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Doctor sacrifices career to fight for right to wander around with unlicensed guns

Kang Lu

Update: Lawsuit dismissed.

A now former radiologist who currently lists a Brookline address last week sued the state in federal court seeking a ruling that the Second Amendment gives him the absolute right to own guns and that Massachusetts can just stuff its gun-registration laws.

It's Kang Lu's latest volley in a long pro se battle against police departments, states, Canada and boards of registration in medicine to pack pistols without government oversight.

To date, Lu, 46, who also often carries a knife strapped to his hip, has consistently lost both his legal fights and his right to practice medicine: The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine revoked his medical license in 2020 and a series of other states, including California and New Jersey - and even gun-loving Idaho and Montana - followed suit over the next couple of years (complete list here).

At issue for the medical registration boards is not just his convictions for violating gun laws both in Massachusetts and at the Canadian border, but for what they say is consistently lying about them, by continually checking "No" on the lines on registration forms that ask if he has ever been arrested for or convicted of any crimes.

The record demonstrates that the Respondent had a pattern of being armed when interacting with law enforcement, admitted intention to continue to possess and carry guns despite lacking a license to carry a firearm in Massachusetts, and provided false answers regarding criminal charges against him in his 2017 and 2019 license renewal applications.

In so doing, the Respondent was convicted of a crime, fraudulently renewed his certificate of registration, violated laws and regulations of the Commonwealth, and engaged in conduct that undermines the integrity of the medical profession.

In his latest suit, filed in US District Court in Boston against the Executive Office of Public Safety and Attorney General Andrea Campbell, Lu asserts that state gun-control laws are meant only to regulate people who have to carry weapons for their jobs, that no state law can trump the Second Amendment and so he asks a judge to order the state to leave him alone, so he doesn't have to risk arrest the next time he steps outside with a gun.

Lu further explained his philosophy in a 2020 lawsuit against then Attorney General Maura Healey, also filed in Boston federal court - which he filed after police in Westfield confiscated his unlicensed gun, the one he claims some trespassers on his land complained about as he and his son were target shooting one day:

When there is clearly no such thing as a license for religion, a license for freedom of speech, a license for the press, or a license to peaceably assemble, or a license for any other constitutionally secured right, it becomes impermissible and even absurd for the defendant or her agents to presume that I should be required to have a license to bear Arms. Indeed, the preferred and primary presumption of innocents is that there is no such thing as a license to bear Arms, and people cannot be compelled to contract with the state for an entitlement in order to exercise a right already secured by the Constitution.

However, he voluntarily withdrew that suit, so a judge did not get a chance to rule on it. Both state and federal courts, however, have ruled that the Supreme Court ruling overturning Washington, DC's gun-control law does not outlaw Massachusetts gun regulations, and that even a more recent Supreme Court ruling lets the state continue to regulate guns.

Lu filed his latest federal suit after a judge in Suffolk Superior Court rejected his similar complaint earlier this year.

On Oct. 13, 2018, Lu tried driving into Quebec from Vermont. He told a Canadian border guard - sitting in a booth with a sign facing drivers that they have to declare weapons - that he had no weapons in his car. The guard sent him for "secondary" questioning, not because of that answer but because he was allegedly vague about his reasons for visiting Canada. According to the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine's initial revocation decision:

During the secondary inspection, two [border] officers asked Dr. Lu to step out of the vehicle and saw he had a six-inch knife at his belt. Dr. Lu informed them he had one handgun between the front two seats of his vehicle. It was loaded. The officers found two additional handguns and three ammunition storage magazines in a suitcase under the carpet of the trunk of his vehicle.

He was arrested and remained locked up until Nov. 2, when he pleaded guilty to trying to bring "three restricted firearms, namely three handguns and three prohibited devices that are ammunition storage magazines" into Canada, which has no equivalent of the Second Amendment. He was sentenced to one additional day in jail.

At the hearing, Dr. Lu and his attorney stated that absolute discharge of the charges was necessary because Dr. Lu has to declare if "he had pleaded guilty for a criminal offence when he renews his physician license."

But Cour du Québec Judge Érick Vanchestein rejected that request, concluding:

In the present matter, if the accused had not been stopped at the Border, he would have driven to Montreal, in a car with three loaded handguns.

In Canada, the possession and the use of firearms has, for a long time, been severely regulated by law.

The law provides that citizens should be able to circulate on the streets while being assured that people and vehicles are free of all weapons.

In fact, gun control is so integrated into the Canadian psychic that it is unthinkable for the majority of citizens to even possess weapons, except for recreational activities or security for authorized persons.

If citizens were to find out that it is easy to cross the Border with weapons and to circulate freely in the city with loaded guns, they would certainly ask serious questions about the effectiveness of the judicial system.

Considering this perspective, the seriousness of the infraction and the need for general deterrence, the Court is convinced that the confidence of the public in the justice system will be affected if the accused is granted a discharge. For these reasons, the Accused's offence doesn't meet the criteria of the public interest.

Vanchestein's ruling also contains statements from the border guard who interviewed him twice, the first time at the border, that:

He has his own theory about firearms and does not see the weapons seized as some. In his own conception, these are not firearms.

Also, he did not think he was "importing" the guns and ammo into Canada, since he intended to return to the US with them.

The very next month, Lu submitted his application for renewal of his Massachusetts medical license. He answered "No" to all the questions about criminal cases or convictions and "did not disclose the Oct. 13, 2018 arrest or his November 2, 2018 guilty plea," the board wrote in a preliminary decision about rescinding his license.

Because of those omissions, the board approved his renewal for 2019.

On Jan. 27, 2019, Lu was stopped by a police officer in Auburn - which supplied the photo in this article - for a motor-vehicle infraction, in a car with Florida plates. Lu was traveling with a woman who, after some questioning, an Auburn sergeant ordered out of the car and placed her under arrest as a suspected prostitute. The sergeant then ordered Lu out of the car. According to the board:

Sergeant Lamoreaux observed a 6-inch sheath and knife on Dr. Lu's hip. Dr. Lu was also carrying a Glock handgun in his waistband and a handgun magazine in his left pant pocket. The handgun was loaded with a magazine of fifteen 9mm bullets. Dr. Lu was placed under arrest.

The next day, he was arraigned in Worcester District Court on charges that included possession of a large capacity firearm, illegal possession of a firearm, illegal possession of ammunition and sexual conduct for a fee. One day after that, the board, alerted about the arrest, assigned an investigator to look into his case. On Jan. 31, a judge ordered him held without bail as a potential flight risk and danger to society, because he was "evasive about residence and ties to multiple addresses including FL & NH" and had "a pattern of being armed when interacting with law enforcement including guns & knives."

On Feb. 11, a Worcester Superior Court judge agreed to release him on $5,000 bail, on conditions that included giving up any weapons.

In addition to the gun arrests, the board also cited a 2015 arrest in Palmer, in which Lu allegedly failed to signal a left turn, then was arrested when he argued with the officer about whether he had to produce his license and registration in part because he was "traveling" rather than driving. Lu sued in federal court but lost, with a judge magistrate concluding that the Supreme Court has held for more than 100 years that people can be required to have driver's licenses and that the "traveling" right Lu cited was from a Supreme Court case involving welfare benefits, not regulation of motor vehicles.

The registration board said Lu failed to indicate the Palmer arrest on any of his license-renewal applications.

Lu's latest complaint (453k PDF)
Ruling rejecting similar arguments in Suffolk Superior Court (93k PDF).
2020 revocation (131k PDF).
2020 revocation background information (617k PDF).
2020 lawsuit (more details on his thoughts on gun ownership) (1.6M PDF).
2015 driving lawsuit (2.1M PDF).
2015 driving decision (108k PDF).



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If he lived in JP, he could qualify as a city councilor candidate

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Can you clarify who you're talking about here?

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This was probably a reference to Kendra Lara, who has repeatedly shown that she doesn't believe laws regarding licenses apply to her, or that she should be held accountable for violating laws. (Last time I checked she hadn't even apologized to the homeowner or offered to pay for the damage done.)

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50% of all doctors graduated in the last half of their class.

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Q: What do you call a doctor who graduated last in his class in medical school?

A: "Doctor."

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Q: What do you call the person who graduated last in their class in law school?

A: "Your Honor"

(obligatory j/k)

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You're heartily encouraged to drag judges, especially when they interpret the law to their whims.

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How do you get around human interpretation of laws? It's there an alternate, libertarian concept of a justice system?

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The libertarian concept of a justice system is that you are Clint Eastwood and you murder anyone who messes with you.

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after you bleed to death from your surgery performed in the garage of an unlicensed doctor, the free market will ensure that no one else will use that doctor, so obviously nothing could go wrong because he has no economic motive for that to happen.

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The libertarian concept of a justice system is that you are Clint Eastwood and you murder anyone who messes with you.

For a very loose definition of "messes with".

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Well, simply put, I would suggest the physician move to a more gun friendly state. Mass is not exactly gun friendly by any streatch of the imagination.

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In Texas

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It's blank.

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Sorry about that.

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He doesn't have a legal leg to stand on, and the fact that he hides the guns, shows he is aware of this too. The Canadian mishegas is just ridiculous, sovereign nation, different laws. Why did he have to try so hard to lose his medical license in so many states??? Is this late onset schizophrenia?

His kid must be so proud "My dad used to be an MD but now he's an unlicensed gun nut" doesn't work so well in college admission essays.

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If this guy could just get it through his head that the rules of society apply to everyone, he'd have a hell of a lot better life.

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life over some action-film-inspired fantasy. Also has issues with other laws.

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That stems from the Auburn arrest referenced in the story.

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Well, he's clearly no brain surgeon.

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Using “brain surgeon” to mean “smart” is over played. If you’ve ever hung around actual brain surgeons, you know that hardly any of them are rocket scientists.

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Still a radiologist, just not licensed to practice in Massachusetts..

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Somewhere in the story, I linked to his Mass. physician's profile. It's actually pretty impressive how many states he had been licensed to practice in - at least until Mass. revoked his license here and others piled on (although in some states he agreed to have his license withdrawn voluntarily before they could revoke it).

So what do you call a doctor who can't practice anymore?

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When I can a radiology procedure done in his garage, because I can get a discount rate from a guy who lost his magical government accreditation, and because being a gun dipshit* didn't erase his ability to read an X-ray.

*Gaffin asked me in 2009 to not swear on UH, but I'm making the exception going forward of referring to jerks with guns as "gun dipshit", because it's out of hand in this country

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The guy clearly lacks good judgement. That's why he lost his license...not because he's a gun nut. You want to trust him to judge your CT scan to determine if you have a brain tumor? Well, you get what you pay for...clearly you lack good judgement as well. The rest of us would rather this person stay as far away from judging the results of our scans as possible.

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The ”I'm not driving I'm traveling" is a dead giveaway that this guy is a sovereign citizen nut.

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Definitely a Sovereign Citizen.

With that philosophy I just don't understand why he bothered going into a "Contract" with any State to get a Medical License in the first place? Maybe he bought into Sovereign Citizenship later in his life? I bet every Courtroom he's ever been in had one of those Flags with the fringes on it thereby nullifying that Courts authority over him. Those Sovereign guys and gals are even weirder than Qanon followers IMHO.

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I'll represent him on the charges about the prostitute.

If I am current on my Sovereign Citizen nonsense then the obvious defense for this gun-toting john is that he has had a vasectomy so it couldn't be "sexual conduct" because he's shooting blanks.

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Did this guy really plead guilty and then try to convince a judge to drop the charges against him so that he wouldn't have to admit that he'd pleaded guilty?

And then he lied and said he'd never been convicted of anything, because, um, because it's just so unfair that those Canadians make laws that some Americans don't like?

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why did he think that would work?

Simple. He's delusional.

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