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Rules? Massholes don't need any stinking rules

Pedestrian Only sign on Franklin Street downtown - with cars

Boston Pedestrian observed the scene on Franklin Street just before Washington Street in Downtown Crossing this afternoon:

Second car in 20 seconds to ignore the “no through traffic” two “do not enter” and one “pedestrian zone pedestrians only” signs. There were also over twenty cars illegally parked in what is supposed to be a pedestrian zone.

The "Pedestrians Only" sign has been there since at least 2017, but familiarity breeds Masshole contempt.



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Watching year after year as drivers get more emboldened and more psychopathic as they realize that whatever the police do all day, it ain't writing tickets for terrible driving.

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"It ain't our job to protect those pedestrians. If they want to be safe, they should drive a lifted Dodge Ram!"

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You joke but I had an officer say similar to me recently. He was waving traffic through against the light cycle right around a blind corner into a protected crosswalk that was now entirely off-cycle and wildly hazardous. It had happened a few times and then one day i got tired of playing frogger so I pointed it out.

He rolled his eyes at me and told me his job was move cars through the intersection and I should just keep walking.

I did call the city about that one. Just the callousness of it all STILL makes me so angry.

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If the city government really believed in Vision Zero, this would not be happening.

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That's nothing, I once had a BPD officer wave me (in a car) directly into the path of a moving MBTA bus. It would be less dangerous to have no officer at all in a situation like that.

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It’s a hellish intersection in normal times, but this week they have dozens of shuttle buses running through it and some transit officers pretending to direct traffic. An officer waved me through, and then another one started to waive a bus through at the same time before stopping it. Then when I got to the other side of the intersection, buses and cars were busting through the Meridian Street stop sign with an officer standing right there and doing absolutely nothing.

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… to Bostonians and other street users is not going to end well.

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What's the end in this case? It's already going poorly and people are dying due to aggressive driving that's happening in the vacuum caused by lack of enforcement.

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… who are tired of being abused and assaulted by masshole drivers and more and more often find themselves banging on hoods and rear windows of vehicles blocking curbcuts, bus stops and crosswalks because the drivers think blocking the box or parking in the bus and bike lanes is their divine right.

Or so some of my more timid friends tell me.

I’ve been cursed out many times but haven’t been shot, stabbed or run over. Yet.

When cops don’t do their jobs, people take matters into their own hands.

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I can't stand to reinforce bad driving behavior by standing on the sidewalk silently hoping a car will stop, so I tend to launch myself boldly into the crosswalk and stare down the speeding traffic. I tell myself that I have enough time to leap out of the way if they're not stopping, but I've cut it too close many times. I just can't stand it, though. I don't bang on hoods - yet. And I haven't been shot yet either, but it could easily turn violent and all I'll have is my phone and threats of legal action if they try to kill me.

It definitely seems like there is very little in the way of pre-emptive law enforcement going on with drivers around here.

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It’s often a game of chicken. I’ve started raising my hand up like a crossing guard as I step into the crosswalk if they are speeding or don’t show signs they are braking.
I figure I’m just as likely to die of a frustration related heart attack if I don’t assert my rights as being hit. But sometimes it’s too close for comfort.
I won’t run across a crosswalk. It sends a bad message. Plus once I did when a scofflaw speeder made an illegal right turn and I then tripped and fell right smack in their path. If a driver honks, I walk slower.

Best of luck!!

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Granville Island crosswalk users urged to pick up a brick

I mean, obviously, this works best in a country where you're probably not going to get shot, but thinking they might get a broken windshield will speak to drivers in a way that "oops I did a hit and run but I totally didn't see him, thanks, officer, I swear I won't do it again" might not

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The corner of Washington becoming Hyde Park Ave at Forest Hills cross with Route 203 is the one that I still live to talk about, at least today.
I walk out into the traffic as the walk light turns to pedestrian, and stare down the oncoming Washington St. traffic that is blocking the box. Frequently I get called names and told I am crazy by drivers. I simply walk across with my middle digit extended at anyone that gives me a hard time.
This intersection is made worse by the ALLOWED right on red at
New Washington-203

This is the intersection I will likely die on. So many drivers are full of rage at pedestrians, let alone cyclists.

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It’s not good that people feel that their only recourse to doing something about street safety is to put their health and well being in danger just to send the message to drivers that if they don’t stop at red lights, they can’t always count on pedestrians acquiescing to them because they are at the wheel of a killing machine.

To my surprise, a few drivers have actually apologized to me and once a driver and his passenger called out thanks to me for blasting a belligerent driver who was blocking the crosswalk. But most scofflaws are out of control with their bullying. Road rage is real.

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That run red lights/stop signs, etc. They’re running rampant in the city and the cops won’t do anything about it.

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You are so silly.

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But we all already knew that…

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You just need to get out of your car, get some fresh air and exercise, go for a bike ride. Go through a red light. Then your mind will clear and it will all make sense to you.

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However, I don’t need to wear a two sizes too small kit and have a chip on my shoulder to do so. A gym membership and a mountain house go a long way.

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… you feel you need to show off your status symbols.

Bully for you, robo. But you are missing out.

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But since cyclist can control their vehicle, no one gets hurt.

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But it makes no sense at all to compare cyclists who practice the Idaho Stop for safety reasons and who are well aware they may also be injured, if they go through a red light without looking first to drivers who know they themselves risk very little when they barrel through a red light. They know cops look the other way and if they do hit someone, they will get off easy and maybe not even have significant damage to their vehicle much less their person. They also have excellent means to hit and run. It’s a thrill for many.

Drivers who whine about seeing cyclists “run red lights” are just envious and angry they aren’t seen as king of the road so much anymore.

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my point is that pedestrians and cars jump in front of me all the time. Obstructions happen, if you can't stop in time, then you are speeding in excess of the conditions.

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That’s true.

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Stay safe

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When people do not feel that the police and the justice system are doing their job, they'll take matters into their own hands. It can lead to pretty bad outcomes.

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It does lead to pretty bad outcomes.

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They have any number of construction holes to stare into. The homicide division is overwhelmed solving the city's long list of unsolved murder so far this year. Way more people have been mowed down on the roads, but we can't enforce that because [waves hands] DEI or something.

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It's a bad design.

The first part of the block has pavers and silver posts, and allows driving. And maybe parking to load? Who knows. It basically is a car staging area for the Millennium Tower.

The second part of the block has pavers and silver posts, and supposedly never allows driving. But since it looks the same, it also is basically a car staging area for the Millennium Tower. There's also a stop sign at the far end, but why would that be necessary if nobody should ever be driving there?

Without driving on this tiny piece of Franklin, there's no way to access Bromfield Street, which is not part of the pedestrian zone. Maybe Washington between Franklin and Milk also isn't part of the pedestrian zone, who knows?

Before the tower was built, this whole block said, "Do Not Enter, except buses and taxis 24 hours/commercial vehicles 6 pm - 11 am". That type of regulation makes a lot more sense.

Europe gets this right. Anywhere cars aren't supposed to go has posts making it physically impossible. Here's a random block in Lyon: https://maps.app.goo.gl/3dV8GKGSPTzSZWRi9

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There’s “Do Not Enter” and “Pedestrian Zone” signs in the foreground. Why is the “Stop” sign needed in the back?

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.. in the zone. As well as police, etc naturally.

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Everything's a free-for-all in Boston unless you install bollards (the kind that will total a pickup truck, not those stupid, roadkill flexposts) or jersey barriers.

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I do like how the flex posts make it slightly harder for drivers to park in bike lanes. But so many are quickly reduced to tripping hazards by dangerous drivers. It’s also hard to maneuver around the bases when on a bike if you need to pull out into the all vehicle lane to get around some egotistical driver who is parked in the lane.

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In 2024. 20 years ago you'd think you were in Hong Kong

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When you build a luxury condo and apartment tower right there where do you expect the owners to park?/s. It's another Millenium Partners special folks.
"Agreements? We don't heed no stinkin' agreements."

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If you can't afford a parking space, then you can't afford a car.

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The public doesn’t owe free or cheap street parking to drivers.

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The owners park in the garage under the building, accessible from Hawley St. From what I've seen, the cars on Franklin are mostly a mix of:

  • Assholes who never look at road signs and drive wherever they want
  • Idiots following their GPS blindly
  • Rideshare and delivery drivers and people in work vans and box trucks who've decided they count as commercial vehicles because they personally are working while they're driving, even though they have regular plates

The parked cars are annoying but I think only the ones past the driveway loop next to the steps are parked illegally, and those usually include at least one MBTA maintenance vehicle.

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You don't seriously think they are parking their cars on the street, do you? Obviously the building has a parking garage.

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On the sharp increase of drivers speeding the wrong way down one way streets in Dorchester. We had someone make a three point turn in the middle of a one way street on Friday and get super aggressive when we tried to indicate to them they were now about to initiate a head-on collision with traffic. Drivers seem to be reaching for new heights of terror.

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I used to love driving in Boston. Mainly because I’ve never had to do it on a regular basis. Now I dread it. It’s like I’m asking to be murdered if I actually stop for a red light, don’t block the box or respect the speed limit.
The number of drivers I see sucked into their phones is phenomenal.

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I must have missed the personal vehicle garage access when I was walking around that building. What I saw looked like a loading dock. Does the residential parking have a steel grate that opens and close as vehicles enter and exit? I saw something like that on a Hawley Street Street View 2024 Google Maps image.


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of driving in Boston:
There are no rules.

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