether or not i was going to leave my dog tied up outside shops during brief errands. He said it was very rare.

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A chi left tied up is rare. Any small unintended dog gets taken. I have had neighbors lose a dog in their front yard.

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… two of my neighbors had dogs stolen out of the their front yards.
One was a pug. Never seen again.
But the other was a very big mutt weighing about 100 pounds. Curly was an outdoor pet who was not house trained and would only come inside during thunderstorms to hide in the basement. She had a dog house that she preferred even in the dead of winter. She also had a bath only once every summer and your hands would be black with grime after petting and scratching her.
About a week or so before she was taken in the middle of the night, her owner was accused by a woman walking by of not giving his dog proper care because of the doghouse. Curly was gone about 2 years until one day Animal Control found her strolling down the street in Roslindale. She had lost a few pounds but appeared well fed and was a bit less smelly. My neighbor figured the woman may have stolen her in an attempt to rescue her from being an outdoor dog but couldn’t deal with a dog who was not housebroken and who had ideas of her own and that Curly either escaped or she was kicked out. Everyone was so happy to see Curly again because she was a friendly dog and it had been feared she had been taken to be a bait dog.

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I remember Curly. She was loud but very sweet when she got to know you. We were worried she was stolen by a Michael Vick type dog fighting ring. It was a great thing when she returned. I think she was the dog that Hugh liked the best. RIP to both of them.

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…. that Hugh died. A nice guy. I don’t imagine Champ is still alive. He had that horrible skin allergy. But such a lovable poochie.

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Champ was a good boy. Alas, he is no longer with us either. I don't know the name of the new dog there but mostly she just barks a lot and isn't friendly like the others. I guess Hugh knew how to raise them and isn't there to train the new girl.

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Horses were also left outside tied up. We punished horse thieves severely to balance the ease of the theft. Why not learn some lessons from our past?

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used for both transportation and labor. So horse theft would be more comparable to auto theft.

With dogs you might be better off making a comparison to kidnapping.

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If Kendra Lara had ridden a horse?

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At least the horse might have had some horse sense and bucked her to the ground first.

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The fault here is with the rotten, criminal, awful, thief. Not the victim (canine or human)

We live in a walking city. Dogs like to walk. I take my dog on a 30, 40, or 90 minute walk and she loves it. If I have a 5-10 minute errand to do along that walk route, and she’s not allowed inside the store, then yes I’ll occasionally leave her tied up outside. (I try to keep one eye on her). This does not excuse the thief.

As others have said, dog napping is not “extremely common”. Just like human kid -napping is thankfully rare. We should be aware and wary, but fear mongering doesn’t help either.

We need to balance the risk vs the benefits in everything we do.

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But I can't leave my dog anywhere out of sight. I also try to combine activities but I need to be careful with my dog because she is smol.

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Obviously the thief is to blame. No one is absolving them from blame. But little dogs are prime targets to be stolen, and it pays to have situational awareness. A relative of mine had her small dog stolen out of her backyard (it was outside alone).

Little kids aren't typically left outside a store by themselves, so that's not a great comparison.

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People leaving their cars running while going into a store for a quick errand.

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Dogs don’t spew exhaust. Unless they’ve gotten into some garbage.
Also, the first is totally avoidable. The second is not always.

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