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Texan admits he called in death threat to Fenway doctor who cares for transgender patients


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Pathetic loser.

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That you can use phone lines or cellular networks, and not be tracked and found by the U.S. Government.

Maximum jail time minimizes opportunities for these two degenerates to breed in their lifetimes.

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I know two wrongs don’t make a right, but I wish part of the plea agreement would be to publish the offender’s cell phone number. Not to threaten him, but just so he knows people could call him randomly.

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Not going to post it here, for a whole host of reasons*, but if someone wanted to call and harass him it wouldn't be hard. (He's apparently a business owner, if the random sketchy websites I found are correct.)

* not being absolutely sure I have the right person's number; chance that someone else has the number now; risk of something having been misreported; not being a fan of doxxing in general...

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Subscribe his cell phone to the "One Magoo Post an Hour" subscription service

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Well, that got dark.

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deserves that.

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GOP's latest ugly moral panic. The party can't seem to exist without whipping up hatred out of thin air for some already oppressed minority.

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Well yeah its all the GOP has these days. They can't lead. They can't govern.

So all they have to keep their jobs is to prey on the ignorance of people and get them riled up.

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Another idiot victim of the GOP's latest ugly moral panic

Ugly moral panic, yes. Victim, no. Sorry, no. "I read it on social media and I am therefore a victim" is not and should not be a defense.

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a defense, but you do have to be a goddamned idiot to fall for this nonsense, especially as it's the same stuff over and over (substitute "gays" for "trans people" a few years ago.)

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Two inconsistent statements:

  1. "You do have to be a goddamned idiot to fall for this nonsense"
  2. About half of the electorate seems to have bought it.

The average person isn't an idiot. People slightly below average intelligence are also not idiots. The problem is that the manipulation is surprisingly effective, not that people are actual morons.

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Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people?

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I wouldn't say hatred is the _only_ thing they have to work with. They do a lot with fear too: it's to their advantage if voters imagine a jihadi under every bed and a pedophile in every bathroom.

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On the mind of a single American during the Hoover years?

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If you're trying to say this tactic is not new, then yes, you are correct.

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get changed out over time as needed.

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it was Bolsheviks.

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I can stand on the corner and yell "Donald Trump is a big poopy pants!" and that's OK. But threatening to shoot him is not OK. That's what's called a "true threat" and that is not covered by the First Amendment.

A protest is OK. If a protest turns into a mob that goes out and loots every business in sight, that is not OK. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you are protected from every other law that's out there.

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Sure. Most people have this down by the time they graduate from high school. But when the fundamental principle your party is based on is ignorance, well, you're gonna get some ignorant people.

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> Yet, none of those persons have been prosecuted for voicing their disapproval and exercising their freedom of speech concerning the same situation.

Out of curiosity, how many of those people called a doctor and threatened their life? Oh, it was only this one guy?

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That one lady who called in the bomb threat to Children's the day before.

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the ad on UH yesterday was for the documentary "What is a Woman?" so I guess Adam is making some money off "transphobia." Yes I took a screenshot.


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There is no such thing as “an ad on UHub.” The ads that you see and the ads that I see are completely different. It’s abstracted through at least one layer of intermediaries; the site owner has some ability to restrict some categories of ads, but it’s imperfect.

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